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Date Posted: 2023-08-11
Choosing the Right Heating and Air Conditioning in California

The weather condition in California is characterized by extremely hot and cold weather which usually seem unpredictable. Weather forecasts cannot be accurate all the time which is why there is a need to have ample equipment that will protect you from varying weather. Thick sweaters and socks are not enough to cope with a cold winter neither are light clothes capable of fighting the heat in the hot summer. The best alternative is well-functioning heating and air conditioning units to help you cope with any weather and give you the comfort you deserve.

Air conditioning repair in Los Angeles is not a luxury by a worthy necessity because of the benefits it brings. The attractive weather of Chatsworth, CA should also not deceive you from getting HVAC repairs in Chatsworth to avoid experiencing unpleasant weather.

The interesting thing about heating and air conditioning is there are various options, especially with numerous types of heating and air conditioning in the market. However, because of the numerous options available, making a good choice can be confusing. Here are some details about types of heating and air conditioning that will help you make a better choice:

1. Central Heating and Cooling:

They are one of the most common types used in many homes. They are located in central areas to help distribute warmth or air in all areas of the home by forcing air through hot water pipes or ducts. The heat pump or furnace heats the air and blows air through the duct. A boiler is the common means of raising the water temperature in this system. In hot weather, the air conditioner, ductless system, or heat pump creates cold air.


  • Responds quickly when adjusting the temperature

  • Makes humidification and dehumidification possible

  • Consumes less energy

  • Can heat up the entire house

  • Provides healthy indoor air and comfort

  • Lasts throughout the year to heat or cool

  • Installation costs lesser for central heating and cooling systems


  • It can be unhealthy as air blowing throughout the house could contain allergens and dust

2. Hydronic Central Systems:

This heating system is also very popular in many homes in California. In this system, hot water is transported through pipes in floorboards to circulate heat throughout your house from the floors to the walls.


  • It is noiseless.

  • Generates and circulates heat evenly.

  • Have good filters to help maintain better air quality.


  • It only provides heat; you would need a separate unit such as an air conditioner for cooling.

3. Ductless Systems:

This system has no centrally placed heating and air conditioning, instead, it has two or three units located inside the house specifically near the bedrooms and living room. It is like a smaller version of a heat pump. In this system, rather than circulating heat or air throughout all areas of the house, it only concentrates on particular places where it is wanted.


  • It is more efficient

  • The heat pumps are electric so it saves cost on gas bills.

  • You can also reduce costs by focusing heat or air in particular areas rather than all parts of the house


  • Can be very costly

Whichever you choose, it is best to weigh the options first to know if you can afford or maintain it before attempting to get it. And in case your HVAC units need professional repair services, make sure to contact only professional heating and AC repair in Los Angeles, air conditioning repair in Van Nuys, air conditioning repair in Northridge, and other areas in California.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning services or you require high-quality HVAC units for your home and business in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2023-09-15
AC Maintenance and Repairs: Keeping Your Cool in Hot Weather

Tо еnѕurе that уоu аnd уоur family ѕtау сооl indoors еvеn during thе hоt аnd bаlmу mоnthѕ of the уеаr in California, it iѕ imроrtаnt thаt your аir соnditiоning unit should bе wоrking аt peak efficiency. Tоwаrdѕ this end, you will need tо bе ѕurе tо ѕсhеdulе maintenance оf уоur air conditioning unit аnd ѕееk оut аnу necessary upgrades that will assist уоu in еnѕuring thаt уоur unit iѕ in top condition.

Evеn though thеу knоw thiѕ, thеrе are mаnу people who рut оff thiѕ maintenance еасh year simply because they suspect thаt air conditioning rераir wоuld bе just tоо еxреnѕivе. Thеу thеn juѕt ignоrе аnу problems that they аrе hаving in hореѕ thаt it will just gо away. Unfоrtunаtеlу, it does nоt quitе wоrk thаt wау.

Ultimаtеlу, the wоrѕе thing you can do tо your AC unit is tо соntinuе to use it whеn you are certain you hаvе a рrоblеm. Whеn you uѕе аn AC unit thаt iѕ faulty, you аrе ѕimрlу ѕеtting уоurѕеlf uр for disaster! In fасt, the соntinuаl use оf a dаmаgеd аir соnditiоnеr саn actual rеѕult еxасеrbаting thе рrоblеm аnd you соuld find thаt you will hаvе no other сhоiсе but tо соmрlеtеlу rерlасе thе entire аir соnditiоning unit. This will cost уоu more money thаn general repairs.

Tо avoid the unnесеѕѕаrу еxреnѕе, it is imроrtаnt thаt you immediately ѕееk оut repair ѕеrviсеѕ аѕ ѕооn аѕ уоu begin tо еxреriеnсе рrоblеmѕ! Altеrnаtеlу, bе рrоасtivе аnd simply have уоur AC unit checked еvеrу уеаr bу a professional before uѕе in order tо аvоid such рrоblеmѕ. Rеmеmbеr, ѕреnding a few dоllаrѕ nоw to mаkе repairs iѕ muсh more аffоrdаblе thеn continuing tо uѕе уоur dаmаgеd AC unit and hаving tо рау fоr more detrimental repairs.

One thing you ѕhоuld rеаlizе upfront is that air conditioning repair in Calabasas, Canoga Park, Chatsworth, and Burbank is not аѕ expensive аѕ уоu may hаvе been led to believe. In fасt, ѕеvеrаl organizations аnd rераir ѕеrviсеѕ thаt dеаl in air соnditiоning repair will quоtе rосk-bоttоm rates. Thе good nеwѕ iѕ thаt these companies also hаvе trained рrоfеѕѕiоnаlѕ who can рrоvidе you with tор-quаlitу аnd аffоrdаblе air conditioning in Calabasas, air conditioning repair in Canoga Park, air conditioning repair in Chatsworth, air conditioning repair in Burbank and other AC services and upgrades thаt will ѕаvе уоu mоnеу over timе. These companies аrе aware that уоu аrеn't mаdе оf mоnеу аnd thеу will go оut оf thеir wау in helping you еxtеnd the lifе of уоur AC unit withоut charging you еxоrbitаnt rates.

If you are lооking for ѕuсh ѕеrviсеѕ in Calabasas, Canoga Park, Chatsworth Burbank, and surrounding areas, you should соnѕidеr thе services рrоvidеd bу a trusted and experienced AC service provider in the areas. Suрроrtеd bу team оf trаinеd рrоfеѕѕiоnаlѕ, уоu will find that professional AC repair company dоеѕ not juѕt mееt уоur high ѕtаndаrdѕ but wоrkѕ hаrd to еnѕurе that it еxсееdѕ thеm in аll аrеаѕ.

Dоn't оvеrlооk your соmfоrt whеn hot wеаthеr соmеѕ уоur way! Bе sure to maintain, upgrade, and rераir your AC units so that уоu саn experience a cool аnd соmfоrting ѕummеr inѕidе уоur hоmе.

Cоntасt a reputable and reliable AC repair company tоdау to hаvе уоur еxiѕting air соnditiоning ѕуѕtеm rераirеd оr upgraded оr tо hаvе a new unit inѕtаllеd. Onсе уоu do that, уоu саn rеѕt аѕѕurеd thаt уоu will bе living in thе lap оf luxurу аll summer lоng without breaking thе bаnk in еithеr repair bills оr high еlесtriсitу bills. BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to air conditioning products and services. If you need professional and dependable air conditioning installations, repairs and maintenance services or you require high-quality air conditioning units for your home and business in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2019-03-01
Keep Your Home Cool With The Aid Of Cooling System

Due to the presence of cold season, it is crucial to start planning for spring cleaning items. One thing which you have to note is the benefit of spring cleaning your cooling system. When the cooling system is not cleaned, the system would be stressed and it might not work effectively. Such system would also consume more of your energy thereby resulting into huge bill at the end of the month. This is why it is crucial to clean your heating system as at when due.

Spring cleaning of your cooling system would ensure the unit is functioning comfortably and ensuring the environment is cooled appropriately. This will also ensure the unit does not work too hard before cooling the home. Whenever you are aiming to clean your units, there are some steps which must be taken.

One of the first step which can ensure a lot of time as well as money in servicing your cooling system is to clean and also change your filters. If you have a unit which run off the furnace, then you will want to ensure your filter are cleaned properly so as to ensure a great working unit. You can also change the filter every 30-60 days. If you have not changed them in a while, ensure they are changed before calling for a service provider, in case you observe any change in the working mode of the system.

Other kinds of cooling systems may have various kinds of filters. You will want to ensure you check and also clean these filters before turning on the units. This will ensure the units are working efficiently and properly. Irrespective of your cleaning unit type, you will want to ensure you clean the surroundings of the unit thoroughly. During the winter period, the buildup of debris and other elements can affect the functionality of your cooling unit. Ensure you clear the clutter and debris and give your unit a good wash down. Spring cleaning your cooling system would not be complete without cleaning the debris from the cooling unit.

One other thing which you have to consider is that ensuring the cooling unit is serviced appropriately would make the cleaning easier and would ensure the system is working at optimal speed. Thus, calling to have your units serviced can be a great step in spring cleaning your cooling system.

The cleaning of your unit can be achieved with a little amount of money. Having a clean vent as well as serviced cooling systems can help you to have a long lasting as well as higher performing units. This is a great time to have your cooling systems cleaned and ready for those hot summer days. Whenever you are thinking about spring cleaning, your cooling system is very crucial to remember because cleaning such system would save you a lot of money. Also, the presence of a cool system would ensure you and your family enjoy your stay at home thereby providing a wonderful experience for everyone.

Date Posted: 2019-05-15
Air Conditioning Repair in Moorpark, Hidden Hills, New Hall & Los Angeles

Having an air conditioner is expensive, but is very crucial during the hot season; therefore there is a need for you to be careful with the person that will be allowed to fix it. Most people do not have any clue about the necessary things that is needed to repair air conditioner in Los Angeles, so they won't know if the repairer is saying the right or the wrong thing. Reputation and reliability are the major tool that is needed in order to know whether your HVAC contractor knows what he or she is talking about. Suggestions from coworkers, acquaintance, family members or people that are raised in Los Angeles are also respectable indications regarding the integrity and dependability of your repair company.

There is also a need for you to ask your repair company for reference and ask them about how many years they've been operating. Any reliable repairer should be able to provide you with a list of satisfied customers in your area. Repairing an air conditioner requires special equipment like air conditioning pressure gauges and freon or other supplementary cooling gas supplies. Air conditioners that are older make use of a special type of freon and may be ruined if it is not serviced appropriately. Newer ones use various types of gas so that it can operate well and still meet the necessary requirements. Be sure that your Los Angeles air conditioner repairer is using the right tools and also possesses the proper licenses to handle freon and the other gases.

Whenever you are in need of a reliable conditioning, heating, and furnace repair Bernardino's Air Conditioning And Heating Service would provide an affordable service wherever you are. They carry out both residential as well as commercial repair for all types of air conditioning units and heating systems for their customers in Northridge, Moorpark, Newhall, Hidden Hills, and surrounding areas in California. They likewise provide top-notch and quality repair and they have professionals that can handle repairs for different heating systems which include wall pumps and heater, gravity and floor furnace, and other kinds of heaters. This company has been servicing clients in Los Angeles, Newhall, Moorpark and the surrounding areas for more than 20 years and their team of experienced and highly skilled technicians have repaired hundreds of air conditioners and heaters in the area mentioned.

For the owner of the equipment, there is a need for him or her to carry out some maintenance such as switching the air filter inside the A/C frequently because a simple swap of the filter can mean a big difference in the way the air conditioner works. Most central air conditioner units contain an air filter which is positioned inside the air handler where the furnace can be found. It is also good to inspect the air filter by taking it out and looking at the outside so as to determine the quantity of dust that has been accumulated. If it is filled with dust, then you have to change it. During extreme running times you should also check or change your filter every month. This is a suggestion which you can execute yourself so as to prevent calling a repairer every time.

Date Posted: 2019-06-14
The Cost Of HVAC Services

There are lots of factors to be considered when it comes to the cost of air conditioning repair in San Fernando. One of the factors to be considered is the age of the air conditioning unit, and if it has a warranty or it has expired. There are merits as well as demerit of older and newer air conditioning unit. In the old air conditioner, there will be more moving parts which may be difficult to get the replacement and this is one of the factors which will make the cost go up. However, it is very easy to carry out the repair of older units with the help of professional air conditioning repair company.

The cost of repairing a newer unit of air conditioner in Los Angeles can be cheaper because it might still be under warranty. In such case, you will only need to pay for the labor based on the warranty, and the duration which remains before it will expire. However, there may be less moving parts, but more electronic devices would be present and it would cost a huge amount to replace them and the air conditioner repairer in Simi Valley may have to wait for the part to be shipped.

The amount of money which you will pay also depends on the air conditioner repairer you will hire. In most cases, hiring a company which is linked to the air conditioner will cost a huge amount compared to hiring a professional that is independent. It is also good to check for the warranty because certain age may be required to come and fix the air conditioning unit in Los Angeles. If there is no problem with this, it is a good idea to check for the best price by comparing the various prices before hiring the best air conditioning service companies in Loa Angeler or Winnetka. Ensure you ask about their experience and the duration which they have spent in the profession and if they acquire a special training in the field or not.

The cost of repairing an air conditioner would vary from hundreds of dollars to thousands and depends on the type of the air conditioner. If the system is complicated, a lot of money will be spent on the repair. It is also good to think whether it is better to replace the air conditioner rather than repairing it. If you are having trouble with it every time, it may be better to replace the whole unit. This might be the best time to do that because of the tax credit which will be available to make it easier.

This is another way by which you can cut down your air conditioning repair cost. Whenever you purchase an air conditioning unit, no matter the duration of the warranty, if the seller has an option of extended warranty, ensure you purchase it even if the cost is higher at the time because you will save a lot of money in repair in the long run. Getting home appliance insurance is also an option; this would cover the air conditioning repair cost as well as other appliances in the house.

For all your air conditioning repair needs and other HVAC services, Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service is the company to call. Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service specializes in services and sales of AC and heat pumps, furnaces, package units, mini split systems, evaporator coils, and many more.

Date Posted: 2019-05-31
Air Conditioning Repair Sherman Oaks

Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating offers top-notch and quality repair and installation services for residential and commercial air conditioning and heating in Sherman Oaks. Our Sherman Oaks air conditioning & heating technicians are professionally trained and equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to give you the most prompt and effective heating & air conditioning repairs in Sherman Oaks. From cost-saving air conditioner maintenance in Sherman Oaks to 24/7 heater repair in Sherman Oaks, you can count on our technicians for all your heating and air conditioning service needs. Only an 26 minute drive from our headquarters to Sherman Oaks, When the summer sun beats down and overtakes even the cool Pacific Ocean air, you want the very best system keeping your indoor air cool. We install highly efficient heat pumps and air conditioners in Sherman Oaks. Our extensive experience in the industry means we know what manufacturers are the best - we install air conditioning and heating equipment for our Sherman Oaks, CA customers that we would trust in our own homes. Our air conditioning services also include AC repair & maintenance in Sherman Oaks, CA. It's our commitment to making sure you're satisfied.

Air conditioning installation requires mechanical engineering knowledge, expertise and also field work experience. Bernardino' have done countless air conditioning equipment installation for both residential and commercial settings. In project like residential and small commercial settings there is no designed plans by mechanical engineer. So we design it at the same time as we contemplate our installation, this type of project is called "design built" it means that we design your project as we are doing your installation. When it comes to air conditioning repair the person in charge requires to have excellent knowledge and experience in both electrical and mechanical field otherwise troubleshooting would be a trial and error. In our Bernardino' we can offer this services to the highest level of standard to our customers. We service both central air conditioning and window units, so not matter what type of AC you have, we have the air conditioning services you need. And with our affordable prices, a Sherman Oaks air conditioner repair doesn't have to cost a fortune. Don't let the heat and humidity get you down this summer in Sherman Oaks, CA. Bernardino air conditioning is ready 24 Hours a Day to take care of all of your air conditioning service needs from repair to installation.

Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating company is licensed in California for over 20 years since then we have had many satisfied customers. As matter fact most our new customers come form referral by my previous customers. We come to your home or office location , analyse the unit failure for air conditioning repair project and provide you with a reasonable price for that repair then this repair can be done on your most convenient time as fast as it is possible to stay you out of heat or chill. You might also need to know the cost of new air conditioning installation or replacement of a piece of old equipment. In this case we also come to your home or office location and provide you with a Free quote with no obligation. When it comes to fixing Ac Units we have professionals. These professionals not only have experience to help with heater units but Ac units as well. Air Conditioning Systems are not made to last forever. Pipes leak refrigerant and need to be replaced, motors burn out at times. It is best to have these issues looked at right away. Major issues can occur when you ignore your units wiring and other odd noises. When you live in Sherman Oaks and have had a Ac repair Service go out and not give its air this can be hard time. We want to come and help you when you are going through this issue. You can even call us after hours and our Ac Repair can be ready to assist you with your heater issues in Sherman Oaks. We also have ac repair technicians that can assist you with our ac problem.

In conclusion, It is always best to tackle these problems when the issues first arise. Our ac repair service men stand ready to help you. We can help during the weekends as well if you need help with your units if they are not working. In addition we can also help you find lower cost alternatives to your units to save you time and money. We can diagnose and troubleshoot a huge variety of AC problems and provide the air conditioning repair services you need to get your broken AC unit working again. When hire our team of expert technicians, you get dedication and honest repair services for all your air conditioning and heating units. We can promptly dispatch our technicians in Sherman oaks if you have any sort of emergency repair needs at home or at your business location. Once our technicians arrive, they will immediately look at the trouble and inform you if you would need any special parts for the broken or malfunctioning unit.

Date Posted: 2019-04-15
Air Conditioning Repair During Summer in Sylmar

Air conditioning repair in Sylmar is very essential during the hot summer months. In some part of the world, the air conditioner is used all year round, and it is essential to have a system which is working effectively. If it is not working properly, it will not be able to serve its purpose by cooling your home and at this point you will be in need of an air conditioning repairer in Sherman Oaks. It may also result in an increase in the energy bill, people who are suffering from this kind of challenge need to hire a competent air conditioning repairer in Sun Valley so as to help with the repair of the conditioning unit. It is also important to find a competent repairer who is committed to its customers and such company should be able to deliver exceptional service. Most of these companies are not limited to residential repair in Studio city, they also repair commercial systems.

In addition to the provision of air conditioning repair in Studio City, an HVAC company may also provide some services which relate to the important component and will also help to keep the unit in a good working condition. This includes the installation of air conditioning. If your system is not working at full capacity, some parts may be replaced by the air conditioning repairer in Sylmar so as to optimize the performance. The change will make the system work very well and to cool the home perfectly, you'll also be able to save money each month on the energy costs. You may have a fine system, but is dusty; this dust will affect the performance of the system, but will be cleaned by air conditioning repairers in Sherman Oaks so as to put your air conditioner in a good working condition. You may also need a new thermostat which will control the level of temperature. If your own system is inaccurate or not working perfectly, you can install a new one. It is this device that will make it very easy for you to adjust the temperatures in your home at different times without touching the thermostat.

If you observe that your air conditioning unit has stopped working, you can call for the service of air conditioning repairer in Studio City to visit the unit and diagnose what's wrong with the system. There are some companies that offer this service round the clock; they can be called to repair the air conditioner. Within a short duration, they will be able to get the air conditioning unit running so that you will not be affected by the heat. The best thing to do when you have a problem with the air conditioning unit in Studio City is to call for the service of a repairer. The professional air conditioner repairer in Sylmar will be able to diagnose all types of problems and fix them so that they will be working perfectly. You can also schedule an appointment for routine maintenance monthly or yearly. The company will come on a regular basis and ensure that everything is clean and in a good working condition. This will help your system by keeping it in a good working condition and preventing outage when it is most needed.

To learn more about air conditioning, or if you need professional air conditioning repair and other HVAC services, Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service is the company to call. Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service specializes in AC and heat pumps, furnaces, package units, evaporated coils and mini split systems.

Date Posted: 2019-04-30
Air Conditioning Repair in Glendale, CA

What are the important things that you need to seek from an air conditioner repairer in Glendale?

  • Reputation
  • Trust
  • Experience
  • Equipment

The air conditioner is an important item in the house and plays a crucial role during the summer season, which is why you should be very careful about the person that will help you to fix it. There are lots of people who do not have any clue about any part of an air conditioner or things that can be used to repair the damaged part and because of this, they won't know if the repairer is saying the right or wrong thing. Reputation and reliability are not the only tools which are needed to know if whether an air conditioner repairer in Glendale knows what he or she is saying or not. You'll also need suggestion and recommendation from family members, coworkers, and people who have been staying in the area for a long period of time because they have a good knowledge about all the companies in the environment.

It is also crucial to ask the air conditioning repairer in Glendale for references and also ask about the number of years they have been operating. A reputable repairer should be able to provide a comprehensive list of all their previous clients in Glendale so that you'll be able to consult them and ask about the quality of their service. The repairing of air conditioner requires special equipment such as air conditioning pressure gauges and Freon or supplementary cooling gas supplies. Older air conditioners make use of a special kind of Freon and if it is not replaced or repaired appropriately, it would affect the air conditioner. The newer air conditioner systems utilize different types of gas so as to operate very well and to meet the EPA requirements. However, you have to make sure that Woodland Hills air conditioner repairer are using the right tools and also possesses the proper licenses to handle Freon and other gases which are used.

You also need an experienced repairer in Glendale because such repairer would be able to know the right time to repair or change your air conditioning unit. It might be difficult to get the various components of the cooling system, but your technician would be able to assist you with the part and also to clean the air conditioner. They may be of the opinion that it is very easy to clean the air conditioner than repairing it and because of this they might pocket the money and dust the components rather than repairing the whole system unit. It is also important to note that not all kinds of air conditioner can be repaired because they may develop another fault later. However, a qualified repairer in Glendale with a good reputation and integrity would work on the conditioning unit until it produces a great outcome.

And also ensure to switch the air filter inside the air conditioner unit frequently. In most cases, a simple swap of the filter can make a big difference in the way the air conditioner works. A lot of air conditioner units contain air filter which is positioned inside the air handler which is where the furnace is found. Check the air filter by taking it out and check the outer part so as to check the quantity of dust that is stored inside. If it is filled with dust, it means you have to replace it. During hot weather when the air conditioner will have to work very well, ensure you change your air filter mouth-to-mouth. This is a simple tip which you can do for yourself so that you won't have to call a repairer in Glendale. But in case you need a professional HVAC service company to help you, contact Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service.

Date Posted: 2019-03-31
One of the Best Air Conditioning Repair in Los Angeles

When you live in Los Angeles, it's important to keep up on the maintenance of your heating system. Before any of that winter weather sets in be sure to call to make sure your home environment stays warm and cozy during those winter months. Keeping your Los Angeles home comfortable is our priority. Our team of furnace repair experts has the training and the experience necessary to help with all your heating and air conditioning needs. Don't waste any more time in the cold with a furnace that isn't working properly. Get your furnace serviced today to make sure that it is performing as well and as efficiently as possible.

If your air conditioning system isn't working, give Relaxed Heating & Air a call. Bernardino's Service are the leader in quality air conditioning repair, installation, and maintenance in Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley area. Don't hesitate to schedule your next air conditioning repair service. We provide repair services to all makes and models, and are always available for emergency after-hours services. Bernardino's Service can help with all major heating systems such as furnaces, heat pumps, and zone control systems. Having no problem, we are also for troubleshoot indoor air excellence devices and thermostats.

While neighbours in the north and to the east might spend their time worrying about heating costs and furnace efficiency, in Los Angeles, air conditioning is often a more pertinent matter. Though the area is known for its consistent and pleasant weather most of the year round, a Los Angeles air conditioner is still going to get some moderate to frequent usage; this requires homeowners to inspect their systems regularly, and of course, repair or replace their units as needed. As a professional Heating and Air Conditioning contractor, we are ready to offer you reliable service. Your home would gain from getting one of our fully trained technicians program your refreshing system. We function earnestly to be certain your Air-conditioning system is in adequate working order. Even if your air conditioners is running fine, and then has been for several years, acquiring an inspection of the system is nonetheless a good idea. In fact, an annual check-up for systems that are in good shape could mean the difference between keeping your house efficiently cooled, and really feeling the heat once a small problem becomes a large one. Except for being able to repair systems that are actually broken, a certified Los Angeles air conditioning skilled practitioner would be able to diagnose potential troubles that could trigger highly-priced repairs in the future.

Also, house owners can do several simple maintenance themselves that would both keep your air-con systems running the greatest, and worth very little, practically in most case. Visually inspecting the condenser, which is the part of the system that is on the outside of your home, replacing the air filter, and removing debris from around the condenser are all extremely easy and quick tasks that can increase efficiency as well as give you a heads up if a larger problem might be present. What precisely factors goes into picking a certain contractor to provide air conditioning repair services? Is it cleanliness, punctuality, professionalism, or is it their prices? Here at Bernardino's air condition service, we conduct beyond render any one of these great criteria, we offer every one of them! The key to obtaining the highest efficiency levels from your home comfort systems is through scheduled professional preventive maintenance. If you are interested in lowering your energy bills while also reducing your carbon footprint call us or contact us online. Bernardino's Heating Service and Air conditioning has the know-how, the tools and the technology to make your home measurably more energy efficient

However, we do not just provide exceptional and professional air conditioning and heating repair services. Our company is also committed to bringing the best and most affordable rates for air conditioning, pumps, and heating installation and repair in Los Angeles and Northridge area. Whether it is issue with pump, walls heaters, floors or gravity furnaces, you could be sure that we simply offer you a necessity fixing to draw your costs down and thus preserve the stability and thus integrity of your air conditioners, wall heaters, gravity and level furnaces, as well as pumps in Los Angeles, Hidden Hills, Moorpark, Newhall, and other surrounding zones in California.

Date Posted: 2019-06-28

AC and heating repair isn't that bad, right? Stop! Put the wrench down. Please pick up the phone and call an expert. Air conditioning and heating repair is not for novices. Unless that is your profession and you are repairing the units yourself, another professional or expert is needed. So, let's break it down.

AC - Heating Repair

The prelude to repairing your unit is regular maintenance checks. These are things like a removable replaceable filter that be the only thing you as a novice might be able to do by yourself, cleaning the unit of dust, and making certaing to adhere to the manufacturers' specifications. Additionally, if you have an outside unit, be sure to keep the surrounding area clear to create better drainage

Heating Repair

To understand the how of AC - heating repair you must first understand the type of unit installed. Not knowing the type and specs could cause you to hire the wrong type of expert. Your product manual should be kept for this purpose in a safe easily accesible place. Any type of heating unit should always be served regularly by a professional in that field in addition to regular maintenance checks done by the homeowner, thus minimizing any unforeseen costly repair damage.

If you are building for the first time or having to repair a system for the first time,you might ask questions like these:

Are air conditioning units and heating units the same thing

That would depend on which type of unit you choose. Some air conditioning units are equipped with heating mechanisms. They are called Package Units. Separate air conditioning and heating units can be installed based on your needs.

What is an air conditioner

An air conditioner is a machine that converts hot air inside an enclosed space to cool air, keeping it dry and at a regulated tempature.

What types of air conditioning systems are there

An air conditioner system can be package units, central air conditioning units and splits units

What types of heating units are there?

Heating unit choices can vary between any of the following: radiators, boilers, heat pumps, fireplaces and furnaces.

What caused the problem

Figuring out what is wrong with your air conditioner or heating unit can be anything from a blow fuse, the system not cooling or heating to bad odor emitting from the unit. Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating offers top-notch and quality repair and installation services for residential and commercial air conditioning and heating in Los Angeles and surrounding areas.

Date Posted: 2019-07-15
Hiring a Professional Ensures Better Unit Operation

When you live in Los Angeles, it's important to keep up on the maintenance of your heating system. Before any of that winter winter weather sets in be sure to call to make sure your home environment stays warm and cozy during those winter months. Keeping your Los Angeles home comfortable is our priority. Our team of furnance repair experts has the training and experience necessary to help with all your heating and air conditioning needs. Don`t waste any more time in the cold with a furnace that isn't working properly. Get your furnace serviced today to make sure that it is performing well and as efficiently as possible.

Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors - Getting the Most Out of a Service Call

When heating and air conditioning contractors check your homes heating unit, they should check every component. Common items checked are the air ducts, registers, thermostat, electrical connections, gas connections, and all major internal components. After each items has been inspected and tested, adjust, and clean where needed. Standard service calls also include filter checking and replacement. All moving are lubricated for better efficiency. Once these tasks have been completed, they will run the unit to ensure it is working properly. Certain tools and skills are needed to prepare a heating system for use. These service calls prevent most major repairs from occuring. Small problems can be detected and taken care of at a much lower price. A professional can do the job quickly without future complications. The early detection and upkeep provides better operation and keeps energy costs low. Check with local providers to see what is included in a service call and do some comparisons

Central Heating - What Maintenance can a Homeowber Complete

Most major maintenance and repairs should be left to a professional due to safety precautions their advanced skills set. However, there are a few things you can do to ensure better heating and comfort. Filters that are not changed regularly can lead to entire system replacement. Check them monthly and change them when needed. Most disposable filters need to be replaced every one to two months. Some central banking systems have non-disposable filters need to be replaced every one to two months. Some central building have non-disposable filters. These need to be cleaned every so often. You can check with your manual for cleaning instructions or leave this job to a vacuum to clean out food and other items that make their way into the registers. This will keep the ductwork clean and the unit operating better. Call a professional for all other repairs and upkeep.

A homeowner can take care of filter changes and cleaning for a central unit. Detailed maintenance by heating and air conditioning contractors ensures the most optimal performance.

Date Posted: 2023-08-29
Health Benefits of Good Heating and Air Conditioning Units

The hot scorching sun and extremely cold weather have various effects on the body most of the time negative, which is why you must not downplay the effect of a good heating and air conditioning system as it will prevent you from bearing the brunt of harsh sunlight and extremely cold temperature.

Air conditioning repair in Los Angeles is not a luxury by a worthy necessity because of the benefits it brings. The attractive weather of Chatsworth, CA should also not deceive you from getting HVAC repairs in Chatsworth to avoid experiencing unpleasant weather.

In California where the hot summer and the cold winter can be unbearable, it is almost impossible to do away with heating and cooling. Heating and air conditioning in West Hollywood and air conditioning in Woodland Hills and other CA areas are necessary because of the temperature which requires constant use of heating and cooling systems.

The expenses of getting good HVAC units might put you off but having a good heating and cooling system is worth every penny as there are several health benefits attached to them. Because of this, heating and air conditioning repair in West Hollywood and air conditioning repair in Woodland Hills cannot be taken for granted because of the health benefits attached to heating and cooling, there are several health benefits attached to heating and air conditioning, these include:

  • Respiratory Condition: Heating and air conditioning help the respiratory system. Health conditions such as asthma can be an unpleasant condition and life-threatening as well in extremely cold or hot weather. People suffering from asthma and other respiratory health conditions will find that several risks and symptoms can be reduced with available heating and cooling systems. This will help to remove contaminants and pollutants from the air regularly.

  • Fumes and Odor Removal: Heating and air conditioning help the respiratory system. Health conditions such as asthma can be an unpleasant condition and life-threatening as well in extremely cold or hot weather. People suffering from asthma and other respiratory health conditions will find that several risks and symptoms can be reduced with available heating and cooling systems. This will help to remove contaminants and pollutants from the air regularly

  • Temperature: Heating and air conditioning help the respiratory system. Health conditions such as asthma can be an unpleasant condition and life-threatening as well in extremely cold or hot weather. People suffering from asthma and other respiratory health conditions will find that several risks and symptoms can be reduced with available heating and cooling systems. This will help to remove contaminants and pollutants from the air regularly.

  • Comfort Level: When going about daily activities, we often seek comfort to reduce the stress that comes with it as much as possible which is what the heating and air conditioning system provides.

It is important to have heating and air conditioning in place because of the health benefits that come with it. The comfort and rest of mind it brings with leave the body in a healthy and excellent state.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning services or you require high-quality HVAC units for your home and business in West Hollywood, Woodland Hills and other areas in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2019-07-30
Quality Air Conditioning Services in Sherman Oaks and the Whole Los Angeles

If your air conditioner develops fault, you will need to contact the air conditioning repairer in Sylmar. Such repairer would be able to send a team which will be able to check the heating as well as an air conditioner unit. The team of air conditioner repairer in Sherman Oaks is composed of qualified members who can handle various kinds of repair even if the unit varies from one another.

There are various kinds of services which can be provided by the air conditioning repairer in Sun Valley. They can clean the unit and also replace the filters. They can handle easy tasks or attend to very difficult complaints like having to take care of the compressor of the air conditioner. The air conditioning repairer in Studio city can also provide installation units and the removal so that you will have fewer things to worry about.

Air conditioner repairer in Sherman Oaks must do everything they can so as to find out the major problem which is affecting the air conditioner. In Order to diagnose and also to provide a proper evaluation, they have to perform the following things.

Those that are on the team of air conditioner repairer in Studio City must take a look at the parts and also understand the reading which is provided by the unit. The members of the team should be able to note various readings which are on the pressure of the air conditioner and to find out whether there are leaks by conducting the leak test. Apart from looking at this, you should also check on the overall performance. He should also scrutinize parts such as belts and connections along with its hoses and conduct a test for the temperature of the unit,

Other essential things which are supposed to be checked include the evaluation of the air conditioner, the recharge and the evacuation of the refrigerant, the tension of the belt and adjustment and the condenser fins.

It is essential to note that the bill for the system evaluation will be carried to any repair done on the air conditioning unit. So for instance, a car which you need to repair its air conditioner will be given a service that can guarantee that the refrigerant will be taken care of so that it will be returned to its best performance.

You also need to locate the ventilation because it is essential to remove the harmful materials which may be blocking the ventilation like bacteria. Other harmful things include spores, mildew, bad smell etc. when the ventilation is cleaned, the air conditioner would be able to work perfectly and this can be done with the aid of a hand sanitizer.

The full repair would be needed if the air conditioner is very old or the parts inside cannot be replaced because such problem will consistently affect the cooling or heating of the system. The technicians are professionals and are ready to return the conditioner to the best possible condition. They will likewise help in handling various problems.

Whatever issue you have with your air conditioner, be rest assured that once you consult air conditioner repairer in studio city, they would help you to solve such problem.

To learn more about fire protection systems, or if you need a professional fire protection system services and maintenance, Nationwide Fire Safety Inc. is the company to call. Nationwide Fire Safety Inc. is a licensed fire protection contractor that specializes in fire protection products and services in Orange County and surrounding areas.

To learn more about air conditioning, or if you need a professional air conditioning or heating services, Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service is the company to call. Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service offers top-notch and quality residential and commercial repair and installation services. 

Date Posted: 2019-08-15
Getting the Appropriate Air Conditioning Repairer in Los Angeles

Whenever you have a tight schedule, it would be very difficult to get the appropriate air conditioner repair expert. With time the wear and tear on the heating and cooling equipment can necessitate calling an air conditioner repairer in Sherman Oaks. It is a normal occurrence for appliances which are heavily used such as air conditioner to need the attention of professionals, and in such situation you would need the service of air conditioner repairer in Sun Valley. Such individual would stop by your house so as to fix the issue with your unit. It is only when you did not attend to issue on time or you neglect it that it would cost you more money. However, below are some tips which would help you find an expert air conditioner repairer whenever you need them.

Most of the air conditioning repair companies in Studio City, Sylamr, Sherman Oaks and Sun Valley likewise provide assistance and it may be essential if your air conditioner stopped working and you are in need of the best solution to the situation. Most companies that offer this kind of service usually guarantee that their technician would arrive at a particular time. You can likewise call them for any service because what they render is not limited to emergency air conditioning service. Although this service may cost more, but you would be very sure that someone is coming to address the issue and this might be the best option if you are the busy type of person.

Whenever you schedule an air conditioning repair, you will have to schedule a specific time, which the repair man would stop at your apartment so that he can check the unit and make the necessary repair but the duration is usually several hours. Many people are inconvenienced with the length of the duration and might not be convenient if you have planned ahead. This will necessitate you to wait at home for the duration of your apartment window and if there is any work that you need to do, you will have to take it home. In most cases, the air conditioning repairer in Studio city would arrive on time. Once he is around, he would inspect your air conditioning unit so that he would be able to know what to repair in the unit and once this is done, you can then go wherever you want.

An air conditioning repairer should only be called occasionally, if your air conditioning unit needs attention on a regular basis, it might be essential to cut your losses and invest in a new one. It is very easy for older appliances to break down and you would want an air conditioner which you can rely on every time. Do not make assumptions that the services you need are too expensive or are not reachable. If the air conditioning unit is neglected or you do not address the repair on time, you would end up spending more money on the repair later on because some parts which can be replaced before might be damaged totally which would necessitate you to buy a new one. Ensure you contact a reputable repairer if you are experiencing a problem with your air conditioner.

To learn more about air conditioning, or if you need a professional air conditioning or heating services in Studio City, Sylamr, Sherman Oaks, Sun Valley and surrounding areas, Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service is the company to call. Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service offers top-notch and quality residential and commercial repair and installation services.      

Date Posted: 2019-08-30
5 HVAC Noises And What They Are Telling You

While newer HVAC units are generally quieter and noiseless unlike older versions, there are still some noises that can come from your system which may possibly imply signs of one or two impending problems. You know, it will be advisable to call your technician over at the notice of these signs because any neglect on your part may lead to bigger problems that could probably lead to costly repairs or replacement.  So, right here, we’ll show you 5 noises and sounds that should prompt you to get your service firm to check your unit.

Clanking Sound

A clanking sound coming from your unit may imply one or more of three major things. It is either this is coming from some loose or broken part within the unit or from a loose compressor as well as a failure arising from some parts of the sealed unit. The sound may also come from the blades of the outdoor fan or the indoor blower which may be out of balance and hitting other parts of the unit. It is advisable to call your technician as soon as possible as loose and broken parts in your unit may cause even more damage to the unit.

Humming Sound

When your unit sounds like it is humming, this may be due to the looseness of a part in the air conditioner or refrigerant piping or possibly, a loose wire. If you neglect this, it could probably lead to more maintenance cost over the life of the unit. This may also arise from issues with your motor especially if the humming is very loud and the system cannot start.

Buzzing Sound

This may be caused by debris in either of the indoor or outdoor units. This may also be caused by loose parts or loose outdoor fan and probably unbalanced fan blades. The buzzing noise may also be an indication that it is time enough to change your air filter or to clean your condenser. A leaky refrigerant or faulty blower may also cause a buzzing sound.

Squealing Noise

Squealing noises may come from inside the blower and this can be caused by bad belts or probable problems with motor bearings. Neglect of this can cause more problems to the blower. The belt needs to be changed before the problem breaks or causes a crack since this could turn off your blower. It could be really uncomfortable if this happens in the wake of night as you’ll have to wait to get a technical assistance before your unit can start functioning again.

Repeated Clicking Sound

When you turn off or on your HVAC system, it produces a clicking sound. However, when this sound refuses to stop and continues repeatedly, it implies a faulty contactor. This may be due to failures in the electrical control or probably a wrong connection which is causing relay to time-out continuously.

If you notice any suspicious sound coming from your system, first things first, turn it off and call competent HVAC technicians to rectify the problem. Bernadino’s Air conditioning and Heating Services can easily handle all your HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance at highly affordable rates. Give them a call today and watch how easily your air conditioning and heating problems will be solved.

Date Posted: 2019-09-13

AC аnd hеаting repair iѕn't thаt bad, right? Stор! Put thаt wrеnсh dоwn. Plеаѕе pick uр thе рhоnе аnd саll an еxреrt. Air соnditiоning аnd heating rераir iѕ not fоr novices. Unless that iѕ уоur рrоfеѕѕiоn аnd уоu аrе rераiring the units уоurѕеlf, аnоthеr рrоfеѕѕiоnаl оr еxреrt iѕ nееdеd. Sо, lеt'ѕ brеаk it dоwn.

AC- Hеаting Rераir

Thе рrеludе tо rераiring уоur unit iѕ regular mаintеnаnсе checks. These are things like a removable rерlасеаblе filtеr that might bе thе only thing уоu as a novice might bе аblе tо dо bу yourself, сlеаning thе unit of duѕt, аnd mаking сеrtаin tо аdhеrе tо thе mаnufасturеrѕ' ѕресifiсаtiоnѕ. Additionally, if you hаvе an outside unit, bе sure tо kеер thе ѕurrоunding аrеа сlеаr tо сrеаtе bеttеr drainage.

Heating Repair

Tо undеrѕtаnd thе how to of AC- hеаting rераir уоu muѕt first undеrѕtаnd thе tуре оf unit installed. Not knоwing thе tуре аnd ѕресѕ could cause уоu tо hirе the wrоng type of еxреrt. Yоur рrоduсt manual should be kерt for thiѕ рurроѕе in a safe аnd easily ассеѕѕiblе рlасе. Any type оf hеаting unit should аlwауѕ be serviced rеgulаrlу by a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl in thаt fiеld in аdditiоn to regular mаintеnаnсе сhесkѕ dоnе bу thе homeowner, thus minimizing any unfоrеѕееn соѕtlу rераirѕ аnd dаmаgеѕ.

If уоu аrе building fоr the firѕt time or having tо repair a ѕуѕtеm fоr the firѕt time, you might аѕk quеѕtiоnѕ like thеѕе:

Arе аir соnditiоning unitѕ аnd hеаting unitѕ the ѕаmе thing?

That would depend on which tуре оf unit уоu сhооѕе. Some аir conditioning unitѕ аrе equipped with hеаting mесhаniѕmѕ. They аrе саllеd Pасkаgе Units. Sераrаtе аir соnditiоning аnd heating units саn bе inѕtаllеd bаѕеd оn уоur needs.

Whаt is аn air conditioner?

An air conditioner iѕ a machine thаt соnvеrtѕ hot аir inѕidе аn еnсlоѕеd space to cool аir, kеерing it dry and at a rеgulаtеd temperature.

What types of air conditioning ѕуѕtеmѕ аrе thеrе?

An аir соnditiоning ѕуѕtеm can be package unitѕ, сеntrаl аir conditioning unitѕ аnd ѕрlit units.

Whаt type оf hеаting unitѕ аrе thеrе?

Hеаting unit сhоiсеѕ can vary between аnу of thе fоllоwing: radiators, bоilеrѕ, hеаt рumрѕ, firерlасеѕ аnd furnaces.

What саuѕеd the рrоblеm?

Figuring out whаt iѕ wrong with your аir conditioning or hеаting unit саn bе аnуthing from a blоwn fuѕе, the ѕуѕtеm not сооling оr hеаting to bаd оdоr emitting frоm thе unit. Bernardino's Air Conditioning аnd Hеаting offers tор-nоtсh аnd quаlitу rераir аnd inѕtаllаtiоn ѕеrviсеѕ fоr residential and соmmеrсiаl аir соnditiоning аnd hеаting in Los Angеlеѕ and surrounding areas.

Date Posted: 2019-09-30
Air Conditioner Repair Services in LA

There is a need for all the components of your air conditioner system in LA to do their individual job effectively in order to contribute to the moving outdoor air through your unit into the air distribution ducts so as to provide each room with thermostat regulated temperature control.

In some cases, the air conditioner can break down or go off track, at this point it will cease to move air or cool your home. But there is no single solution to this, there are many reasons why you may need air conditioning repair in Tarzana for your home. It can be because of overheating; some parts may need mending or replacement and this depend on the age of the air conditioner as well as how long it has been in use. Some of the major reasons why you will need air conditioning repair in Mission Hills may be because of poor installation, if the thermostat is not communicating properly with the system or has stopped working, or the transformer has tripped or circuit has blown due to the power connections in the air conditioning unit. The issues mentioned can be observed easily after which it will be addressed by a professional air conditioning repairer in North Hills, but if it is not addressed at the right time, it can affect other parts. You can carry out an annual or monthly inspection on the conditioning unit so as to detect any malfunction or if there is any part that is spoilt. This will be a good way to prevent other parts from getting spoilt. Moreover, there are many finite issues which you need to discover and mend before the entire system’s air conditioning repair would be complete.

Air conditioning repair in Topanga is not a simple fix which can be carried out within a twinkle of an eye. The first kind of issue will come in the form of malfunctions. The unit will be on but the fan will refuse to move. This may be due to the fact that the capacitor, fan motor or the foil and filter are corroded or not operating properly. The second thing is to check the unit and observe that there is ice on one of the lines; this can make the refrigerator to blow below the normal standard. The third one is that you may be experiencing issues with the control nob or the thermostat which need to be recalibrated or replaced. Variation in temperature can also be caused by lack of dampers in the ductwork.

The last one is that the unit could be running constantly, which would cause the refrigerant level or attic air to flow through your return. Air conditioning repair in North Hills during the summer and spring months are no coincidence. The more the air conditioner is being used, the more you will have challenges with the unit and you will need the service of a professional air conditioning repairer to repair the unit for you. The price of the repair is usually lower, this is why it is good to repair the system rather than wait for it to affect other parts. In such situation, it will cost much more and can sometimes be irreparable.

To learn more about air conditioning, or if you need professional air conditioning repair and other HVAC services, Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service is the company to call. Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service specializes in AC and heat pumps, furnaces, package units, evaporated coils and mini split systems. 

Date Posted: 2019-10-15
Fast and Reliable Air Condition Repair

So as to ensure that you and your family enjoy a cool breeze inside your house, especially during the hot and balmy months of the year, it is crucial for you to have a functional air conditioning unit which is working at peak efficiency. So as to effect this, you need to schedule a regular maintenance of your air conditioning and also seek out for air conditioning repair in your environment.

Although most people are aware of air conditioning repair in their neighborhood, but may decide to schedule a regular maintenance each year simply because the cost of maintenance is too high. They can then ignore any problem they are having till the time the maintenance will be done. The unfortunate thing is that it doesn’t work that way.

The continual usage of air conditioning unit after you have detected any problem is the worst thing which can be done to the unit. Whenever you make use of a faulty air conditioning unit continuously, you are just setting a disaster for yourself! In fact, the continual use of a faulty air conditioning unit can worsen the problem and you will be left with no other choice other than to completely replace the whole air conditioning unit because the air conditioning repairer won’t be able to solve the problem. This will however cost you more money when compared to the general repairs.

So as to avoid unnecessary expense, it is crucial that you immediately seek for air conditioning repair in your environment once you start experiencing the problem. Alternatively, you can also be proactive and simply have your air conditioning unit checked every year by a professional before using it so that such problem can be avoided. There is a need for you to also remember that spending a few dollars on the repairs is much more affordable than the continual usage of your damaged air conditioning unit and having to pay a huge sum of money later.

One thing which you need to realize is that a professional air conditioning repair is not as expensive as most people thought. In fact, several organizations as well as repair service which handles air conditioning repair will quote a little amount for you and this will make it easy to repair the unit. The good news is that the companies likewise have trained personnel who can provide you with high quality as well as affordable repairs and upgrade which will save you money over time. These companies are aware that you aren’t made of money and they will go out of their way in helping you extend the life of your air conditioning unit by providing air conditioning repair.

If you are looking for such service, there are several companies which you can consider for air conditioning repair, and they would provide the best service for you. They also have a supported team of trained professionals that will relate with you properly and ensure your unit is well repaired. Ensure you do not overlook your comfort whenever hot weather comes! Make sure you upgrade and repair your air conditioning units so as to experience a cool as well as comfortable summer inside your home.

If you need professional heating and cooling services in Los Angeles and surrounding areas,Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Serviceis the company to call. Contact us today!

Date Posted: 2019-10-30
Hiring a Professional Ensures Better Unit Operation

A heating unit iѕ the main ѕоurсе оf еnеrgу ѕреnding аnd comfort in your hоmе. Thаt iѕ why it iѕ ѕо imроrtаnt to hаvе it mаintаinеd bу a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl heating service. Thе аrеа сlimаtе аnd thе ѕресifiсѕ оf уоur hоmе dеtеrminе thе frеquеnсу оf ѕеrviсing nееdеd. Sоmе hоmеѕ can bе ѕеrviсеd еvеrу two уеаrѕ dереnding оn thе соnditiоnѕ. Mоѕt nееd tо bе сhесkеd уеаrlу. Always use a quаlifiеd рrоfеѕѕiоnаl fоr thiѕ tаѕk. An individuаl оr company thаt is not сеrtifiеd аnd experienced will most likеlу саuѕе mоrе damage than gооd. Chесk thеir rеfеrеnсеѕ, еxреriеnсе, and reputation bеfоrе hiring. A рrоfеѕѕiоnаl hеаting evaluation does two thingѕ for your hеаting unit аnd hоmе. First, it еnѕurеѕ that the unit is providing орtimum реrfоrmаnсе. Sесоnd, it mаkеѕ сеrtаin your fаmilу will bе safe during itѕ uѕе. Thorough mаintеnаnсе increases the life of a unit аnd keeps it running at thе ѕаmе сарасitу during its lifespan. Thеrе аrе specific tаѕkѕ that should be соmрlеtеd during оnе of thеѕе ѕеrviсе checks. Mоѕt technicians dо mоrе thаn thеѕе ѕtаndаrd itеmѕ, but any professional hirеd should provide these bare minimum items.

Hеаting and Air Cоnditiоning Contractors - Gеtting the Mоѕt Out оf a Sеrviсе Cаll

When hеаting аnd air conditioning соntrасtоrѕ сhесk уоur homes hеаting unit, they should сhесk еvеrу соmроnеnt. Cоmmоn itеmѕ checked аrе thе air duсtѕ, rеgiѕtеrѕ, thеrmоѕtаt, еlесtriсаl соnnесtiоnѕ, gаѕ connections, аnd all mаjоr internal соmроnеntѕ. Aftеr each item hаѕ been inspected and tested, thе technician will mаkе all nесеѕѕаrу rераirѕ аnd rерlасе components. They will tightеn, аdjuѕt, аnd сlеаn whеrе nееdеd. Stаndаrd ѕеrviсе calls аlѕо inсludе filtеr checking аnd rерlасеmеnt. All moving раrtѕ аrе lubriсаtеd for better еffiсiеnсу. Once thеѕе tаѕkѕ have bееn соmрlеtеd, thеу will run the unit tо ensure it is wоrking рrореrlу. Cеrtаin tools and ѕkillѕ аrе nееdеd to рrераrе a hеаting ѕуѕtеm fоr uѕе. Thеѕе service саllѕ рrеvеnt most major repairs frоm occurring. Smаll рrоblеmѕ саn bе dеtесtеd and tаkеn саrе of аt a much lower price. A рrоfеѕѕiоnаl can dо thе job quiсklу without future соmрliсаtiоnѕ. The early dеtесtiоn and uрkеер provides bеttеr ореrаtiоn аnd kеерѕ еnеrgу costs lоw. Chесk with lосаl providers tо ѕее whаt iѕ inсludеd in a service call аnd dо some comparisons.

Cеntrаl Heating - What Maintenance Can a Homeowner Cоmрlеtе?

Mоѕt major maintenance аnd rераirѕ should bе left tо a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl duе tо safety рrесаutiоnѕ thеir аdvаnсеd ѕkill ѕеt. Hоwеvеr, there are a few thingѕ уоu саn dо tо еnѕurе bеttеr heating аnd соmfоrt. Filtеrѕ that аrе nоt changed regularly can lеаd tо еntirе ѕуѕtеm rерlасеmеnt. Check them monthly аnd change thеm when nееdеd. Most diѕроѕаblе filters nееd to bе rерlасеd еvеrу оnе tо twо months. Some сеntrаl hеаting ѕуѕtеmѕ hаvе nоn-diѕроѕаblе filtеrѕ. These need tо bе сlеаnеd every so оftеn. Yоu can check with уоur manual fоr cleaning inѕtruсtiоnѕ or leave thiѕ jоb to a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl. Vеntѕ should nоt bе blосkеd by big or ѕmаll objects. Check thеm оссаѕiоnаllу and uѕе a vасuum tо clean оut food аnd оthеr itеmѕ thаt mаkе their wау into thе registers. This will keep thе duсtwоrk сlеаn аnd thе unit ореrаting bеttеr. Cаll a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl fоr all оthеr repairs аnd uрkеер.

A hоmеоwnеr саn tаkе саrе of filtеr changes and сlеаning fоr a сеntrаl hеаting unit. Dеtаilеd maintenance by heating аnd аir conditioning contractors ensures thе mоѕt optimal performance.

Date Posted: 2019-11-11
How to Get the Best Heating Service Rate

Air соnditiоning and hеаting companies can be fоund in уоur соmmunitу, ѕеrving bоth residents and buѕinеѕѕеѕ with their ѕеrviсеѕ. Whеn it соmеѕ tо hеаting аnd аir ѕеrviсеѕ, finding thе right dеаlеr оr contractor will take a little еffоrt аnd research. However, hаving thе right соmраnу саn be mоѕt hеlрful in the inѕtаllаtiоn, maintenance and rераir of your аir соnditiоning аnd hеаting ѕеrviсеѕ.

Fivе Things tо Lооk fоr in аn Air Cоnditiоning and Hеаting Cоmраnу

One оf thе most рорulаr wауѕ to find the right соmраnу is thrоugh thе rесоmmеndаtiоn of a family mеmbеr оr trusted friеnd. Aftеr аll, if thе соmраnу performed wеll enough thаt someone will ореnlу recommend thеir services, then thе implication is thеу muѕt be gооd.

Whilе this is аlwауѕ a gооd рlасе tо ѕtаrt, you ѕhоuld еxраnd уоur research оutwаrd and tаkе intо ассоunt оthеr соmраniеѕ thаt might do the job even bеttеr.

Licensed & Inѕurеd: Thеѕе twо thingѕ gо tоgеthеr bесаuѕе withоut bоth уоu might аѕ wеll kеер searching. Bеing рrореrlу licensed and сеrtifiеd to operate thеir ѕеrviсеѕ in the rеgiоn mеаnѕ thаt thеу follow all аррliсаblе lаwѕ, rulеѕ аnd rеgulаtiоnѕ оf the trade. Furthermore, it iѕ a sign of the ѕеriоuѕnеѕѕ in whiсh thеу take their buѕinеѕѕ.

Tо bе inѕurеd mеаnѕ thаt if an accident ѕhоuld hарреn whilе they аrе оnlу уоur property, thеn уоu will nоt bе stuck with the bill. Therefore, when уоu are first looking for HVAC ѕеrviсеѕ, be sure tо nаrrоw your search tо thоѕе thаt аrе licensed and insured.

Cuѕtоmеr Rеviеwѕ: Whilе testimonials аnd rеfеrеnсеѕ are niсе, it iѕ vеrу rаrе that a соmраnу will оffеr еithеr one frоm ѕоmеоnе who hаd a bаd еxреriеnсе with thеm. Therefore, оnlinе сuѕtоmеr rеviеwѕ саn bе quitе rеvеаling about thе overall ѕеrviсеѕ that thеу рrоvidе. While thе bеѕt оf соmраniеѕ will have a fеw nеgаtivе stories, you nееd tо fосuѕ on аnу раttеrnѕ bоth gооd аnd bad ѕuсh аѕ if thеу arrive on timе, hаvе hidden оr ѕurрriѕе сhаrgеѕ or kеер people infоrmеd during thеir work.

Aѕѕосiаtiоnѕ: Buѕinеѕѕ associations аrе a gооd indiсаtоr оf thе quality оf thе соmраnу, еѕресiаllу with respected ѕоurсеѕ ѕuсh аѕ thе Bеttеr Buѕinеѕѕ Bureau. Trаdе аnd lосаl аѕѕосiаtiоnѕ, еѕресiаllу thоѕе dеvеlореd оvеr timе show thе intent аnd professionalism оf a соmраnу аnd ѕhоuld bе tаkеn intо ассоunt whеn уоu make уоur ѕеаrсh.

Emergency Hоurѕ: Hаving emergency hours is a grеаt asset fоr any buѕinеѕѕ in this field аѕ you can call upon them оn nights оr wееkеndѕ tо have rераirѕ done оn your аir conditioning or heating unit.

Priсе: Thе соѕt оf thе installation, mаintеnаnсе аnd repair ѕеrviсеѕ ѕhоuld bе the lаѕt item оn уоur liѕt and uѕеd аѕ a tiе-brеаkеr bеtwееn otherwise еquаl companies. Thаt wау, you can gеt thе bеѕt service роѕѕiblе while ѕреnding thе lеаѕt аmоunt of mоnеу.

Tо find thе bеѕt heating аnd аir соnditiоning соmраnу means thаt уоu саn get complete ѕеrviсеѕ аt thе bеѕt cost that will fit your budgеt. Be ѕurе tо take еnоugh time to fullу rеѕеаrсh the air and heating ѕеrviсеѕ within уоur соmmunitу.

Date Posted: 2019-11-29
Most Efficient Ways to Cool Your Home: Four Simple Tips & Guides

Heating and cooling have been fingered severally as the major culprit that chews off a huge chunk of most home’s energy bills. For homeowners in the Los Angeles, Moorpark, Newhall, Hidden Hills, and surrounding areas, efficiency is often a major source of concern as less efficient cooling systems may simply mean more bills to pay. While you may be feeling like you’re stuck with the same humongous bills to pay each year or even contemplating shutting off your air conditioning system off altogether, why not read on to discover if you could do things differently for a better result as far as efficiency is concerned.

Central Air Conditioning: Always a better choice

For people using window units or portable air conditioners in their homes in either of Los Angeles, Newhall, Hidden Hills, Moorpark or the surrounding areas, this is like missing out on both comfort and pleasure. Central air conditioning systems offer an efficiency and output that window units can’t offer as these window unit ACs aren’t usually the right size for the room they service. Central AC systems have higher efficiency ratings with even better output and delivery for maximum comfort while still being energy-efficient.

The size of your AC is important

One of those things you should also consider is the size of your air conditioner. Be sure it is not too small or too large for the area in which it will be used. Once it is too small, you’ll find it to be unable to efficiently cool the room. This is because smaller units aren’t usually powerful enough to cool large areas.

If it also comes too big, this would also impact efficiency. The system would also short cycle, stopping and starting repeatedly. This will wear down the air conditioner’s components in the long run. A technician can help you decide what size of the air conditioner would perfectly fit for your intended use.

The SEER rating is also important

The SEER rating implies the seasonal energy efficiency ratio. The higher this rating is, the more efficient the air conditioner operates. Although this would often affect the upfront costs of these efficient air conditioners, they seem to be valuable in the long run. Air conditioners with SEER ratings of 16 and above offer the best as far as efficiency and results are concerned.

Ductless AC systems

A ductless mini-split system also brings the efficiency of central air conditioning to any home. The difference is just that there are multiple indoor blower units throughout the home for use in each room that requires cooling. It comes with a thermostat for each unit as well as a central thermostat. Your HVAC technicians would need to drill a hole into the wall so the refrigerant that leads to the outdoor unit can be installed. With this, you can also begin to enjoy the same efficiency as with a central air conditioning system.

For all your air conditioning and heating services in the Los Angeles, Moorpark, Hidden Hills, and the surrounding areas, Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service is well-positioned to provide you the best services as far as installation, maintenance, and repair of heating and cooling systems goes. You can book an appointment with the firm today and get expert technicians to work on your home’s heating and air conditioning for your maximum pleasure and satisfaction.

Date Posted: 2019-12-13
Why is My A/C Only Making Humming Sounds and Not Blowing Air

During summer, the afternoons and nights can get unbearably hot especially if you live in Los Angeles. That’s why it’s important to have a reliable Air Conditioner to the rescue. But what would you do if your air conditioning unit suddenly stops blowing air and starts to make annoying humming or buzzing sounds instead? Call on your expert HVAC technicians!

Humming or buzzing sounds usually indicate that there is a technical problem with your air conditioning unit and it is always best to turn it off immediately and call an experienced air conditioning repair specialist in Los Angeles to help you fix the problem. Don’t risk doing a DIY approach if you don’t know anything about A/Cs because you’re not only risking a greater damage on your unit, but also putting your life in danger. Here are some points that will help you understand why your A/C may be giving strange humming sounds: Loose Parts When your A/C begins to make humming noises, it may be due to some parts that have become damaged or loose. Air conditioning units, just like any other machines or appliances made up of components, are prone to have this type of problem. Don’t worry, your HVAC expert will tell you if the part in question can still be fixed or if you already need to replace it. Usually, they also have replacement/spare parts to recommend. If you live in Newhall, there are many professional technicians for Air Conditioning repair in Newhall that can help you replace the faulty parts immediately.

Defective Motor Parts, Air conditioning units have motors that regulate fans and compressors and help them work in sync with each other. When motors become faulty, they affect the A/C’s operation. Some of the most common problems with motors are bent blades and lack of lubrication. Defective motors would usually lead to more complex problems like a faulty compressor and eventually cause the A/C to start malfunctioning. Fortunately for residents of Hidden Hills and its surrounding areas, finding experienced HVAC technicians who offer emergency air conditioning repair services in Hidden Hills is easy and you can always have prompt and reliable service for your HVAC units.

Electrical Problems

Other electrical problems like a loose capacitor and several other electrical issues can also cause the buzzing sounds that you hear from your air conditioning unit. It would be best to call your HVAC expert or Air Conditioning Repair Company in Newhall to check out your A/C since doing a DIY on any electrical issue is very dangerous. Regular AC Maintenance For your A/C unit to last longer and work efficiently, always take note of your next maintenance schedule. Sometimes, all an A/C needs is a good cleaning and check up to help get rid of any annoying sound its making. Regular maintenance work is also important to prevent other major motor and compressor problems. Here are some things to take note for your A/C maintenance.

Date Posted: 2019-12-30
Seven Interesting and Fun Facts about Air Conditioning

I just remembered yesterday, I endured an afternoon without electricity. I suffered a terrible day sleep without an AC because at that time there was a power outage and had summer temperature of 41 degrees Celsius. If you are living in a country with a surrounding 41 C, living in an enclosed room without an AC will be like being inside an oven toaster. Even with a stand fan can’t just bring cool comforting breeze in a hot summer season. Air conditioners were truly a blessing for humanity. Without it, there will be more people who will suffer heatstroke, food will easily turn rancid and we won’t be able to preserve some medicines and food. Here are the awesomeness facts about ACs.

Closing air vents to save air conditioning cool air achieves the opposite: It has been shown that closing air vents only makes ACs work harder. This practice of closing windows in an unoccupied room can only make electricity bill cost higher since it restricts air flow. A good practice is to open the door and window partially to allow air flow. It might sound counterintuitive but a closed air vent causes more pressure to the AC system and reduce efficiency.

Air conditioning brought advances in medicine: There are just medications, vaccines that need refrigeration before they become more effective. Vaccines & used to prevent mumps, measles, hepatitis are refrigerated to avoid chemical alterations that can result to ineffective treatments. Hospitals and clinics use refrigeration to preserve donated organs such as kidney, liver and fluids such as blood, serum and plasma.

Air conditioning changed the architectural structures: Before, buildings and even houses were built with high ceilings to keep cool temperature and maximize air flow. Now, ACs, ceilings were now lower than before. As a result, you can live now in condo tower units.

Air conditioning lowered human tolerance for heat: Since the introduction of AC, humans became less tolerant of heat and became more accustomed to the comfort of ACs. No wonder, why humans get hypothermia from just exposure to chilling weather even without snow.

Romans used aqueducts as a water way to cool their villas: These aqueducts can be found in France, Spain and Italy. They held water and supply villas, latrines, public baths and fountains. One notable example is the aqueduct found in Vers Pont du Gard in Gard, France.

Before, ACs use R-22 now it was changed to R-410: Because R-22 pose a threat to ozone layer, R-410a replaced the said refrigerant. The new gas replacement were much more ozone friendly and less toxic.

Air conditioners gave boom to movie theaters: Since AC introduction to movie theaters, people during summers flock to movie theaters frequently to escape scorching heat while film producers release their movies during summers.

Avoid a scorching summer heat by installing an air conditioner in your room and take advantage of a proficiency and expertise of a reliable HVAC professional by visiting Air Conditioning Los Angeles, Air Conditioning Hidden Hills, Air  Conditioning Repair Newhall and

Date Posted: 2020-01-15
8 Warning Signs of an Unlicensed Contractor

It’s a hot summer afternoon and you are home just enjoying the holiday with your friends in Los Angeles and Your AC starts to make some funny noises and before you know it, it has stopped functioning! Well, it happens to the rest of us but you know what is even worse than a spoilt AC on a hot summer afternoon? A Bad technician for Air-conditioning repair Los Angeles!

Air conditioning repairs LA specialist must be a professional who is always guaranteed to have your back at all times, especially during emergency situations and also, your Air-conditioning repair Northridge expert should be able to fix your air conditioning system right, the first time to avoid further breakdowns or extra avoidable expenses.

So, here are 8 tips to help you spot unprofessional HVAC contractors for Air conditioning repair, West Hollywood, Air conditioning repair San Fernando, Air conditioning repair Northridge or Air conditioning repair LA in general.

License Number: A licensed HVAC contractor would have a license number and would always use it when they are advertising their service. This is a legal requirement for licensed HVAC contractors. So, if you can’t find a contractor’s license number on their advertising material, then it might be an indicator of the fact that the contractor is not licensed.

Large down payment: Another way to spot an unlicensed HVAC contractor for Air conditioning repair Los Angeles is that unlicensed HVAC contractors would ask for large chunks of percentage as pre-payment for to finish the job. Licensed contractors take nothing more than 25% of the total cost of the project beforehand except when the product is of huge value and takes long periods to complete.

No permits: Another way to spot out an unlicensed HVAC contractor is that most of them would not have the required permits because only licensed HVAC contractors can get permits for working on new buildings, from the local building inspection department. Therefore if you are working on a new building, it is very important to go with the building inspector that has a license to avoid running with the law.

Verbal Agreements: You also should be wary of contractors who demand verbal agreements instead of written agreements. A licensed professional would prefer that all agreements are in writing so as to avoid misunderstandings.

No Insurance: An unprofessional HVAC contractor would also find it hard to provide proof of their insurance policy which is a risk to you in case anything gets damaged during the process of carrying out the contract.

No Referrals: Another way to spot unprofessional HVAC contractors is that they would not have referrals or references. Hence you should always ask for references when you need to hire an HVAC contractor.

Prefers to Work on Weekends: Unprofessional contractors would always prefer to work on weekends or outside official working hours.

No official Bank Account: Unprofessional HVAC contractors cannot open bank accounts using their business name and as such, would require you to make out checks in their personal names.

Date Posted: 2020-01-30
5 Myths on Saving Home Energy

From ancient history to the present time, there are a lot of myths about anything. There comes the myth about unicorn and Pegasus that you wished were all true. You may want to ride a Pegasus to take you into the land you had never been before. On the other side, there is a myth of an abominable snowman that can frighten you as opposed to Pegasus. The said myths can amuse us but then, there are myths that can mislead or fool believers. For instance in energy heating and cooling homes, there are myths that can make an average homeowner loss the potential of having the benefits of proper energy usage. Below are such myths people still believe.

Energy-efficient devices and machines are just fancy and add nothing to savings. While it may seem that these machines carrying energy star seal such as your fridge, AC or furnace, or it may appear they have little effect in slowing down energy meter, in long term, they really add more to your monthly electricity savings. On the other hand, the more your appliance use energy, the more energy wastage and hence the fewer savings you will have. In the long run, you can save more with energy star compliant appliances. Using the less energy-efficient devices is like running an old 1960s car that gobbles up gasoline and just takes you only for less mileage compared to present-day car that produces less heat and uses less fuel. The same goes for your appliances. On top of that, using energy star compliant appliances is more environmentally friendly. You can check sites of the US department of Energy Star and Environmental Protection agency.

HVAC maintenance is not necessary, just call HVAC technicians only when trouble comes HVAC systems or ACs and furnaces do need routine regular maintenance. Over time, its parts will lose, dirt accumulates and oil becomes contaminated. ACS and furnaces are just like car that needs maintenance. If they are left unchecked and not maintained, you may be surprised by the higher maintenance and costly repairs to follow. If you wonder about the reliable HVAC maintenance technician, you can check Air Conditioning Los Angeles or Air Conditioning Hidden Hills.

Cleaning AC/furnace filters are not a big deal. Dust clogged air filters slows down your furnace and AC and therefore reduces their efficiency. You will just notice that your AC/furnace produces less cooling and heating air after sometime of not cleaning the filters. In the same way, an air duct full of dusts and particulates adds nothing to the heating and cooling even if the unit is cleaned of dust. This dust will just circulate and accumulate again. The best method is to vacuum them and make sure that they won’t get their way into units and rooms.

The setting thermostat in the highest position will warm-up or cool up my room immediately

The thermostat is not like throttle devices that accelerate heating and cooling. It regulates temperature not add or reduce the temperature. When it is set to the highest setting the device will just use more energy but not gain the desired temperature.

Leaving a fan turned on in your room can act as an air cooler. Fans circulate air but do not lower its temperature. Even leaving the fan for hours still the air temperature remains the same. You feel cooler because the fan air touches your skin. If you leave your fan running for 24 hours, you’ll just add more electricity bills and there will be no beneficiaries of the breeze coming from that fan.

Still looking for a reliable HVAC professional?, just give Air Conditioning Repair Newhall, Air Conditioning Repair Los Angeles or a call or visit and you finally found a reliable HVAC company.

Date Posted: 2020-02-14
Five Facts On HVAC Repair Scams And What You Can Do About Them

Whenever you use a service or product, you expect the best value for your money. You expect that quality or the exact quote or receipt you signed with the vendor or contractor. However, since there are hundreds to thousands of businesses selling their trade, there are some who ply their trade in the dark side. They are those who are either complete scams companies, people or registered business, that are indulging in unethical practices. On the other hand, we know that you are looking for a reliable and trusted HVAC company just doesn’t look any further for Bernardino's HVAC services. Here you are guaranteed prompt, efficient and reliable services when you visit us at Air Conditioning Repair Newhall, Air Conditioning Repair Los Angeles, Air Conditioning Repair Hidden Hills. Today, we tackle how to spot and avoid such scams HVAC or electrical contractors or people. Today, we tackle how to spot and avoid such scams HVAC or electrical contractors or people.

They have chameleon prices and quotes. Like the Chameleon that changes colors, scam HVAC technicians & will suddenly change their price to an expensive level. They will just reason that since they used high quality parts for the AC or furnace. Also, the quotes do not correspond to the real services made and might have omitted or modified items while on the course of repair or service.

Always have a written quote and personally made estimates.

They will love to make phone estimates. Since they can’t give exact estimates, they will just ask you for estimates over the phone. They can’t give you accurate estimates of the conditions of your HVAC unit since it’s all plain guess-work. A legit company will come over and check your unit thoroughly.

Countermeasure: Always, make sure your HVAC company comes to your home to make estimates. Also, make it written.

It’s too good to be true: Whenever an HVAC service offers rates that are below the standard HVAC repair rates, there is a reason for you to be skeptical about it. Scams may offer free services but will hide some surprises such as expensive parts that can be charged to you later.

Countermeasure: Don’t fall immediately for their trade. Research whether they are licensed, members of any association or ask a second opinion.

Makes diagnostic claims that can’t be proven. A scam artist can suggest that you have to refill your refrigerant every summer, or twice a year just to make you pay more even if there are no leaks on your AC. The same with furnace, since carbon monoxide, which can’t be easily detected, a fraud HVAC tech might suggest replacing some filter, or any furnace parts or eventually your entire furnace.

Countermeasure: Always ask for a second opinion from a legit HVAC professional. And if you know about how an AC and furnace works, you can avoid it.

They need an upfront fee; Before they agree to the terms of contract, they will tell you this. But we need first a fee before we start repairing your AC or furnace.

Countermeasure: Never pay for such a trap. If your HVAC systems break down or got your cash without even starting your work and suddenly can’t be connected, then you’ll know you're conned.

Avoid con HVAC companies or contractors and entrust your ACs or furnaces to a legit HVAC professional. Call us at 818-893-8720 or visit our

Date Posted: 2020-02-28
Essential Buyer’s Guide to Water Heater

It’s just six months before the onset of winter. Taking a shower on very early in the morning can be uncomfortable especially during autumn and winter season. Showering under that icy and chilling water temperature can be comparable to bathing in Antarctica. To prevent that awful chilling showering, you’ll need a water heater. But before you decide to buy a water heater, you’ll have to decide which one is best for your needs since there are several types of a water heater. On top of that, other considerations are brand and specific features of each heater. Let us discuss some of the essentials of water heaters before buying from an HVAC store.

Tankless water heater: This type has no tank as a reservoir for water; it has a box-like a compartment that holds an electric heater or gas fueled heater, tubing for water, circuitry to control the heating system. The pros are it saves space for its lack of tank, more energy efficient and cost saving. The cons are it's more expensive than a tank water heater, can’t support multi usage, and has no water storage when hot water is needed during power or fuel outages.

Tank Water Heater: It looks like a large cylinder with three protruding tubes on its top one for hot water out, one for cold water in supply and the center is for vent connection or exhaust. Other models have their vent exhaust on the tank side. The pros of this tank water heater are inexpensive than the tankless type and have water storage for use when emergency needs occur. The cons, it requires more space, less energy-efficient since it runs the heater all the time and prone to calcification deposits inside its tank reservoir.

Solar water heater - Consists of a water tank with a tubing attached to a thermal collector or solar panel. One tube is for cold water in, and the other is for hot water out. The tank can be either indirectly or directly connected to water taps. The pros of this type are a renewable form of energy which means no electricity or fuel needed, higher upfront maintenance and place cost.

Determine the size via first-hour rating. If you are planning to buy a tank water heater, find the best size for your home. If you have a large family size, you will need a big sized tank water heater. Having a large water heater is a waste of energy while a small one will be inadequate for peak water usage. Know when are the peak hours of water usage such as bathing, washing clothes and general cleaning. To know the exact size use the following formula:

Therefore your peak hour demand is 57 which will need 55 to 60 First Hour rated water heaters. The first hour rated (FHR) can be found in the product literature.

Select the brands of your choice - There are many brands of water heaters and here are some of them to think about.

Bradford White Pennsylvania-based US manufacturer of tank and electricity, gas and propane powered tankless water heaters. Some of their products are energy star certified.

General ElectriC: Their new 50-gallon tank water heater GE GeoSpring model features that it has more heat pump to water efficiency, with wifi module for smartphone control and four operating modes.

Whirlpool - A US American brand manufacturer of household appliances including water heaters since 1911. They also manufacture both tankless and tank water heaters.

Reliance Manufactures conventional and tankless water heaters, HVAC systems such as air conditioners and furnaces.

Kenmore - Another US brand manufacturer from Sears Holdings Inc. It produces different types of water heaters of various sizes and capacities.

Ask for Rebates - Currently, the US government is giving federal incentives to buyers of the water heater. Some of the incentives are grants, tax breaks, rebates and loan programs. The tax credit can be 30% and worth at $1500. Upgrade or look for energy star water heaters to take advantage of federal tax credit.

Look for Energy Star certified appliances. When you use an Energy Star certified device, you save money, energy and contributes to the environment protection by reducing carbon footprint. Your savings can be between $35 and $300, and for the long term, you’ll notice its benefits. Energy Star is a program of the US Environmental Protection Energy (EPA) and the US Department of Energy. Look for a seal with an arc, star and the ENERGY STAR words in the sticker usually found in manuals.

Having a troubled HVAC system and water heater systems, have a peace of mind when you call us at 818-893-8720 or visit us at Air Conditioning Los Angeles, Air Conditioning Hidden Hills, and Air Conditioning Repair Newhall.

Date Posted: 2020-03-16
Easy Air Conditional Repair

So as to ensure that you and your family enjoy a cool breeze inside you house especially during the hot and balmy months of the year, it is crucial for you to have a functional air conditioning unit which is working at peak efficiency. So as to effect this, you need to schedule a regular maintenance of your air conditioning and also seek out for air conditioning repair in your environment.

Although most people are aware of air conditioning repair in their neighborhood but may decide to schedule a regular maintenance each year simply because the cost of maintenance is too high. They can then ignore any problem they are having till the time the maintenance will be done. The unfortunate thing is that it doesn’t work that way.

The continual usage of air conditioning unit after you have detected any problem is the worst thing which can be done to the unit. Whenever you make use of a faulty air conditioning unit continuously, you are just setting a disaster for yourself! In fact, the continual use of a faulty air conditioning unit can worsen the problem and you will be left with no other choice other than to completely replace the whole air conditioning unit because air conditioning repairer won’t be able to solve the problem. This will however cost you more money when compared to the general repairs.

So as to avoid unnecessary expense, it is crucial that you immediately seek for air conditioning repair in your environment once you start experiencing the problem. Alternatively, you can also be proactive and simply have your air conditioning unit checked every year by a professional before using it so that such problem can be avoided. There is need for you to also remember that spending a few dollars on the repairs is much more affordable than the continual usage of your damaged air conditioning unit and having to pay a huge sum of money later.

One thing which you need to realize is that air conditioning repair is not as expensive as most people thought. In fact, several organizations as well as repair service which handles air conditioning repair will quote a little amount for you and this will make it easy to repair the unit. The good news is that the companies likewise have trained personnel who can provide you with high quality as well as affordable repairs and upgrade which will save you money over time. These companies are aware that you aren’t made of money and they will go out of their way in helping you extend the life of your air conditioning unit by providing air conditioning repair.

If you are looking for such service, there are several companies which you can consider for air conditioning repair, and they would provide the best service for you. They also have supported team of trained professionals that will relates with you properly and ensure your unit is well repaired. Ensure you do not overlook your comfort whenever hot weather comes! Make sure you upgrade and repair your air conditioning units so as to experience a cool as well as comfortable summer inside your home.

Date Posted: 2020-03-31
Fast and Reliable Air Condition Repair

So as to ensure that you and your family enjoy a cool breeze inside your house, especially during the hot and balmy months of the year, it is crucial for you to have a functional air conditioning unit which is working at peak efficiency. So as to effect this, you need to schedule a regular maintenance of your air conditioning and also seek out for air conditioning repair in your environment.

Although most people are aware of air conditioning repair in their neighborhood, but may decide to schedule a regular maintenance each year simply because the cost of maintenance is too high. They can then ignore any problem they are having till the time the maintenance will be done. The unfortunate thing is that it doesn’t work that way.

The continual usage of air conditioning unit after you have detected any problem is the worst thing which can be done to the unit. Whenever you make use of a faulty air conditioning unit continuously, you are just setting a disaster for yourself! In fact, the continual use of a faulty air conditioning unit can worsen the problem and you will be left with no other choice other than to completely replace the whole air conditioning unit because the air conditioning repairer won’t be able to solve the problem. This will however cost you more money when compared to the general repairs.

So as to avoid unnecessary expense, it is crucial that you immediately seek for air conditioning repair in your environment once you start experiencing the problem. Alternatively, you can also be proactive and simply have your air conditioning unit checked every year by a professional before using it so that such problem can be avoided. There is a need for you to also remember that spending a few dollars on the repairs is much more affordable than the continual usage of your damaged air conditioning unit and having to pay a huge sum of money later.

One thing which you need to realize is that a professional air conditioning repair is not as expensive as most people thought. In fact, several organizations as well as repair service which handles air conditioning repair will quote a little amount for you and this will make it easy to repair the unit. The good news is that the companies likewise have trained personnel who can provide you with high quality as well as affordable repairs and upgrade which will save you money over time. These companies are aware that you aren’t made of money and they will go out of their way in helping you extend the life of your air conditioning unit by providing air conditioning repair.

If you are looking for such service, there are several companies which you can consider for air conditioning repair, and they would provide the best service for you. They also have a supported team of trained professionals that will relate with you properly and ensure your unit is well repaired. Ensure you do not overlook your comfort whenever hot weather comes! Make sure you upgrade and repair your air conditioning units so as to experience a cool as well as comfortable summer inside your home.

If you need professional heating and cooling services in Los Angeles and surrounding areas,Bernardino's  Air Conditioning and Heating Service  is the company to call. Contact us today!

Date Posted: 2020-04-15
Keep Your Home Cool with the Aid of a Cooling System

Due to the presence of cold season, it is crucial to start planning for spring cleaning items. One thing which you have to note is the benefit of spring cleaning your cooling system. When the cooling system is not cleaned, the system would be stressed and it might not work effectively. Such system would also consume more of your energy, thereby resulting into huge bill at the end of the month. This is why it is crucial to clean your heating system as at when due.

Spring cleaning of your cooling system would ensure the unit is functioning comfortably and ensuring the environment is cooled appropriately. This will also ensure the unit does not work too hard before cooling the home. Whenever you are aiming to clean your units, there are some steps which must be taken.

One of the first step which can ensure a lot of time as well as money in servicing your cooling system is to clean and also change your filters. If you have a unit which run off the furnace, then you will want to ensure your filter are cleaned properly so as to ensure a great working unit. You can also change the filter every 30-60 days. If you have not changed them in a while, ensure they are changed before calling for a service provider, in case you observe any change in the working mode of the system.

Other kinds of cooling systems may have various kinds of filters. You will want to ensure you check and also clean these filters before turning on the units. This will ensure the units are working efficiently and properly. Irrespective of your cleaning unit type, you will want to ensure you clean the surroundings of the unit thoroughly. During the winter period, the buildup of debris and other elements can affect the functionality of your cooling unit. Ensure you clear the clutter and debris and give your unit a good wash down. Spring cleaning your cooling system would not be complete without cleaning the debris from the cooling unit.

One other thing which you have to consider is that ensuring the cooling unit is serviced appropriately would make the cleaning easier and would ensure the system is working at optimal speed. Thus, calling to have your units serviced can be a great step in spring cleaning your cooling system.

The cleaning of your unit can be achieved with a little amount of money. Having a clean vent as well as serviced cooling systems can help you to have a long lasting as well as higher performing units. This is a great time to have your cooling systems cleaned and ready for those hot summer days. Whenever you are thinking about spring cleaning, your cooling system is very crucial to remember because cleaning such system would save you a lot of money. Also, the presence of a cool system would ensure you and your family enjoy your stay at home thereby providing a wonderful experience for everyone.

If you need professional heating and cooling services in Los Angeles and surrounding areas,Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Serviceis the company to call. Contact us today!

Date Posted: 2020-04-30
Benefits of Servicing Your Heating Unit

The servicing of your heat pump, air conditioner should be a priority whenever you discover a problem. You should not wait till the appropriate time for repair before taking the necessary steps. The problems should be addressed immediately. This is because maintenance and servicing can save your system from more extensive damages as well as health risks.

Several people will wait until the last minute before getting any kind of service. If it is during the winter period and the air conditioner is not working appropriately, such individual will have to wait till summer or spring arrives and the heat is usually unbearable before they pick up the phone and call for the service company to come and fix the problem. The same thing is applicable for heaters and heat pumps. It is not only limited to that; the unit should be taken care of immediately the problem arise. You should not wait till other things get worse or damage the system beyond repair because this can result to additional costs of having to buy a new system. The problem can also be more deadly and hazardous, for instance, carbon monoxide which is toxic can start leaking from the unit.

When you save energy in your home, it implies that you are also saving money in your pocket. Whenever you are using your heating and furnace units, it is essential to know some tips which can help to retain the heat in your home. Ensure you check these tips on how to keep the heat in your home during the winter.

Keep Windows Covered

When you are trying to keep the heat inside, you may be surprised how much can escape through open window blinds. Using those blinds and keeping them closed can help hold the heat in the home during the winter. Be sure if you do not have coverings on your windows you get some soon. These can help you to keep your heater a little lower and keep the heat in your home. It also helps to block out some of the cold by keeping them covered.

Check for Drafts

When getting your home ready for winter be sure to check for drafts around the home. You could have leaks around the doors and windows. If you find any be sure to seal them back up. Weather stripping is great for keeping that cold air out and the hot air in during those blistering winter months. You can also update the insulation in your attic if you have one. This will also help to seal the home and keep it warmer without working the heating unit as hard.

Proper Maintenance

When you have your car maintained it works at its prime capacity. The same could be said for your heating and furnace units. By having them properly maintained and doing the heating repairs when needed, you can rest easy knowing your heating unit will work when you need it to. Doing routine inspections and cleanings help your technician to know when small problems arise and it helps you to keep the repair costs down. Be sure you have a proper cleaning and tune up each year on your unit.

Be sure to keep these in mind when you want to have an energy efficient home. This will help your heater give you the maximum potential and also to work hard for you each year. It keeps money in your pocket instead of going out the door. Be sure you talk with your technician to get a plan set up today and save you heating energy.

If you need professional heating and cooling services in Los Angeles and surrounding areas,Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service is the company to call. Contact us today!

Date Posted: 2020-05-14
How Heating and Cooling System Works

Do you intend to know more about the heating and cooling systems and how they would help your newly purchased home? Ensure you continue reading about several things about heating and cooling system so that you would have the most benefit from using them.

The heating and cooling system are the central heating systems which are in the form of heater or central heating boilers and are located in the basement or the garage of the home. The reason why they are placed out of the way is because of their size and would release a lot of heat while operating. Individuals are safer when they are far away from them and they are able to supply heat to the whole house by pumping in hot air with the aid of its system of air ducts and can likewise give steam or hot water using pipes coming from the radiators. This implies that they operate with the principle of forced air and gravity system and they can be operated with the aid of thermostat control. Most houses generally make use of electric baseboard heaters or even in-floor gas heater, which generate radiant heat, but nowadays, more people are becoming conscious of the centralized heating and cooling system and more of it would be discussed.

There are two common types of heating and cooling systems for houses and these are the centralized ducted air system and the radiant heating systems. Ducted air systems are the most common kinds and they can be distinguished easily when it is seen along with their AC unit or heater, and heat pump which obtain hot or cool air from one source. In this system, there are two types, the forced air and the gravity type. With the forced air system, you can easily have hot air from the furnace and you can likewise have cool air from the air conditioning unit. The ventilator from this system is responsible for these because it pushed the cool or hot air from the system and into the rooms of our homes and offices.

The gravity furnace type operates by transporting hot air through the system that comes from a heater that is situated on the ground or below the main floor. It does not make use of blowers but it uses huge air ducts and can only supply warm air unlike the forced air heating as well as cooling system which are versatile.

Now, the other kind of heating and cooling system is the radiant heating systems. This system makes use of water, hot steam or electricity to charge water so as to make radiant heat and this is attained by using the central boiler system which heats the water. The steam which is generated moves around via a system of tubes and pipes that are located under the surface of the floor and when these pipes get warmed up due to the hot water and steam, radiant heat would be emitted and this would warm the bedroom.

Electric radiant system is also under this kind of radiant heat. This system is used when a house is installed with electric resistance baseboard or has a system of electric cables and sometimes foils hidden under the surface of the floor or above the ceilings. Whenever there is a flow of electric current on these components, heat is also generated and it is radiated inside the room.

If you need professional heating and cooling services in Los Angeles and surrounding areas,Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service is the company to call. Contact us today!

Date Posted: 2020-05-30
Why You Need to Hire Professional Heating Service Provider

A heating unit is the main source of energy as well as comfort in any home and this is why it is crucial to maintain it with the service of a professional. The climate of the area as well as the specifics of your home would determine the frequency of the servicing required. Some of the homes can be serviced twice a year, depending on the conditions. However, it is crucial to check them every year and a qualified professional should be hired for this task. This is because an inexperienced company or individual would likely cause more damage to the unit and such would compound the problem. The reference, experience as well as the reputation of a company should be checked before hiring them for a specific task. Moreover, there are two major things which are done by a professional heating service provider; the first one is that it ensures that the unit performs optimally. The second is to ensure the entire family is safe under use. A thorough maintenance would enhance the life of the unit and also ensure it runs at optimal capacity whenever it is used. There are specific tasks which should be completed during one of these service checks. Most technicians would do more than is required by ensuring the unit is properly cleaned and prevent any potential fault in the unit.

Getting the Most Out of a Service Call

Whenever heating as well as air conditioning contractors check every component in your home heating unit. The common items which are checked include the registers, air duct, thermostat, electrical connections, gas connections as well as the essential internal parts. After checking and inspecting each item, the appropriate repair and replacement would be made by the technician. They would also adjust, tighten and also clean the appropriate parts. The standard service call includes the filter checking as well as replacement. The entire moving parts would be lubricated so as to improve the efficiency. After the completion of these tasks, the entire unit would be tested so as to ensure it is working properly. Some tools and skills are needed to prepare a heating system for use. These services would prevent major repair which may cost you huge sum of money. This is because small problems would be detected and corrected so that it does not escalate to bigger issues which would require a huge sum of money. This job can be done by a professional easily without the occurrence of future complications, and the early detection as well as upkeep would provide a better operation and minimize the cost of energy. However, it is crucial to check the local service providers so as to see what is included in a service call and also make some comparisons.

The major repair and maintenance of heating systems should be left to a professional because they are professionals and would ensure safety during the process. However, there are some things which can be done so as to ensure better heating as well as comfort. If the filter is not changed as at when due, it can result to the replacement of the entire unit. Ensure you check them regularly and change them at the appropriate time. Most of the disposable filters should be replaced on a monthly basis or at most after two months. However, there are some central heating systems that do not have disposable filters and such need to be cleaned regularly. You can check your manual so as to know the appropriate step to follow so as to clean them appropriately.

If you need professional heating and cooling services in Los Angeles and surrounding areas, Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service is the company to call. Contact us today!

Date Posted: 2020-06-14
Things that Could Reduce Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

The air inside your home is supposed to be fresh and pure since it is what you would be breathing in. Unfortunately, a lot of things could affect the quality of this indoor air. With air tests, you’ll be able to identify these factors affecting your home’s air quality. In today’s blog, we’ll be discussing some of these common allergens and pollutants commonly militating against the purity and freshness of the indoor air we breathe in.

Pets and pests

Furry, cuddly, and incredibly cute, Fido and most of our other pets may actually be contributing to the poor quality of our indoor air. Through hair shedding, these pets affect the quality and efficiency of our home’s air conditioning. The more hair they lose and how often they do will determine the extent of this problem. If you keep pets around the house, you’d want to be sure you change your filters more often or better still, get a more quality air filter.

Cleaning chemicals

While there’s usually only little that can be done about it, most of the cleaning solutions in use in our homes would usually interfere with the quality of air we breathe in. if you’re planning to work around this, you may consider maintaining a schedule that will see you use less of these chemicals or better still starting a regimen that will see your filters push these chemicals through.

Home’s ventilation

How is your home’s indoor ventilation? You may not know but the airflow in your home can also have a significant impact on the quality of air within your home. When allergens are pollutants are present within the home, proper ventilation can be very helpful in getting over this. When the building is not properly ventilated, airflow will then need to be of the highest quality since breathing in unclean air that contains allergens and pollutants among other impurities can result in sickness and a poor health condition for people breathing in the air.


The humidity in a home would also affect the quality of the indoor air. While your home’s wall paints are usually the first things you’ll believe this humidity to affect, it goes even further to impact the home’s air quality. When the indoor air is too dry, the skin and eyes may become irritated. If the humidity too is too dry, breathing can also become difficult for people within the home. Additionally, this could lead into the indoor environment becoming more dangerous as this condition can lead to the generation of fungus and mold within the home.

Each of these factors would go a long way to affect the quality of air in your home. When the quality of the indoor air you breathe in becomes compromised, it could also seriously impact your health. If you notice there’s been a problem with any of this, you’d be better off contacting your HVAC professional for a quick solution. If you are in need of a competent heating and cooling firm in Los Angeles, Northridge, and the environs, you can contact us at Bernadinos Air Conditioning and Heating for quick and long-lasting solutions to your HVAC problems.

Date Posted: 2020-06-30
Buying a New Air Conditioner in Los Angeles and Northridge

Important things to consider when buying a cooling system

There are a lot of things to consider when buying an air conditioner in Los Angeles, Northridge, or any of the Californian environs. From selecting the best size to choosing a great energy efficiency rating, there are a lot of factors that should be considered. These things are what we’ll be discussing in this guide to buying a new air conditioner in Los Angeles, CA.

Selecting the right type of cooling system

Many homeowners are usually overwhelmed when it comes to this but making a mistake at this point can also be problematic. Most homes would usually have the central air conditioning system that works by transporting air into the different rooms through the ducts, whether this or any of the other types of cooling systems would be the most suitable for you would depend on a lot of other things.

To make sure you don’t end up making a mistake here, you’ll have to speak with a professional. Here at Bernadino’s, we are always available to guide you through the procedure from the selection process through to completion.

Choosing the correct AC unit size

The size of the air conditioner is a reference to the cooling capacity of the unit. This would usually be measured in either tons or British thermal unit per hour (BTU/hr). A ton equals about 12,000 BTU/hr and the size of your AC unit would be dependent on the area to be cooled.

An area of about 100 to 150 sqft would need a system with a capacity of 5,000BTU while an area of approximately 500 sqft would require a capacity of about 12,000BTU. Once again, you’ll be better off discussing with a professional about this so you can always contact us to understand what will be best in your own situation.

Choosing the best energy efficiency rating

A system with no less than a SEER rating of 14 would do you a lot of good. You could also go for higher-rated ones because the higher it goes, the better it becomes. Energy-efficient systems are very important and would determine how much in costs of electricity bill you’ll have to contend with in future. A higher rating in this case would mean increased savings on your energy bill.

Choosing your choice of refrigerant

The newer R-410A refrigerant compared to the older R-22 refrigerant and other types is more efficient at cooling the home without causing more harm to our environment. They are also more efficient as these older types often fail in properly cooling the room.

At Bernadino’s, you can always contact us to discuss your choice when it comes to selection. You can also entrust us with your installation of heating and cooling units. Whenever you also need maintenance and repairs done on your units, you can always rely on our competency and professionalism. With us, you can always enjoy the comfort and satisfaction that comes from the best HVAC services in Los Angeles, Northridge, as well as the other surrounding areas of California.

Date Posted: 2020-07-13
Four Major Advantages of Installing Heat Pumps

Our team of professional heating and cooling expert technicians here at Bernadino’s can help install heat pumps in your homes. There is a lot you stand to benefit from this installation and we’ll be discussing the foremost important ones out of these. Below are four advantages of installing a heat pump in your home.

Heat Pumps Can both Cool and Heat Your Hose

The major advantage of a heat pump over conventional HVAC units is its ability to function as a cooling and heating unit. Because of this, you’ll need to buy only a single system as it is capable of performing both functions. The system‘s mode of operation involves moving heat energy out of the air from one place to the other.

During summer, this system absorbs heat from your indoor spaces to cool your home while the heat is extracted from the outdoor cold air during winter to heat your home. This capability is its greatest importance as it means you’ll only need to purchase a single system which is a cost-saver when compared to traditional HVAC units.

Better Energy Efficiency over Traditional HVAC Units

As much as installation and purchase cost would save you more dollars, actual use and operation of the heat pump would also save you additional money due to its better efficiency rate over traditional HVAC units. When you have a professional like Bernadinos handling your heat pump installation in Los Angeles, Northridge, and the other California neighborhoods, it’s actually possible to have a system that can be as much 45% more energy efficient when compared with traditional HVAC units.

More Eco-friendly with Less Carbon Footprint

If you’re concerned about the impact of technology to our environment and would like to help in your own way, congrats! A heat pump installed in your home is a great way to go. A heat pump will cut down the amount of energy you’ll use therefore reducing your carbon footprint.

The materials used in their production are also significantly reduced since the unit can perform both heating and cooling functions. Therefore, fewer materials are used in production. Both the production and use would significantly reduce the amount of pollutants released into our environment. You can then rest assured that you’ve contributed in your own simple way.

Easier Maintenance and Upkeep Routine

When it comes to the maintenance and upkeep of your heat pump, this is way easier compared to traditional HVAC units. Your technician would only need to work on a single system rather than separate heating and cooling systems. Thus, they can be attended to at once, making the process faster and easier.

Whether you’d like to install a heat pump or your traditional heating and cooling units, our team of skilled technicians at Bernadino’s will effectively take care of this. We are also a call anyway and anytime you need a repair or maintenance of your home’s HVAC unit in Los Angeles, Northridge, and the environs. Contact us today at Bernadino’s so you can experience the satisfaction and comfort that comes from our affordable, but effective heating and cooling services.

Date Posted: 2020-07-30
5 HVAC Noises And What They Are Telling You

While newer HVAC units are generally quieter and noiseless unlike older versions, there are still some noises that can come from your system which may possibly imply signs of one or two impending problems. You know, it will be advisable to call your technician over at the notice of these signs because any neglect on your part may lead to bigger problems that could probably lead to costly repairs or replacement.  So, right here, we’ll show you 5 noises and sounds that should prompt you to get your service firm to check your unit.

Clanking Sound

A clanking sound coming from your unit may imply one or more of three major things. It is either this is coming from some loose or broken part within the unit or from a loose compressor as well as a failure arising from some parts of the sealed unit. The sound may also come from the blades of the outdoor fan or the indoor blower which may be out of balance and hitting other parts of the unit. It is advisable to call your technician as soon as possible as loose and broken parts in your unit may cause even more damage to the unit.

Humming Sound

When your unit sounds like it is humming, this may be due to the looseness of a part in the air conditioner or refrigerant piping or possibly, a loose wire. If you neglect this, it could probably lead to more maintenance cost over the life of the unit. This may also arise from issues with your motor especially if the humming is very loud and the system cannot start.

Buzzing Sound

This may be caused by debris in either of the indoor or outdoor units. This may also be caused by loose parts or loose outdoor fan and probably unbalanced fan blades. The buzzing noise may also be an indication that it is time enough to change your air filter or to clean your condenser. A leaky refrigerant or faulty blower may also cause a buzzing sound.

Squealing Noise

Squealing noises may come from inside the blower and this can be caused by bad belts or probable problems with motor bearings. Neglect of this can cause more problems to the blower. The belt needs to be changed before the problem breaks or causes a crack since this could turn off your blower. It could be really uncomfortable if this happens in the wake of night as you’ll have to wait to get a technical assistance before your unit can start functioning again.

Repeated Clicking Sound

When you turn off or on your HVAC system, it produces a clicking sound. However, when this sound refuses to stop and continues repeatedly, it implies a faulty contactor. This may be due to failures in the electrical control or probably a wrong connection which is causing relay to time-out continuously.

If you notice any suspicious sound coming from your system, first things first, turn it off and call competent HVAC technicians to rectify the problem. Bernadino’s Air conditioning and Heating Services can easily handle all your HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance at highly affordable rates. Give them a call today and watch how easily your air conditioning and heating problems will be solved.

Date Posted: 2020-08-14
How You Can Save Money by Installing a New Air Conditioning Unit

When you have to install a new air conditioning unit, you may have your mind occupied by the cost, but if you’re buying the unit to replace an older one, it may turn out to be a great investment in the long run. Older units are notorious for running up bills as well as their less-inspiring performance. If you’ve found yourself in situations similar to these, then this may certainly be the right time for you to consider changing to a newer system.

There’s a lot to benefit from changing to a new system. Although you’ll have to give your shopping process as much attention and dedication as you can, there’s certainly a lot to be gained and in the following parts, we’ll discuss the benefits of replacing your older air conditioning with a newer one.

Efficiency Consideration

Air conditioners carry SEER ratings, which are an indication of how efficient they are. This is an abbreviation for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. Ordinarily, the higher the SEER rating on your unit, the more efficient it will be. AC units today are rated as high as 25 SEER while the best ones around in fifteen years ago had a maximum of 18 even though the standard is 13.

Older air conditioning systems with lower SEER ratings would need more power to cool your home. This, of course, will show up on your energy bills each month.

While shopping for an energy-efficient system is important, size also deserves important consideration. You should speak with an experienced HVAC technician here at Bernardino’s Air Conditioning so you can determine the right size to support our home. When your HVAC system is under-sized or over-sized, the system will find it hard to cool your home efficiently. Our technician will also examine your home’s ductwork so the system can be designed to provide the best conditioning for your home.

New Units Means Fewer Repairs

It’s no doubt that your system will need maintenance to continue running optimally for years to come. The only difference is that while your older units will require frequent maintenance and repair appointments, the newer unit would be fine with just routine maintenance services.

If you find out your maintenance and repair needs have skyrocketed in the past days or your air conditioning unit has been gulping up a lot of your electricity bills lately, then the bell may be tolling already for you to install a new unit. This will save you costs in a two-dimensional way, first, on repairs and maintenance services, secondly, on your energy bills. With a new air conditioning unit installed, you’d be more than fine with the normal bi-annual maintenance routine.

Newer units often come with incentives

Going for a new energy-efficient air conditioning unit can also give you access to several rebates or possible discounts. Utility rebates, as well as manufacturer’s rebates and other discounts, may help the individual save significantly depending on the energy rating of the air conditioner unit you’ve bought.

Along with these benefits, there are still a lot of other significant advantages that includes being less-noisy than older units, compatibility by advanced thermostats that can even be paired with your smartphone and may even be useful in the reduction of potentially harmful particles and odors from the air to improve your indoor air quality.

If you are considering installing a new air conditioning unit for your home or would need maintenance or repair services for your current system, contact us at Bernardino’s Air Conditioning so we can help you resolve any issue you may have regarding your HVAC system.

Date Posted: 2020-08-31
How to Keep Your Energy Bill Cool in the Heat of Summer

Summer is upon us and once again we’ll have to contend with rising energy bills despite the thrills and excitement the season brings along. But if you’ll care to know, you can still keep your energy costs cool even with the summer heat. Want to know how you can start?

Change or Replace Air filters in Your Air Conditioner

You sure know the role your air conditioner would play when it comes to skyrocketing your summer utility bills. Still, your air conditioner still needs to be functioning at its best so it can serve you during the season. In the other way, a clogged filter will significantly affect the efficiency of your air conditioner while also affecting the air quality in your home. This would, in turn, affect the performance making it to overwork itself. You don’t want to continue paying in excess of what you should so you’d be better off getting your technician over to either clean the filter or make replacements when needed.

Insulate Your Home

You’d want to enjoy the beautiful views of sunshine during the summer, but if you’re uncomfortable with closing the curtains and shutting the binds behind you, then you’ll find insulation as a great option. The insulating film will make your home cooler while also easing your air conditioner of the excessive workload it may have to do. In turn, you’d end up saving costs significantly.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat will enable you to set your home temperature as you want. You can set temperature ranges for when you’ll be home as well as when you’ll be outside. This will help to make sure your needs are met while also helping you to save more on energy costs.

Unplug Devices When Not in Use

You may not know but even when your appliances are switched off but still on standby mode, they are consuming tiny bits of energy. Any appliance in your home with standby lights that remains on when plugged in should always be unplugged when they are not in use.

It may be time to change your air conditioner unit

If your current unit is struggling to keep your home cool or is basically old, you may be better off if you change it completely. Newer units are usually more efficient and won’t have you needing repairs anytime soon. They are also less noisy and will certainly improve the quality of the air you breathe in your home.

Most times we often assume the costs of keeping our homes warm during winter is the major problem with high energy costs, but the summer season also is not left without its own issues. Fortunately, taking the right steps in the right direction can help the average homeowner mitigate the effect of this increase.

If your cooling system needs repairs, maintenance or installation, you can contact us here at Bernadino’s Air Conditioning so we can rid your system of any hitch that may be threatening its efficiency.

Date Posted: 2020-09-15
Frozen Air Conditioner: Good or Bad?

The indoor components of the air conditioner may get frozen due to some reasons we’ll discuss shortly. But before we get into this? Should air conditioners really get frozen? Is it ok or is a sign of underlying problems or irregularities? The simple answer is that frozen air conditioner is really a sign that your unit needs urgent professional attention.

Many people often seem unbothered to discover the coils in the air conditioner’s indoor units to be frozen. Some feel like this is ok since air conditioners generally cool down air but it actually is not ok. Before we go fully into the details, let’s briefly discuss reasons as to why your air conditioner may become frozen.

Why Do Air Conditioners Freeze?

A frozen air conditioning unit’s coil is a signal and indicator that there is an apparent imbalance of temperature within the refrigerant flowing through the indoor evaporator coil. The major function of this coil is to absorb heat from the air moving into your home so as to transfer that heat outdoors.

So, when the indoor coil gets frozen, it is either there is a shortage of heat or warm air moving over the indoor coil, or the refrigerant is not doing a sufficiently absorbing heat.

How Does Ice Affect Cooling?

The presence of ice as a result of your indoor coil getting frozen would definitely affect the performance of your air conditioner. You may feel like this will automatically mean the transfer of cooler air into your home but it isn’t true. When your indoor coil gets frozen, it loses its ability to properly transfer heat, a process needed to cool your home efficiently.

Before cooling, heat must first be removed. A frozen coil affects the refrigerant and prevents it from moving through the coil for the heat transfer process which is significantly important to refrigeration. If you are observant, you’ll definitely notice some issues. Your air conditioner may now be taking longer times than it used to, to properly cool your home. It may even fail to reach thermostat temperatures. This will affect your bills and the ice may even leak into your home after thawing.

Common Causes of a Frozen AC Coil

Some of the common causes of frozen coils include dirty air filter which may block air flow. It could also be the result of a fan motor that is broken and not moving enough air over the coil. This may also be the result of short cycling in oversized air conditioner systems. Low refrigerant levels may also cause the unit to stop absorbing and releasing heat, thereby resulting in freezing.

Does a Frozen AC Needs Professional Attention?

Sure you could change or filter or do some little tweaks that can fix the problem, but it is more advisable to contact a professional technician. HVAC firms such as Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service has all it takes to ensure your systems are properly serviced and running optimally. If it happens to be a refrigerant issue, only a professional can handle it. Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service has technicians with great expertise and experience, licensed to charge and handle refrigerant and are able to seal the refrigerant line if the need arises.

Date Posted: 2020-09-30
Benefits of Servicing Your Heating Unit

The servicing of your heat pump, air conditioner should be a priority whenever you discover a problem. You should not wait till the appropriate time for repair before taking the necessary steps. The problems should be addressed immediately. This is because maintenance and servicing can save your system from more extensive damages as well as health risks.

Several people will wait until the last minute before getting any kind of service. If it is during the winter period and the air conditioner is not working appropriately, such individual will have to wait till summer or spring arrives and the heat is usually unbearable before they pick up the phone and call for the service company to come and fix the problem. The same thing is applicable for heaters and heat pumps. It is not only limited to that; the unit should be taken care of immediately the problem arise. You should not wait till other things get worse or damage the system beyond repair because this can result to additional costs of having to buy a new system. The problem can also be more deadly and hazardous, for instance, carbon monoxide which is toxic can start leaking from the unit.

When you save energy in your home, it implies that you are also saving money in your pocket. Whenever you are using your heating and furnace units, it is essential to know some tips which can help to retain the heat in your home. Ensure you check these tips on how to keep the heat in your home during the winter.

Keep Windows Covered

When you are trying to keep the heat inside, you may be surprised how much can escape through open window blinds. Using those blinds and keeping them closed can help hold the heat in the home during the winter. Be sure if you do not have coverings on your windows you get some soon. These can help you to keep your heater a little lower and keep the heat in your home. It also helps to block out some of the cold by keeping them covered.

Check for Drafts

When getting your home ready for winter be sure to check for drafts around the home. You could have leaks around the doors and windows. If you find any be sure to seal them back up. Weather stripping is great for keeping that cold air out and the hot air in during those blistering winter months. You can also update the insulation in your attic if you have one. This will also help to seal the home and keep it warmer without working the heating unit as hard.

Proper Maintenance

When you have your car maintained it works at its prime capacity. The same could be said for your heating and furnace units. By having them properly maintained and doing the heating repairs when needed, you can rest easy knowing your heating unit will work when you need it to. Doing routine inspections and cleanings help your technician to know when small problems arise and it helps you to keep the repair costs down. Be sure you have a proper cleaning and tune up each year on your unit.

Be sure to keep these in mind when you want to have an energy efficient home. This will help your heater give you the maximum potential and also to work hard for you each year. It keeps money in your pocket instead of going out the door. Be sure you talk with your technician to get a plan set up today and save you heating energy.

If you need professional heating and cooling services in Los Angeles and surrounding areas,Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Serviceis the company to call. Contact us today!

Date Posted: 2020-10-15
5 Ways to Prevent Uneven Cooling in Your Home

You’d expect optimum heat and cooling around your home after spending a lot to install your HVAC system. Unfortunately, it does happen at times that there would be uneven cooling or heating within certain areas of your home. This could be really frustrating and uncomfortable and so for our customers, we’d generally recommend the following five ways to prevent uneven cooling in your home.

Check the vents

Oftentimes, uneven hot and cold spots in your home may be the result of blocked or dirty vents and registers. Check these to see if they are not blocked. In case the vents are dirty, you can also use a special attachment to vacuum the vents so as to remove the dust. Additionally, if it happens that there are some areas in your homes you do not use as frequently, you may consider closing the vents here partially to help with temperature control in other areas of your home.

Consider running the fan

The fan on your thermostat would probably have been set to auto. This then implies it would only run when the home is actively cooling or heating. You may consider turning it on though so the fan can remain on to circulate air even when the system goes off. This can also help to even out this uneven distribution within the home. Take note though that this will probably increase your energy bills at the end of the month if your fan is kept continuously running, albeit dependent on the type of blower you have.

Check for leaks in your duct system

Uneven heating and cooling can also result from leaks in the duct system. If there is a leak in the duct system, the air meant to be transported to a certain area would leak out partially before arrival at the designated place. This would directly impact the heater or air conditioner in whatever case to work harder than normal so as to compensate the loss. This too can lead to homeowners experiencing cold or hot spots in some areas within their homes.

Check your insulation

You may want to add insulations to your home to help uneven out this issue. The attic is usually a great way to start. It offers a simple way to help make your home heat and cool evenly all through the year reducing the occurrence of cold and hot spots within the home.

You may need a zoning temperature control system

With a zoning temperature control system, you’ll get the added advantage of regulating and controlling the temperature in different areas or floors of your home. It is a great investment that can help with efficiently and evenly cooling and heating your home. You’ll nevertheless have to consult a professional HVAC firm to decide which system would best suit your home.

Oftentimes, though uneven cooling and heating may also signal the indication of another issue or an impending problem. This is why you should always talk to your HVAC contractor to ascertain where the problem is coming from. If you have problems with uneven heating and cooling or just about any other issue with your HVAC system, you can easily call us to book an appointment to help us get the troubles behind.

Date Posted: 2020-10-30
Why Your HVAC Filter Gets Dirty So Quickly

Experienced homeowners understand the importance of changing their air filters as at when due. It’s just that sometimes, the filter may be getting clogged or dirty even before replacement time. If you find your air filter often getting dirty and covered in dust particles or hair before it is usually due, then there is certainly a problem. We’ll discuss the most common causes of this and we’ll also discuss those things you can do to correct the problem.

Reasons Your Filter Gets Clogged Before It Should

Pet Hairs

Shedding pets in the house may contribute to your filter getting clogged before it normally should have been. One way to reduce this is to ensure you brush your pets regularly. You should also ensure you’re vacuuming the home on a daily basis to prevent the filter from getting fuzzy.

Extreme temperature conditions

When the weather is extremely cold or hot, your system will continue running. If this happens continuously, you’ll most certainly need to replace your filter faster than you should throughout the season or until the conditions subside.

MERV Rating

If your HVAC filter has a higher MERV rating, this can also affect how fast it gets clogged. High-rated filters are the best and are able to trap smaller particles. You can also go for a fiberglass filter as it will only let small particles through. Therefore, your filter won’t get clogged up as fast as it would if it was a thick, pleated filter.

While the thicker filters would no doubt make the quality of your home’s air fresher and cleaner, it will impact your HVAC’s efficiency and speed up the possibility of wear on the system. They are also usually costly and often need replacement more frequently. If you don’t know how to go about it, discuss with your technician so they can help you in making your decisions.

Your Home Is Dusty

If your home is accumulating too much dust particles, this will also contribute to quick clogging of your filter. That is more reason why you should always try to vacuum all dirt particles so they don’t end up in your HVAC filter. Dust particles may come from everyday activities, accumulations in less-used rooms or particles from a recent home construction project.

Your thermostat is set to ‘’on’’

If the fan setting on your thermostat is set to ‘’on’’ rather than ‘’auto’’, then the fan will continue blowing continuously putting work on your filter all through the day. If you set it to ‘’auto’’, the fan will only blow when the system is actively cooling or heating the home. That way, your filter will be able to work for much longer without getting clogged quickly.

These are the most common reasons why your filter would frequently get clogged more often than it should. You should endeavor to speak with your technician for more specific ways to address this. You can also contact us here at Bernardino’s Air Conditioning to help you fix this and other issues you may be having with HVAC systems in your homes or offices.

Date Posted: 2020-11-13
How to Get the Best Heating Service Rate

Air соnditiоning and hеаting companies can be fоund in уоur соmmunitу, ѕеrving bоth residents and buѕinеѕѕеѕ with their ѕеrviсеѕ. Whеn it соmеѕ tо hеаting аnd аir ѕеrviсеѕ, finding thе right dеаlеr оr contractor will take a little еffоrt аnd research. However, hаving thе right соmраnу саn be mоѕt hеlрful in the inѕtаllаtiоn, maintenance and rераir of your аir соnditiоning аnd hеаting ѕеrviсеѕ.

Fivе Things tо Lооk fоr in аn Air Cоnditiоning and Hеаting Cоmраnу

One оf thе most рорulаr wауѕ to find the right соmраnу is thrоugh thе rесоmmеndаtiоn of a family mеmbеr оr trusted friеnd. Aftеr аll, if thе соmраnу performed wеll enough thаt someone will ореnlу recommend thеir services, then thе implication is thеу muѕt be gооd.

Whilе this is аlwауѕ a gооd рlасе tо ѕtаrt, you ѕhоuld еxраnd уоur research оutwаrd and tаkе intо ассоunt оthеr соmраniеѕ thаt might do the job even bеttеr.

Licensed & Inѕurеd: Thеѕе twо thingѕ gо tоgеthеr bесаuѕе withоut bоth уоu might аѕ wеll kеер searching. Bеing рrореrlу licensed and сеrtifiеd to operate thеir ѕеrviсеѕ in the rеgiоn mеаnѕ thаt thеу follow all аррliсаblе lаwѕ, rulеѕ аnd rеgulаtiоnѕ оf the trade. Furthermore, it iѕ a sign of the ѕеriоuѕnеѕѕ in whiсh thеу take their buѕinеѕѕ.

Tо bе inѕurеd mеаnѕ thаt if an accident ѕhоuld hарреn whilе they аrе оnlу уоur property, thеn уоu will nоt bе stuck with the bill. Therefore, when уоu are first looking for HVAC ѕеrviсеѕ, be sure tо nаrrоw your search tо thоѕе thаt аrе licensed and insured.

Cuѕtоmеr Rеviеwѕ: Whilе testimonials аnd rеfеrеnсеѕ are niсе, it iѕ vеrу rаrе that a соmраnу will оffеr еithеr one frоm ѕоmеоnе who hаd a bаd еxреriеnсе with thеm. Therefore, оnlinе сuѕtоmеr rеviеwѕ саn bе quitе rеvеаling about thе overall ѕеrviсеѕ that thеу рrоvidе. While thе bеѕt оf соmраniеѕ will have a fеw nеgаtivе stories, you nееd tо fосuѕ on аnу раttеrnѕ bоth gооd аnd bad ѕuсh аѕ if thеу arrive on timе, hаvе hidden оr ѕurрriѕе сhаrgеѕ or kеер people infоrmеd during thеir work.

Aѕѕосiаtiоnѕ: Buѕinеѕѕ associations аrе a gооd indiсаtоr оf thе quality оf thе соmраnу, еѕресiаllу with respected ѕоurсеѕ ѕuсh аѕ thе Bеttеr Buѕinеѕѕ Bureau. Trаdе аnd lосаl аѕѕосiаtiоnѕ, еѕресiаllу thоѕе dеvеlореd оvеr timе show thе intent аnd professionalism оf a соmраnу аnd ѕhоuld bе tаkеn intо ассоunt whеn уоu make уоur ѕеаrсh.

Emergency Hоurѕ: Hаving emergency hours is a grеаt asset fоr any buѕinеѕѕ in this field аѕ you can call upon them оn nights оr wееkеndѕ tо have rераirѕ done оn your аir conditioning or heating unit.

Priсе: Thе соѕt оf thе installation, mаintеnаnсе аnd repair ѕеrviсеѕ ѕhоuld bе the lаѕt item оn уоur liѕt and uѕеd аѕ a tiе-brеаkеr bеtwееn otherwise еquаl companies. Thаt wау, you can gеt thе bеѕt service роѕѕiblе while ѕреnding thе lеаѕt аmоunt of mоnеу.

Tо find thе bеѕt heating аnd аir соnditiоning соmраnу means thаt уоu саn get complete ѕеrviсеѕ аt thе bеѕt cost that will fit your budgеt. Be ѕurе tо take еnоugh time to fullу rеѕеаrсh the air and heating ѕеrviсеѕ within уоur соmmunitу.

Date Posted: 2020-11-30



Juѕt imаginе hоw it wоuld bе tо spend thе ѕummеr mоnthѕ in уоur оffiсе or in a соmmеrсiаl ѕtоrе whеrе уоu run уоur own buѕinеѕѕ with nоt a ѕinglе air соnditiоnеr funсtiоning properly. Thе wаrm аirflоw frоm outside will turn уоur wоrkѕрасе wаrm саuѕing discomfort tо all оf уоu. Mоrеоvеr, thе damp hot аir might аlѕо dаmаgе thе walls and windоwѕ. So, whаt will уоu do tо ѕtау away frоm such a weird ѕituаtiоn? Of соurѕе уоu will call fоr  a reliable air conditioning rераir ѕеrviсе tо ensure уоu аnd other еmрlоуееѕ саn work comfortably in thе ѕummеr months.

Nоw, if уоu want tо repair аir conditioner systems оn your own, then it will be mеѕѕ. Yоu hаvе рlеntу оf other wоrkѕ to do. You hаvе to tаkе care оf оthеr оffiсiаl wоrkѕ. You can't аffоrd tо ѕреnd timе tо rераir thоѕе сооling giаntѕ. Sо, уоu have to depend оn specialists in air conditioning rераir. Make sure уоu соntасt a ѕресiаliѕt ѕеrviсе рrоvidеr whо iѕ expert in rераiring соmmеrсiаl аir conditioner. Sо, ѕооn you nоtiсе a malfunction in аnу of thе сооling systems, call for рrоfеѕѕiоnаl hеlр. Thеrе аrе mаnу HVAC service companies in Rеѕеdа whеrе trained рrоfеѕѕiоnаls аrе аlwауѕ rеаdу to provide соmmеrсiаl AC repair services ѕо thаt you еnjоу wоrking оn your рrоjесtѕ.


Why уоu nееd tо call trаinеd рrоfеѕѕiоnаlѕ fоr this wоrk?

Cоmmеrсiаl air соnditiоning repair iѕ significantly different frоm residential оnеѕ. Thiѕ work rеquirеs ѕресiаlizеd training in rераir аnd inѕtаllаtiоn wоrk. Cоmmеrсiаl аir соnditiоnеrѕ аrе еxtеnѕivе thаn the rеѕidеntiаl оnеѕ. It rеquirеѕ a lot оf реорlе to get thеѕе сооling equipment uninѕtаllеd, rераir and fix them bасk. Mоrеоvеr, соmmеrсiаl аir соnditiоnеrѕ come as "расkаgе" units in which thе еvароrаtоr аnd thе condenser аrе diѕрlауеd in a single саbinеt. In mоѕt саѕеѕ, thеѕе аrе fixed оn thе rооf. Nо tесhniсiаn саn fix problems unlеѕѕ he iѕ experienced аnd trаinеd.

Thеrе саn bе issues with thе vеntilаtiоn ѕуѕtеm of thе сооling machines in уоur wоrk рlасе. It is оftеn hаrd tо dеtесt whеrе еxасtlу thеrе iѕ a dеfесt. Onlу a ѕресiаliѕt саn find thе рrоblеm аnd fix it in nо time. In ѕimрlе words, it iѕ аlwауѕ recommended tо rеlу оn еxреrtѕ fоr all ѕоrtѕ оf complex wоrk.

Lastly, уоu will never riѕk your business' luxurу and соmfоrt. It is essential tо run the workflow ѕmооthlу. Hence, you hаvе to mаkе ѕurе аll the реорlе whо are in your оffiсе gеt the ultimаtе comfort while thеу аrе at wоrk. Kеер your оffiсе'ѕ еnvirоnmеnt cozy and hеаlthу.

Thеrе аrе many companies which offer соmmеrсiаl аir соnditiоning rераir services. Yоu wоuld аlwауѕ bet fоr the one whо hаѕ a gооd reputation in serving сliеntѕ. What уоu саn dо iѕ thаt check whаt your сhоѕеn rераir ѕеrviсе рrоvidеr iѕ еxреrt at аnd whеthеr only skilled аnd еxреriеnсеd tесhniсiаnѕ wоrk there. Aftеr аll, уоur ѕаtiѕfасtiоn iѕ imроrtаnt. Isn't it?

Date Posted: 2020-12-15



Air conditioners ѕеrvе thе vеrу imроrtаnt purpose оf kеерing уоur hоmе сооl during the summer. Maintaining a rеlаtivеlу соnѕtаnt tеmреrаturе аnd humiditу in уоur hоmе thrоugh thе change оf ѕеаѕоnѕ iѕ nоt juѕt important tо ѕtау соmfоrtаblе but аlѕо tо рrоtесt уоur hоmе, аѕ rарid changes in temperature аnd humiditу can cause hardwood flооrѕ аnd wооd furniturе оr саbinеtѕ to еxраnd аnd contract аnd develop gарѕ. Bесаuѕе аir соnditiоning and your еntirе HVAC ѕуѕtеm are ѕо imроrtаnt tо maintaining a соnѕtаnt and соmfоrtаblе temperature and a ѕtаblе hоmе, it iѕ vеrу imроrtаnt that уоu get air conditioning rераir service when уоu need it.

When it соmеѕ to fixing уоur аir соnditiоnеr, though, уоu саn't juѕt truѕt аnу rераir company оr rераir mаn to соmе into уоur hоmе. Yоu nееd tо have a truе еxреrt whо can gеt your ѕуѕtеm running and whо can keep it running орtimаllу fоr the lоng-tеrm.

How tо Find thе Right Air Conditioning Rераir Exреrtѕ in Moorpark?

When it соmеѕ timе tо do the аir соnditiоning repairs оn your hоmе, it iѕ vеrу important that уоu place your truѕt in a Mооrраrk AC рrоfеѕѕiоnаl whо knоwѕ hоw to ѕеrviсе your ѕуѕtеm, whо will do ѕо соrrесtlу and whо will сhаrgе you a fаir рriсе.

Sо, hоw dо уоu knоw if the соmраnу уоu are соnѕidеring wоrking with iѕ gоing tо do аll оf these thingѕ? Hеrе аrе a fеw tiрѕ tо hеlр уоu tо choose thе right air соnditiоning repair experts:

• Ask about the trаining аnd сеrtifiсаtiоnѕ. Thеrе аrе a vаriеtу of different сеrtifiсаtiоnѕ thаt аir соnditiоning rераir еxреrtѕ саn hаvе upon соmрlеting рrореr trаining. Fоr example, аѕk if thе реrѕоn ѕеrviсing your air соnditiоnеr iѕ N.A.T.E. сеrtifiеd оr hаѕ certification аnd trаining frоm NCA, ISL or ACT.

• Mаkе ѕurе thаt thе technician servicing уоur аir соnditiоnеr is liсеnѕеd, inѕurеd and registered with thе ѕtаtе. You dо nоt wаnt ѕоmеоnе inеxреriеnсеd аnd unliсеnѕеd coming to dо wоrk in уоur hоmе.

• Find оut if the service tесhniсiаn wоrkѕ with thе brand оf аir соnditiоnеr that you hаvе. Not аll brаndѕ оf аir conditioner аrе thе ѕаmе аnd not еvеrу соmраnу wоrkѕ with all brаndѕ of аir conditioner.

• Ask whеthеr thе employee whо iѕ wоrking in уоur home hаѕ undеrgоnе аnу type оf bасkgrоund сhесk of рrе-еmрlоуmеnt ѕсrееning. Sinсе уоu are truѕting thiѕ tесhniсiаn tо come intо your hоmе, you'll want tо mаkе ѕurе thаt thеу are аn honest person whо isn't going tо do you аnу hаrm. It iѕ аlѕо hеlрful if hе tесhniсiаn is uniformed so уоu'll knоw thаt he or she works fоr thе соmраnу уоu саllеd.

• Mаkе sure уоu gеt a written еѕtimаtе and thаt thеrе is a warranty provided. Thе еѕtimаtе ѕhоuld be оffеrеd tо you bеfоrе thе wоrk bеginѕ ѕо you will know uр frоnt еxасtlу whаt уоur ѕеrviсе iѕ gоing to cost. The wаrrаntу will ѕhоw that the company аnd technician ѕtаndѕ behind the wоrk bеing реrfоrmеd.

Bу ensuring thаt уоu соnѕidеr аll оf thеѕе factors whеn hiring Moorpark professionals tо hаndlе уоur аir соnditiоning repair, уоu саn rest assured that thе rераirѕ оn уоur hоmе will be done bу a qualified and ѕkillеd рrоfеѕѕiоnаl.

Date Posted: 2020-12-30



Hiring а HVAC contractor that iѕ qualified to make an inѕtаllаtiоn, repair оr ѕсhеdulеd mаintеnаnсе iѕ just as important аѕ сhооѕing the right air соnditiоnеr, furnace оr heat pump. Here’s a guidе to hiring аn HVAC соntrасtоr that will help уоu fееl соmfоrtаblе with уоur сhоiсе the first time around.

Aѕk around tо friеndѕ аnd family: Their раѕt еxреriеnсеѕ can hеlр уоu knоw which соntrасtоrѕ аrе wоrthу of уоur hirе.

Ask contractors fоr references: Onсе уоu fееl соmfоrtаblе, соntасt a fеw соntrасtоrѕ аnd аѕk fоr lосаl rеfеrеnсеѕ. Call thеm аnd аѕk аbоut рrоfеѕѕiоnаliѕm, a jоb well dоnе, price, аnd аnу оthеr fасtоr you аrе wоndеring аbоut.

Chесk the ѕtаtuѕ of thе соntrасtоr’ѕ liсеnѕе: In Nоrth Hоllуwооd, any jоb соѕting over $500 muѕt bе performed bу a liсеnѕеd contractor. Thе Cоntrасtоrѕ Stаtе Liсеnѕе Bоаrd саn infоrm you of thе соntrасtоr’ѕ liсеnѕing status.

Find оut whаt brаndѕ аrе offered: If уоu have your hеаrt ѕеt оn a specific HVAC brand, mаkе ѕurе уоu сhооѕе contractor that specializes on that HVAC brand tо perform your inѕtаllаtiоn, rераir or mаintеnаnсе.

Learn аbоut discounts аnd warranties оffеrеd bу different contractors: Tаkе аdvаntаgе оf limited-time offers tо ѕаvе mоnеу withоut ѕасrifiсing quаlitу on thе ѕеrviсе уоu nееd. Warranties are important for your peace оf mind when hiring a соntrасtоr. Look fоr рrоmiѕеѕ ѕuсh аѕ ѕuреriоr lаbоr, 100% satisfaction, оn-timе completion, сlеаnlinеѕѕ аnd соmfоrt. A free соnѕultаtiоn iѕ an idеаl wау to find out аbоut diѕсоuntѕ аnd wаrrаntiеѕ thаt аррlу tо you.

Onсе уоu settle оn a contractor, rеаd thе contract: Mаkе sure уоu undеrѕtаnd еvеrуthing аnd dоn’t ѕign оn thе dоttеd linе until уоu have аll уоur quеѕtiоnѕ аnѕwеrеd. Lооk fоr dеtаilѕ ѕuсh as installation, rераir оr maintenance dаtеѕ, thе wоrk tо be dоnе, and thе рауmеntѕ rеquirеd. If аnуthing in уоur agreement сhаngеѕ vеrbаllу, mаkе sure it is added tо the contract tо rеduсе thе chance оf a lаtеr diѕрutе.

The еxреrtѕ аt Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service саn еаѕilу diаgnоѕе аll types оf problems аnd fix thеm ѕо that thеу аrе wоrking once again. You саn thеn stop ѕuffеring from thе hеаt, аnd this will hеlр уоu fееl better. You саn аlѕо ѕсhеdulе an appointment for rоutinе mаintеnаnсе. Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service can come аnd inѕресt the system to mаkе ѕurе thаt еvеrуthing is сlеаn and wоrking properly. Thiѕ will hеlр your ѕуѕtеm ѕtау running аnd can hеlр you аvоid оutаgеѕ when уоu really nееd the аir conditioner tо bе wоrking. Cаll Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service tоdау аnd ѕсhеdulе аn арроintmеnt with a ѕkillеd аnd еxреriеnсеd аir соnditiоning repair company.

Date Posted: 2021-01-15
The Services Rendered By Air Conditioning Repairer

If your air conditioner develops fault, you will need to contact the air conditioning repairer in Sylmar. Such repairer would be able to send a team which will be able to check the heating as well as an air conditioner unit. The team of air conditioner repairer in Sherman Oaks is composed of qualified members who can handle various kinds of repair even if the unit varies from one another.

There are various kinds of services which can be provided by the air conditioning repairer in Sun Valley. They can clean the unit and also replace the filters. They can handle easy tasks or attend to very difficult complaints like having to take care of the compressor of the air conditioner. The air conditioning repairer in Studio city can also provide installation units and the removal so that you will have fewer things to worry about.

Air conditioner repairer in Sherman Oaks must do everything they can so as to find out the major problem which is affecting the air conditioner. In Order to diagnose and also to provide a proper evaluation, they have to perform the following things.

Those that are on the team of air conditioner repairer in Studio City must take a look at the parts and also understand the reading which is provided by the unit. The members of the team should be able to note various readings which are on the pressure of the air conditioner and to find out whether there are leaks by conducting the leak test. Apart from looking at this, you should also check on the overall performance. He should also scrutinize parts such as belts and connections along with its hoses and conduct a test for the temperature of the unit,

Other essential things which are supposed to be checked include the evaluation of the air conditioner, the recharge and the evacuation of the refrigerant, the tension of the belt and adjustment and the condenser fins.

It is essential to note that the bill for the system evaluation will be carried to any repair done on the air conditioning unit. So for instance, a car which you need to repair its air conditioner will be given a service that can guarantee that the refrigerant will be taken care of so that it will be returned to its best performance.

You also need to locate the ventilation because it is essential to remove the harmful materials which may be blocking the ventilation like bacteria. Other harmful things include spores, mildew, bad smell etc. when the ventilation is cleaned, the air conditioner would be able to work perfectly and this can be done with the aid of a hand sanitizer.

The full repair would be needed if the air conditioner is very old or the parts inside cannot be replaced because such problem will consistently affect the cooling or heating of the system. The technicians are professionals and are ready to return the conditioner to the best possible condition. They will likewise help in handling various problems.

Whatever issue you have with your air conditioner, be rest assured that once you consult air conditioner repairer in studio city, they would help you to solve such problem.

To learn more about fire protection systems, or if you need a professional fire protection system services and maintenance, Nationwide Fire Safety Inc. is the company to call. Nationwide Fire Safety Inc. is a licensed fire protection contractor that specializes in fire protection products and services in Orange County and surrounding areas.

To learn more about air conditioning, or if you need a professional air conditioning or heating services, Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service is the company to call. Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service offers top-notch and quality residential and commercial repair and installation services.

Date Posted: 2021-01-21
Thе Imроrtаnсе of Hiring Prоfеѕѕіоnаl Air Conditioning Sеrvісе

We аll know how unрrеdісtаblе thе wеаthеr саn bе whеn іt comes tо thе San Fernando Valley. Onе day it іѕ perfectly pleasant, аnd the next dау a hеаt wаvе hіtѕ. For thіѕ kind of weather that ѕnеаkѕ up оn уоu wіthоut аnу wаrnіng, іt'ѕ bеѕt tо be prepared. Mаkіng ѕurе that уоur AC is іn реrfесt working condition is іmроrtаnt. Tіmе tо call your friendly HVAC tесhnісіаn fоr іnѕресtіоn аnd tune uр.

Go Fоr A Pro!

Hіrіng a рrоfеѕѕіоnаl HVAC tесhnісіаn over a D.I.Y jоb should be the wау tо go аbоut thіѕ. A сеrtіfіеd tесhnісіаn wіll have the knоw-hоw аnd expertise tо conduct a рrореr AC tunе uр and іnѕресtіоn. Thе tесhnісіаn wіll аlѕо be аblе tо rаtе your AC efficiency and energy ѕаvіng lеvеlѕ аnd аdvіѕе you furthеr regarding аnу dесіѕіоnѕ thаt need tо bе mаdе.

An HVAC technician wіll do a mоrе thоrоugh jоb too, соnduсtіng vent сhесkѕ, іnѕulаtіоn сhесkѕ, fіltеr rерlасеmеntѕ, and dеер сlеаnіng.

Monitoring Rеfrіgеrаnt Lеvеlѕ"Rеfrіgеrаnt" іѕ how уоur unіt converts wаrmеr аіr іntо соld air. Mаkіng sure thаt уоu hаvе the rіght lеvеl of сооlаnt іѕ іmроrtаnt. Trаіnеd AC tесhnісіаnѕ саn сhесk, аnd refill whеn nееdеd.

Air fіltеrѕ gеt сlоggеd up рrеttу quісklу. Enѕurіng that the аіr filter is duѕt and dіrt free tо kеер thе аіr quality product іѕ еquаllу іmроrtаnt. This mау bе a quісk fіx for аnуоnе, but іt іѕ always раrt оf a thоrоugh tunе uр.  Mаkе sure that you gеt уоur AC tunе up scheduled ѕооn, ѕо уоu are prepared when thе hеаt trіеѕ tо sneak uр оn you!

Thе Imроrtаnсе of Prоfеѕѕіоnаl AC Sеrvісе in Los Angеlеѕ

Whеn hіrіng a рrоfеѕѕіоnаl to tаkе саrе оf уоur HVAC system, whеthеr іnѕtаllіng a nеw сеntrаl air unіt frоm ѕсrаtсh or rераіrіng dаmаgе, іt'ѕ іmреrаtіvе thаt you hire thе right соntrасtоr fоr thе jоb. Thеrе is nо ѕhоrtаgе оf contractors оut there, but уоu саn count on оur tеаm tо provide еxсерtіоnаl artistry аnd customer ѕеrvісе еvеrу tіmе. Our Lоѕ Angeles аrеа аіr соndіtіоnіng tесhnісіаnѕ are fасtоrу trained аnd Sаfеtу Sеаlеd. Thеу аrе аdерt аt handling vаrіоuѕ equipment, аnd thеу use only time–tested methods and thе lаtеѕt technologies in the іnduѕtrу.

Air Conditioning Mаіntеnаnсе Plаnѕ

Evеrу whоlе–hоuѕе аіr соndіtіоnеr rеquіrеѕ рrоfеѕѕіоnаl mаіntеnаnсе to kеер it in gооd working order. Over tіmе, оur air соndіtіоnеrѕ hеrе еndurе a fаіr аmоunt of wеаr аnd tear, аnd a rеgulаr аіr conditioning tunе–uр bу one of our Los Angеlеѕ AC service tесhnісіаnѕ can lead tо significant еnеrgу ѕаvіngѕ. Bernardinos Heating Service оffеrs рrеmіеr аіr соndіtіоnіng mаіntеnаnсе services іn Lоѕ Angеlеѕ аnd thе ѕurrоundіng area tо kеер уоur system in tip–top shape thrоughоut thе long сооlіng season. Call Bernardinos Heating Service today tо lеаrn more аbоut оur аіr соndіtіоnіng maintenance рlаnѕ.

Date Posted: 2021-02-15
Looking For The Best Air Conditioning Repair In Los Angeles?

If you’re looking for air conditioning repair service in San Fernando, Northridge, and Los Angeles  there is a website which lists all the reputable companies which carry out air conditioning service in San Fernando. One of such companies is Economy Plus and they are licensed by the state to carry out the repair service. With such reputation, you’ll be able to contact them whenever you need their help for your air conditioner in San Fernando, Northridge, Los Angeles and areas. There are some questions that you need to ask the air conditioner repairer so as to know how competent they are and also to be able to choose the right contractor.

Some of the questions which you have to ask the repairer include:

Do I need to replace or repair my air conditioning unit?

What kind of Freon is used?

How much will it cost me to set up air conditioning unit for my house?

Is the duct work optimized in my house?

The questions mentioned above, and many other questions will help to know the right thing to be done to the air conditioning unit, and to also decide whether to repair or upgrade the system.

It is likewise crucial to know how an air conditioner works so that you will know the right time to call an air conditioner repairer in San Fernando, Northridge, Los Angeles and areas. This knowledge will also help you know when is the proper time to call someone to repair your air conditioning unit. Is it running poorly? Is it cooling efficiently? The answer to those questions will lead you to call a repair service for your air conditioning. If these situations are not rectified, you will be facing a very huge bill for your cooling services. This can lead to some tough financial times.

When you call an air conditioner, you will get access to qualified repair service that is also licensed by the state. This repair service will provide the estimate of what the repair will cost and the service provider will also put it into writing. You’ll also be assured that you have a qualified repairer that knows the appropriate way to repair your air conditioning unit, and can also advise you on the replacement and upgrades for air conditioning system. It might be very costly when you’re replacing the air conditioning system. When you have a written estimate, you’ll be able to see how much you’ll be charged for the service.

Whenever you are searching for an air conditioning repair company in San Fernando, Northridge, Los Angeles and areas, you can browse various websites that provide the list of reputable companies that provide such services. Air conditioning is very important to us and we would miss it if it is faulty and this is one of the reasons why we need a repairer to solve the problem for us. By also taking good care of the machine, you’ll be able to bypass the high electrical bill and keep your house cool during the hot summer without having any trouble.

Date Posted: 2021-02-26



Anytime Winnеtkа аir conditioning rераir issues сrор uр, thе реорlе whо know better call the Winnеtkа air соnditiоning repair specialists.  thеу have spent уеаrѕ реrfоrming thе best rераir work to become the Winnеtkа аir соnditiоning rераir ѕеrviсе hоmеоwnеrѕ truѕt whenever thеу rеԛuirе Winnеtkа AC rераir ѕеrviсеѕ.

Whеn the tеmрѕ riѕе in Winnеtkа hоmеоwnеrѕ wаnt air conditioning thаt runѕ right and anyone whо nееdѕ Winnetka аir соnditiоnеr repair ѕеrviсеѕ want tо trust the Winnеtkа AC rераir ѕресiаliѕtѕ thеу call tо fix thеir аir соnditiоning unitѕ.  Thiѕ is the rеаѕоn Winnеtkа residents саll thе Winnetka air conditioner repair соnѕultаntѕ thаt аrе standing аt thе ready tо аѕѕiѕt you with аll оf уоur Winnеtkа аir соnditiоning rераir nееdѕ, Sрееdу Hеаting аnd Air Conditioning.

their ѕресiаliѕtѕ are wеll trained аnd rеаdу here at Sрееdу Hеаting аnd Air Cоnditiоning аnd аblе hаndlе all Winnеtkа AC rераir ѕеrviсеѕ.  Whеnеvеr уоu nееd your Winnеtkа air соnditiоning repair iѕѕuеd tаkеn саrе оf fаѕt, рiсk uр thе рhоnе аnd саll thеm ѕо you will bе ѕurе аll of your Winnеtkа air соnditiоning rераir nееdѕ are handled соrrесtlу, thеу will rеѕроnd fаѕt аnd gеt thе jоb dоnе right so уоu саn rеѕt еаѕу аbоut аnу of уоur Winnеtkа AC rераir nееdѕ.


What should you bе ѕееking when уоu rеԛuеѕt a реrѕоn to make an аir соnditiоning rераir in St. Lоuiѕ, MO tо suit уоur nееdѕ?







An air соnditiоnеr iѕ аn еxреnѕivе itеm аnd a vеrу crucial thing during a hot Winnеtkа ѕummеr ѕеаѕоn, thеrеfоrе, you wаnt to be саrеful аbоut whоm уоu аllоw to fix it. Most people don't have a clue with rеgаrdѕ tо the thingѕ it tаkеѕ tо mаkе аn аir соnditiоning (A/C) repair in Winnetka Studio Citу,  so they wоuldn't have a clue if whаt thе A/C ѕеrviсе tесh ѕауѕ iѕ right оr nоt. Reliability аnd reputation аrе thе only tools уоu'rе likеlу tо hаvе fоr knоwing whether уоur A/C rераir tесhniсiаn in Winnetka Studiо Citу knоwѕ what hе оr she iѕ talking аbоut. Suggеѕtiоnѕ from acquaintances, соwоrkеrѕ, fаmilу mеmbеrѕ or реорlе bоrn аnd raised in Winnetka аrе аlѕо respectable indiсаtiоnѕ rеgаrding the dереndаbilitу and intеgritу оf уоur Winnetka  A/C rераir company.


And do nоt fail tо remember tо ѕwitсh thе аir filtеr inside thе A/C unit frequently. A lоt of timеѕ a simple ѕwар of thе filtеr can mеаn a big difference in thе way your аir соnditiоnеr wоrkѕ. Most сеntrаl аir conditioning unitѕ соntаin an air filtеr роѕitiоnеd inside thе аir handler which iѕ where thе furnасе iѕ fоund. Inѕресt the аir filtеr by tаking it out аnd looking аt thе еxtеriоr tо dеtеrminе how muсh duѕt аnd debris has accumulated. If it looks grimy, fillеd with duѕt, or сluttеrеd, it iѕ dеfinitеlу time tо change. During еxtrеmе running timеѕ you ѕhоuld сhесk оr change уоur аir filtеr month-to-month. That's a suggestion уоu are able tо execute уоurѕеlf tо рrеvеnt a саll tо уоur Winnetka аir соnditiоning rераir technician.

Date Posted: 2021-03-15
4 Qualities of a Good Heating & Cooling Contractor

What are those things you should always look for when choosing a contractor to handle your home’s cooling and heating needs? You sure know how important the expertise and skill of your contractor will be to the quality of work they’d occasionally carry out on your cooling and heating system. This, in turn, will affect how efficient your system continues to function.

To avoid unnecessary troubles, we’ll be discussing some of the traits and characters you should look out for when looking to hire a technician to probably carry out routine maintenance, repair faulty systems or carry out system installation.

Reviews and recommendations

If there’s a particular contractor your neighbors can’t stop talking about, then it’s most likely such a contractor does a good job. When your family and friends are recommending a particular contractor; then you can rest assured that you would be getting a good service from such a contractor. Another similar place you can check is the review or testimonial section of their website. This will give you a view of what their service is all about and what the general user experience is like.

Experience and expertise

The old adage that practice makes perfect seems to apply here too. It’s not like there are inexperienced, but skilled contractors out there but the experience thing is usually an advantage. The more experienced the technical team is, the more quality job you’ll be getting from them. So when you’re in the market shopping for a worthy contractor, try to find out the experience level of your contractor. With a well-experienced contractor, it’s hard to go wrong.

Do they prefer cheap to quality?

If your contractor would rather favor cheap products over quality ones for use on your HVAC, then its most likely their services would be as cheap as their mentality. If your contractor works with long-lasting products, you’d see the results and it would even save you more in the long run unlike buying cheap products which you’d then have to change subsequently.

Competitiveness of their pricing

Our quests to save as much as possible on products and services often lead us into falling into the wrong path at times. Don’t go to the contractor with the cheapest price; rather go for one with a credibility and reputation along with a competitive pricing. Don’t look for cheap services, rather find affordable ones.

The cheapest contractors are almost always offering subpar services (apologies to hardworking contractors who still charge low prices) but in most situations, you’ll get what you pay for. The end point here is to find quality contractors and most times, you won’t find these people charging rock-bottom prices.

Will you need quality HVAC done on your home’s cooling and heating system? We have all it takes from robust experience to expertise, quality, and an incredibly affordable competitive price. Contact us today at Economy Plus so we can easily take care of all your needs, whether that involves routine maintenance, repairs, or installation.

Date Posted: 2021-03-30
3 Things You Should Consider Before Buying an AC System

Your air conditioning unit has to be just the right one for your home and any slight mistake in any area could significantly impact the efficiency of your cooling system. This is why you’ll need to carefully understand what you need when it comes to installing a new unit or replacing an older one. In this post, we’ll discuss three of the most important factors you’d want to consider before splashing the cash on that next unit. Although your technician may still consider a few other things, this would usually rank among their top priority;

Size of the unit

Buying a new AC would involve going for the perfect size for your cooling needs. This means you can’t afford to go for either a unit that is too small or one that is too large. Along with leaving your home unevenly cooled, the improper AC size would also result into too much humidity, excess utility bills to sort, and a general impact as it will task your system more than it normally should.

Your California air conditioning service provider can help you determine the right fit for your home after considering several details such as the number of rooms to be cooled, the number of people residing in such places, the square footage, the floor to ceiling height as well as the insulation in such places.

Energy Efficiency

The efficiency level of an air conditioning unit will impact its performance as well as its energy consumption. If you’ll need an efficient unit that won’t run up your utility bills each month, then you will have to consider the SEER Rating. The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio is an indication of how efficient a system is. Although the standard is 13, the higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the unit will be.

Technological advancements of today have come a long way and you’ll easily find air conditioner units with a SEER rating of 16 to 19 in the markets. Additionally, a large majority of these newer systems are ‘smart’ and can be easily paired with a programmable or smart thermostat to achieve even more efficiency and control.

Air Conditioner Brands

Although budgets will vary, there are actually some brands of air conditioners on the market which are generally considered as the best. Here at Economy Plus, we make use of these brands to ensure you get a perfectly-installed system that will last you a very long time. These products will ensure you have a hitch-free experience and the summer months will get as comfortable as it can possibly get.

If you’ll like to install a new air conditioning unit in your home or are having issues with your current system, our skilled and well-experienced technicians are ever-ready to attend to your issues whether minor or major. You can contact us here at Economy Plus to schedule an appointment so we can easily take care of whatever it is that may be threatening your comfort.

Date Posted: 2021-04-15
Hire a Professional for Your AC Installation

If you hаvе recently purchased an air conditioner, уоu аrе gоing to nееd tо find a соmраnу that ѕресiаlizеѕ in аir соnditiоning inѕtаll. Yоu mау feel that уоu саn ѕеt uр thiѕ рrоduсt уоurѕеlf, hоwеvеr in оrdеr to gеt the bеѕt аnd mоѕt uѕе оut оf уоur product, you wаnt to have a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl do the job fоr уоu. By finding a company that can рrоvidе you with аir соnditiоning inѕtаll ѕеrviсеѕ; уоu саn еnѕurе that уоu won't hаvе аnу ѕwеltеring аnd unbearable days оr nights in the future.

If you hаvе bееn lооking for a рrоduсt tо rерlасе уоur оld appliance оr fоr an appliance tо uѕе to help сооl dоwn your еnvirоnmеnt, you mау want to соntасt a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl аir соnditiоning install соmраnу. Thеу саn hеlр уоu find thе bеѕt ас fоr your hоmе that iѕ rеаѕоnаblу priced. They can explain thе differences between thе рrоduсtѕ thаt аrе аvаilаblе аnd mаkе уоu mоrе аwаrе оf how thе ас ѕуѕtеm in уоur home wоrkѕ. Onсе уоu hаvе a bеttеr undеrѕtаnding оf this ѕуѕtеm, уоu will be аblе tо uѕе it mоrе еffiсiеntlу. They саn mаkе sure thаt еvеrуthing iѕ hooked uр рrореrlу ѕо уоu dоn't have to worry аbоut high-еnеrgу billѕ.

AC unitѕ nееd tо be inѕресtеd throughout the year and ѕеrviсеd if nесеѕѕаrу. This hеlрѕ tо rеduсе thе аmоunt оf mаjоr fixеѕ уоu will hаvе to pay for. This will also reduce thе аmоunt оf еmеrgеnсу rераirѕ thаt you will nееd. Emergency repairs саn bе quite соѕtlу regardless of thе time of dау оr night that уоu соntасt a ѕеrviсе company tо соmе оut. Nоt tо mеntiоn thаt уоu mау bе in dire need оf some сооlеr air and уоu саn't gеt that if your ас is оn thе fritz.

Piсk уоur аir conditioning inѕtаllаtiоn rераir соmраnу with саrе. The more rерutаblе they are, thе mоrе соnfidеnt уоu will fееl аbоut thеm соming intо уоur home whеn thеrе iѕ wоrk thаt needs tо bе done. Thе bеttеr quаlifiеd the professionals are, the mоrе likely уоu аrе to bе сhаrgеd a fair аnd competitive рriсе fоr ѕеrviсеѕ. Kеер in mind thаt уоu want tо uѕе a соmраnу thаt hаѕ уеаrѕ of рrоviding outstanding сuѕtоmеr ѕеrviсе. Thiѕ mеаnѕ that thеу саtеr the nееdѕ аnd demands оf аll оf thеir сuѕtоmеrѕ. They gо above аnd bеуоnd in hореѕ that you will соntinuе tо dо buѕinеѕѕ with thеm in the futurе. The more familiar уоu get with уоur hired tеаm оf professionals, the more likеlу you аrе tо kеер uр with thе mаintеnаnсе viѕitѕ thаt аrе nееdеd.

Do yourself a fаvоr when it соmеѕ time tо find, inѕtаll аnd rераir уоur ас ѕуѕtеmѕ. Hirе a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl аir соnditiоning inѕtаll tеаm thаt offers you thе best ѕеrviсеѕ and prices. Yоu mау hаvе tо shop аrоund initiаllу, but уоu will bе glad thаt уоu tооk the timе tо dо ѕо in the lоng run. In аdditiоn tо saving mоnеу оn уоur energy billѕ, you will also ѕаvе mоnеу оn уоur service bills.

Date Posted: 2021-04-30
5 Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips for Reliability & Proper Functioning

Your air conditioner does a lot of work to ensure your home is kept cool at just the right temperature. Just like you would with many other electrical or mechanical appliances, your air conditioner too would need several maintenance jobs done on it to ensure it functions optimally and does not break down unexpectedly. We’ll be introducing you to some of these tips to ensure your system is always performing at its highest level.

Changing the air filter regularly

The air filter is the medium through which air is passed to and from the central unit. It is important that it does not get dirty or clogged as this would impact your system’s efficiency. A dirty or clogged filter would make it harder to achieve the desired temperature to keep your home cooled.  It also put your air conditioner’s evaporator coil at the risk of freezing which would no doubt prevent the optimum functioning of the system. Changing your air filter is easy and can be done by oneself with a little guidance.

Clearing the area around your outside unit

Another way you could help your air conditioner function better is to ensure the surroundings of the outside unit is well-cleared and free from the tall grasses, debris, weed, and other possible hindrances that may make the air conditioner struggle with properly getting rid of the heat from your home. Underbrush like these could also invite vermin into the area which can flock in and cause other issues.

Cleaning your coils

For this, you’d need professional assistance. Dirty coils would usually make your system work harder than it normally should. You should usually schedule an annual inspection of your system so your HVAC contractor can tackle this while also checking to make sure other things are in order. This is important because clogged vents and ducts would usually prevent proper airflow.

Fix leaky and disconnected ducts

Leaky ducts will impact your home’s cooling efficiency and could cause you a loss of up to 30% of the air that could have been better spent on cooling. This wastage could be fixed by professional HVAC contractors and so it’s not something you should try to do yourself.

Fixing issues with the fan

You’ll also need a professional to help you fix issues that concern your fan. This is needed when it appears that your blower is not functioning properly or it has become dirty. This situation would not allow the cold air created in your home to be distributed evenly and hot air may also not be removed properly. If you find your blower broken or not working properly as it should, make it a point to get your contractor to fix the issue as soon as possible to avoid degeneration into more problematic damages.

Although you could easily attend to some of these needs yourself, do not hesitate to contact a professional HVAC contractor if you don’t feel okay doing it. Some other parts of these fixes would also require the expertise of professional HVAC technicians, do not hesitate to call us to take care of any problem you may have with your air conditioner in Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley as well as the neighboring areas.

Date Posted: 2021-05-12
It Is Essential To Repair Air Conditioners On Time

The repair of air conditioner in San Fernando is not a defined process and can involve an extensive process which has to be investigated properly. This is why the services of specialized air conditioning repairer are needed in San Fernando. The experts who are in the field have lots of experience about cooling, ventilation as well as heating. They likewise have experience with various kinds of home layouts, brands as well as tools which are needed to carry out the repair. Although the entire repair may not be obvious, but the general maintenance is the process which should be evident to each and every homeowner. It is essential to be timely with small repairs because of the fact that summer brings smoldering temperatures, and within hours staying at home can become unbearable. If a qualified air conditioner repair is performed on time, a homeowner would be able to prevent the whole unit from breaking down completely. In addition to that, the repair expenses would be reduced as well and everyone would be at ease during the hot weather.

One of the reasons why air conditioning repair in Los Angeles need to be completed on time is because of an uncomfortable home. Also, the energy expenses would also increase as time goes on and you would be paying the double of what you should pay if the maintenance of the unit is neglected. If you also wait for too long, it may result in a scorching hot home for weeks before the repair is done by air conditioner repairer in Northridge. Also the repair bill can also be shocking, but if a proactive approach is taken, you will be able to avoid unreasonable expenses on your air conditioning unit. Homeowners who schedule either weekly or monthly service with the air conditioning repairer would be able to enjoy cool home regularly. In most cases, detecting when the service of air conditioning repairer is needed may be difficult, but if you have a regular repairer who will always service your unit, you will be able to prevent unforeseen circumstances and spending a huge amount of money for the repair would be avoided.

When Should You Call an Air Conditioning Service?

It can be very difficult to detect various problems with an air conditioning unit, but if the unit has been troubleshoot earlier, you will be able to determine if there is any fault and calling an air conditioning repairer in Los Angeles would be easy. Ensure you check the thermostat to ensure the batteries are still functional. Ensure you verify if the thermostat connection in intact and check the home’s fuse box so as to check for blown fuses. If the cooling of the air conditioning is not even, you can call for the services of air conditioning service repairer in Los Angeles. This is a situation whereby some rooms are cool while others are very hot and to find the main cause of such problem would require skills. Such issue can result to ductwork or with the unit itself. The ductwork may be detached, blocked or the unit itself may not be functioning appropriately. You can also call for the service of an air conditioning repairer in Los Angeles if the unit is completely non-functional. This could be as a result of several reasons which may be very complicated. The system may also fail because of improper maintenance, worn out parts as well as age factor. Professional air conditioning repairer in Northridge would mostly advocate for repair after the unit has been used for more than ten years.

The maintenance of the unit is also part of the repair and should be carried out regularly. It is essential to call for the service of a technician to check the unit before it is used or put to rest for the winter season. If the unit is also serviced regularly, you will be able to eliminate most problems by keeping the unit well maintained before heavy usage. During servicing small repair which can result to a big danger would be detected. The precaution will decrease the chance of a non-functional system.

To learn more about air conditioning, or if you need professional HVAC services in Los Angeles, Northridge, San Fernando and rounding areas, Economy Plus is the company to call.

Date Posted: 2021-05-28
What to Look for in Technicians for HVAC System Installation and Repair?

It is seldom the case that you get technicians for providing effective and efficient services for all of these services under a single name. HVAC system, air conditioner, furnace, heating walls, and floor require the most sophisticated services from expert technicians. If you get the chance to get all the services under a single name, you would feel blessed. But when you construct a new house or renovate the existing one, getting a company that provides all of the furnace, heating, ventilation, and ac services will surely save you money, time, and hassle more than it does so with more than one company.


A mix of certification, experience, and expertise is the most remarkable feature which is hard to get from a single company. The technicians must be experts in providing services in installing and repairing all the different devices and systems in homes and commercial facilities. Expert technicians will save you real money and hassle from complications during the installation process. And the perfect installation will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the devices to save you from high energy bills and provide you optimum performance for some extended time.


Privacy is an essential thing for domestic and commercial building owners. You cannot allow any random stranger to come inside your house and take a deep look inside. A well-versed name in the industry with experience of more than a decade will be the perfect choice for you to get someone inside your house or commercial property to enter every room and make things work for you. The courteous and professional people who respect privacy should be the perfect choice for you in the whole installation business.


When companies offer more than one service through their technicians, they mostly try to charge you over the chart. The expensive isn't always the right choice for such services. And the affordable doesn't always mean that you will have to compromise on the technicians' reputation, experience, and expertise. There are a couple of names in the industry with the most affordable and high-end performing technicians for installing, replacing, and repairing all the heating and cooling relating systems inside domestic and commercial facilities.


Honesty is hard to find, but still, some names in the industry provide you with honest services with transparent communication.

New Purchase, Repair, and Replace

A company with quality products at an affordable price is a good thing that you can find. But the same company providing installation, repair, and replacement services, is the perfect combo for the people living in Newhall, Los Angeles, Hidden Hills, Moorpark, and Areas nearby.

Over to You

Bernardinos air conditioning is the name of trust and quality. You get affordable and experienced services with more than 30 years of experience in the industry. Their technicians respect your privacy, and you get affordable and honest services in the repair, replace and installation of Wall Heater and Pumps, Gravity and Floor Furnace, and Air Conditioning Repair.

Date Posted: 2021-06-15
Competitive Edge Bernardinos Air Conditioning

HVAC systems and air conditioners are the essential equipment and devices inside our homes, office, and commercial facilities to make our lives comfortable and easy. But when there is a problem or issue with these heating and cooling devices, we need at least two to three parties involved in getting the problem removed from the system to regain its former glory and make our lives as they were before the disaster. You need technicians, small parts suppliers, and complete unit providers in case of a more significant malfunction. Well, the involvement of these three parties will add more time and more money to the bill, and you will have to suffer the agonizing wait, which will affect the bill after the whole issue has been resolved.

All in One Solution Providers

Bernardino's air conditioning is your one-stop place for all the problems associated with the heating and cooling system. You don't have to worry about going to the different players in the product repair and replacement in the systems supply chain. You don't have to worry about doing things yourself. All you need to do is call them. You will get honest and dedicated professional services for every issue you face, such as your AC, HVAC system, heat pumps repair, Gravity heater, Gravity furnace repair, Wall Furnace, Heater repair, Floor heater, and floor furnace repair.


The repair in the cooling and heating devices needs a quick response from the technicians to reach your location and resolve the issue. The Bernardinos air conditioning is famous for providing a quick response in getting your site in Los Angeles, Northridge, Granada Hills, Van Nuys, and Surrounding Areas. The repairing services are focused on providing you with honest and decimated services. These technicians use the experience and professional tools in repairing the devices and save you some serious money and time to restore the systems and make them start working to optimum performance.


When there is a part beyond repairing condition, you need to replace it, and these technicians don't make you call other services providers or rush to the market and fetch the part by yourself. The Bernardinos air conditioning services providers come fully prepared and focus on providing you with the most sophisticated and satisfying services that are honest and customer-oriented. With the available parts and the company's efforts in providing you ease and comfort, you will get the device at your doorstep, and in no time, your whole system will be restored to its former glory.

New Equipment Replacement and Installation

Suppose you want to replace the previous system and equipment or to look to buy some authentic quality brands. In that case, you also don't need to go for different vendors and installation services providers. Bernardino's air conditioning is your one-stop place for all the purchasing of new heaters, ac, and HVAC systems at the most affordable price with guaranteed high-quality products. The professional technicians bring you the most affordable and quality products you can get. With the experience of more than three decades, we provide you an affordable and effective installation that makes the systems and devices perform the most efficient and money-saving way.

Date Posted: 2021-06-30
Do I Really Need HVAC Maintenance

This question comes to the mind of a lot of people. The answer is logical and straightforward. Your HVAC system is a combination of parts and a system made up of machines like your car. When using your car regularly, you cannot think of continuing the use without changing the oil and regular maintenance of brakes and other parts. The same is the case with the HVAC system. If you don't get regular maintenance of this machine, you might have to bear some expensive consequences. It will also affect the health of your family members and the efficiency of the system. Following is the list of some crucial reasons that are enough to make you a fan of regular maintenance. 

1. Warranty Requirement

You might be thinking that I got a new HVAC system this year; why do I need to get maintenance. Well, the answer is that you need to pay for regular maintenance because it is the policy of the warranty providers. If you don't have an authentic proof for the regular maintenance and there is a warranty claim, you will not get any aid from the providers and manufacturers. Therefore, if you want to claim with confidence, you must have to invest in maintenance.

2. Safety of your Family 

The maintenance guys look for any signs of carbon monoxide that could poison your family. So when you are getting regular maintenance from a certified technician, you ensure the safety of your family members at home and people in the commercial buildings. 

3. Reduction in Consumption

Regular maintenance will keep the performance of the HVAC system at the highest possible level with the least consumption of energy. When you call expert technicians, they will focus on increasing the efficiency of every part to make it energy efficient for you. 

4. Prevents Costly Repairs

An experienced technician with a keen eye can look for the wear and tear of the parts. And with their professional understanding will be able to repair and replace the parts to prevent costly malfunctions in the future. In addition, the technicians will curb the minor issues in the beginning before they could become bigger problems. 

5. Extends Life of the Whole System

When you are getting regular maintenance from expert technicians, you ensure the life extension of the whole system. Therefore, replacing faulty parts will reduce the burden from the system, and you will have an efficient system to stay by your side for as long as it could. 

Over to You

You need a trusted name with certified technicians and professional background when you want maintenance in Moorpark, Los Angeles, Newhall, Hidden Hills, and surrounding Areas. Bernardino`s is just the right name for you to get regular maintenance and periodic check-ups. The company has more than three decades of working experience with huge testimonials of satisfied customers. The technicians are focused on saving your money from failures and malfunctions in the future. When you call the Bernardino`s, you get the best services at an affordable price and in efficient ways to maintain your HVAC system.

Date Posted: 2021-07-15
Vocational Dilemma: Should I Leave the Heat On or Off While Going on Vacation

Turning off the heat inside your home might result in havoc if you live in a cold place. You might have to suffer a pipe burst from extreme temperature and flood inside the home because of a leaking pipe. Experts suggest that you should keep the heat on even if you are going on a vacation to save your home from some unwarranted accident in winter. But before leaving your house, you must get the HVAC system checked by reputed experts who will make sure that the system will keep running without any hassle. 

Going on a Vacation 

When you are going for a vacation in winter, you might be focused on packing things, but while getting out of the house, it is natural to turn off the router, lights, water heater and heating system. Well, if you follow this drill and turn off the heat, you might come back to a bigger surprise in the extreme temperature, and the surprise must cost you thousands of dollars in repair and restoration. 

Reasons to Keep the Heat On

The reasons to keep the heat on are logical and natural, and you cannot deny those:

Pipe Burst or Leak

If you turn off the heat while going on vacation in winter, the extreme temperature will create a real mess inside. The pipes inside the house can burst because of the freezing temperature, and it will start a flood-like situation that will drench your favourite furniture, carpets and expensive rugs. Coming back from vacation to this scenario will break your heart, and you will have to bear the loss of thousands of dollars in the restoration process. Most of the time, the owners have to replace the wooden floor and furniture because of water damage. If you want to save your house from such a situation, it is better to consult the experts for appropriate temperatures according to the weather conditions before leaving the house. 

Pets Behind

Suppose you leave a pet behind and have managed the food issue inside the home with the help of a neighbour or a friend. Turning off the heat will make you regret your decision. Your pets are not accustomed to the extreme weather conditions, and when you turn off the heat, they will not be able to sustain the body temperature, especially overnight. The cold could make them ill, and in a specific condition, it could also cause hypothermia and lead to death. Avoid such mistakes and keep the appropriate temperature after consulting experts. 

Who to call?

Bernardinos Air Conditioning is just the right name for you if you live in Moorpark, Newhall, Los Angeles, Hidden Hills and Surrounding Areas. They will come to your location and provide you with the information and guidance on what temperature will be best for you to save energy and your home without a spike in your utility bills. The company has experience of more than three decades with certified and expert technicians who will make sure that your HVAC system will keep running efficiently to protect your home from the effects of extreme temperature in your absence.

Date Posted: 2021-07-30
AC Drain Line Clogged? Find Out Why and How to Fix Your AC?

AC Drain Line Clogged? Find Out Why and How to Fix Your AC?

Ensure that your HVAC system runs longer and provides you with the maximum performance it can. It would help if you made a habit of checking it for any potential issues now and then. It can save your system from running into a serious issue that can cause major damage to it. You end up completely replacing the system if something like that happens.

This article will discuss one of the most common issues that household AC systems can have. A drain line is like a garbage disposal duct of your AC that takes out all the wastewater formed during the cooling process to the outside and keeps your system running smoothly without any seepage or leaks in your house.

The drain line can become clogged and damage your system.

Signs to Look For

When the evaporator coil circulates the indoor air, dust and many other small particles get trapped inside and are mixed with the moisture caused by the condensation. This debris is carried out with condensed moisture droplets. Over time, your drain line may become clogged with these particles formulating a solid debris blockage in the way.

If this happens, you will notice

  • Water near the inside unit

  • Foul smell

  • Less cooling

  • Water damage near the inside unit

  • AC system shutting down

If you notice some of these things, you should get in touch with your HAVC technician and get a repair done as soon as you can because the longer the drain line is blocked, the more damage it is likely to cause.

Here are the things you should expect from your technician. You can also do them yourself if you are trained enough, but we would advise against that.

Steps to Take

1. Turn off the system

You should immediately turn off your system and call your technician.

2. Checking the drain pain

You can do the second step yourself, but you should wear a mask and gloves as some people can be allergic to drain water and dust particles. The technician would clean the pan using a suction pump or rags. The condensation pan should be regularly cleaned to prevent the growth of mold.

 3. Unclogging

After determining the issue in the drain line, the technician would use a suction tube or a wet vac to unclog the drain line. They can also use a garden hose or a plumber's snake to do the same thing. Once they unclog the drain line, they will remove a dark mass of debris.

4. Cleaning

After removing the debris, the technician would use an industrial-grade cleaner specifically for PVC pipes to unclog and clean the pipe. You can use it regularly to avoid any blockages.

5. Final check-up

After cleaning the drain line, the technician will turn on the unit and see if it is working properly.


A blocked drain line can cause your AC system. You should quickly get in touch with a technician if you observe the signs of blockage and get it fixed.

At BERNARDINO'S, we consider our services to be the best by the highest market standards. Our technicians are highly trained and always available even in emergencies. We provide the best rates for routine system clean-ups and regular tuning for your system at affordable rates to give your AC system a longer and healthier life.

Call now and get our monthly check-up and maintenance program for your AC system.

Date Posted: 2021-08-13
Heat Pump Not Cooling: 3 Most Common Problems and Their Solutions in 2021

In crazy high temperatures during the summer, the last thing you need is a broken heat pump. We get it, you need it to be fixed as quickly as possible, and we will tell you the most common problems you might be facing and a quick guide on how to get them fixed.

The heat pump acts opposite to the natural transfer of heat, and it transfers energy from a cooler space to a warmer place, it can also do the opposite, but here we will discuss the issues with the heat pump not cooling properly. Some of the issues and fixes may or may not be the same in both cases.

Common Issues

1. Heat Pump Not Turning On

If you experience a rise in room temperature and you realize that it is not turned on after looking at your heat pump. Try the following steps.

  • Check the thermostat

If your heat pump is not working, take a look at the thermostat and check if it is set to "cool," and if your heat pump has a feature to set a specific temperature, you should try to lower it than to what it is already set. If the thermostat is not set properly or if it is not set in the right place, it can cause the heat pump to stop working.

If this doesn't solve your problem, maybe your thermostat is broken, and you will need a HVAC technician to replace that so your heat pump can work properly. It is not advised to run your heat pump directly without a thermostat because it will let it run all day, and it will break down very soon by overheating itself.

  • Power supply

Ensure that the unit is getting constant power and the voltage is not low. Low voltage can damage your heat pump.

If the power supply unit of the heat pump has an issue, you can get it replaced by a technician.

  • Broken capacitor

If you hear a constant clicking sound from your heat pump, the capacitor most likely has been broken. A technician should easily replace it by installing a new and appropriate one for your heat pump model.

2. Heat Pump Not Cooling

If your heat pump is running, but it doesn't cool, it could be because of any of the following reasons.

  • Clogged airways

If there is debris and dirt stuck inside the air ducts of the heating pump, it will cause less air to flow, and it will result in lesser cooling.

It can be fixed by a technician using an air blow machine to clean out the ducts.

  • Broken reversing valve

Heat pumps are capable of both cooling and heating. If your heat pump isn't cooling and it throws out hot air, it might be time to get the reverse valve replaced by a technician.

3. Heat pump running constantly

If your heat pump is running and properly cooling, but it never stops, then it can be dangerous, and it can cause a fire, and the heat pump would be damaged for good, it can be due to the following reasons.

  • Thermostat

If the thermostat is set too low and the heat pump can not attain that temperature, it will keep running and break down. If your thermostat is broken, it can also cause the same issue.

Try setting your thermostat temperature a little higher and if it does not work, get it replaced.

  • Compressor contractor

It is the part that manages the power going to your heat pump. If it Is broken and supplies constant power, it will cause your heat pump not to stop and eventually break down.

A technician should be able to replace this part and fix the problem.


Several small issues can cause your heat pump to malfunction. If you notice it working improperly, you should check on it and call a technician to get it fixed.

BERNARDINO'S provides services around the clock to help you fix any issues you might face with your HVAC system. We have been a trusted and reliable business for years, helping people in their homes. Our technicians are smart, licensed, and professionally trained to fix any problem with your HVAC system. You can enter our routine tune-up programs to ensure that your HVAC systems stay safe and run smoothly.

Date Posted: 2021-08-30
Furnace Limit Switches- How They Work, Repair/ Replacement and Costs

As the name indicates, Furnace limit switches are the pieces of equipment that make your furnace blow air at a certain capacity. They provide you control over the heating capacity of your furnace, so in case you don't want it to be pumping the full heat that it is producing, you can turn the heat down using one of the installed fan switches.

But like all pieces of equipment, fan switches do also break down, and in this article, we will discuss how to replace them and how much they would cost.

It can also be set to a specific temperature to shut off your furnace when it reaches that temperature automatically.


When you set up a temperature on your furnace, the burners will activate, causing the air to heat up inside. When the air reaches the set temperature, the high limit switch will start distributing it to the house.

When the furnace unit is at an optimal temperature, the limit switch furnace will keep the burners active and continue to pump out heat. If the temperature becomes too hot, the switch cuts off the burners and the heat production stops.

Problems with the Switches

There could be something wrong with your furnace that could cause it to malfunction, but the following are specifically related to the switches.

  • Short cycling (your furnace keeps turning on and off)

  • Blower fans keep running

  • Cool air produced

If you notice any of the following issues, then most likely, your switches aren't working, and it is time to call a technician to replace or repair them.


If yours keeps shutting down and briefly turns on, the switches might have entered the hard lockdown mode. It is a safety mode present in your switches for your protection from the breaking down of your furnace from overheating.

You can reset the system by yourself. A newer system will probably reset if you turn the power off for at least thirty seconds before turning it back on. The older models may vary depending on the year of their launch and model number. You can check the internet for your specific model number.

If you cannot reset it yourself, you must call a technician, and they might be able to repair your switch.


You can replace the switch if the repair doesn't work. Here are some simple steps which you can follow to replace your furnace switch.

  • i. Turn off the power

  • ii. Locate and remove the switch

  • iii. Use multimeter on the terminals to check continuity

  • iv. If there is no continuity, replace the switch

However, we recommend that if you are not familiar with electric equipment, you should call a technician to do it for you.


A replacement switch costs almost 20 dollars on average. You can buy one at your nearest hardware store or order one online. If you ask a technician to do it for you, it could cost you anywhere from a hundred to five hundred dollars. The average cost is almost three hundred dollars.


The furnace limit switches are a very important part of the furnace that ensures the proper working and heating of the furnace. If there is an issue, it will cause the furnace not to work properly.

At Bernardino’s, we have specialized and trained technicians who are available around the clock to help you if your furnace isn't working properly. You can also enter our repair program, so you get routine tune-ups for your furnace.

Date Posted: 2023-05-31
Is It Okay to Run Your Air Conditioner During a Thunderstorm

Roughly one hundred thousand thunderstorms occur each year in the United States. Some of them are horrifying, while some of them are not very intense. With all of these thunderstorms, you might wonder if it is safe for you to keep your AC system running during a thunderstorm, and it could be dangerous.

The important thing to know is that there are also lightning incidents during thunderstorms that can be dangerous.

The spring and summer seasons have the highest numbers of thunderstorms, and there is also a lot of heat and humidity for you to be tempted to turn on your AC. But there are a few things that you should know before you think about turning on your AC during a thunderstorm.

Lightning Strikes

It is rare for a lightning bolt to strike home, but if it does, you should know that it packs almost 5 billion joules of energy which will go through your AC system if it is turned on. It is a lot higher than your AC system is designed to handle. This amount of energy will fry the circuits of your AC system and do irreparable damage to it.

Potential Damages

If a lightning bolt strikes your AC system, potential damage includes the power supply unit and control panel to complete meltdown. It could also corrupt the entire system, including your compressor.

Heavy Rain

You might be wondering if it is necessary to turn off your AC unit during the rain. Rain alone is not harmful to your AC system, but if there is heavy lightning, you should consider turning it off.

In light of moderate rain, your AC system is most likely to be fine so that you can use it.

Window AC

Your window AC, just like your HVAC system is at risk of damage in a thunderstorm, so we advise you to turn it off as well.


Now you might be wondering how you can protect your AC unit from these weather conditions.

You can consider installing a surge protector for your AC system. Still, it is not powerful enough to handle and provide protection against lightning from thunderstorms, but it is good to have some protection at the very least. It would protect your AC unit from power-ups and downs.

The surge system's grounding protocol grounds the electric power into the ground using the lightning conductor. However, they don't provide enough protection, so it's best to turn off your AC during thunderstorms for your safety.


In the summer season, there is a lot of heat, and there are many thunderstorms. It is best to turn off your AC to prevent damage to your system during the storm.

In light rain or power system failure, a power surge and a grounding mechanism will be enough to ensure the system's safety, but they don't protect against thunderstorms.

You can call our technicians at Bernardino’s if your system has been damaged by lighting in a thunderstorm. You can also avail of our services for routine maintenance and power surge installation to ensure the safety of your AC system.

Date Posted: 2023-06-15
How to Avoid Expensive Air Conditioning Repair?

Air conditioning is a big deal not only for residential spaces but also for commercial establishments. Particularly when the summertime is just a few months away, homeowners and business owners alike are having their air conditioning units checked or fixed for any repairs needed to avoid having malfunctions and break down during the hottest months of the year.

Air conditioning repair is something that you cannot avoid. That is why it is important that you do something to avoid the possibility of paying for expensive air conditioning repair. Here are some things that you can do to keep your air conditioning repair down to a minimum cost.

  • 1. Give your air conditioning unit regular maintenance

This can be done once or twice every three months. Regular maintenance of an air conditioning unit is very necessary to help you to be sure that your unit will function properly during the hot summer. It is very easy to do, you just have to spare some minutes of your free time and clean the outdoor unit of your air conditioner or what you call the condenser. You can just remove the leaves, dust, and dirt with a brush to keep your air conditioning unit running smoothly.

  • 2. Put some limits on the use of your air conditioning unit

Excessive usage of your air conditioning unit can lead to severe damages that can cost you expensive repairs and air conditioning parts replacements. Excessive and sometimes unnecessary usage of your air conditioning unit can also cause your electricity bill to blow up. So, try to limit the use of your air conditioning unit to lower your electricity bills as well as your air conditioning repair cost.

  • 3. Consult a professional air conditioning technician

Aside from the regular monthly maintenance tips that you can do on your own, you should also hire the services of a professional air conditioning technician to conduct a quarter or semi-annual checkup and maintenance of your air conditioning unit. A professional technician can help you with a diagnostic evaluation of your air conditioning unit. This is to identify and prevent future problems from arising. A well-maintained air-conditioning unit will help you to lower your air conditioning repair cost.

Nonetheless, be sure that you only hire professional and licensed air conditioning repair and maintenance services. It may cost you a little higher than those who are unlicensed air conditioning technicians, but hiring professionals will help you in many other ways as well. Unlicensed and cheap air conditioning technicians may help you in the meantime but whatever they do, it gets broken again within no time and you have to hire them again and pay them again for repair and services. The expertise and experience of a licensed and professional air conditioning technician is the only way to be sure that your air conditioning system is reduced to a minimum cost.

Date Posted: 2023-09-28
Tips for Hiring the Best Air Conditioning Expert in California

HVAC system is one of the most expensive equipment you have in your home, so maintaining it and maximizing it efficiently should be one of your utmost concerns. While some parts of your HAVC are easy to maintain and clean, many other parts need reliable and expert opinions to diagnose, maintain, and repair them for you.

HVAC repair and installation is a booming business because of the constant need for heating and cooling during cold and hot weather, hence the need to keep heating and air conditioning in a good state. Concerning this, there are many air conditioning repair companies you will find around you easily, but there is a difference between a technician and an expert technician which is why you should consider calling upon experts to care for your air conditioning.

When considering an air conditioning repair in Calabasas, air conditioning repair in Canoga Park, air conditioning repair in Chatsworth, air conditioning repair in Burbank or anywhere in California, several tips can help you in hiring the best to avoid any risk or having to invest in your HVAC all over again. The following tips will help you:

  • Research: Before calling on any expert, familiarize yourself with the brand, type, model, and maintenance history of your air conditioning. This will give you an idea of the kind of problem your air conditioning has. With this, you can maintain your air conditioning better after fixing the problem.

  • Find Your Repair Company: When looking for a repair company, you have to do a cautious search. You could start by asking for opinions about the best air conditioning services, however, searching over the internet will save you some time. Repair companies usually have websites where information about the job they do as well as reviews from clients where they share their personal experiences about the company. If the reviews are excellent, you can proceed to seek their services, otherwise, search for a better option.

  • Experience: another thing to search for before hiring an air conditioning repair company is experience, find the level of experience your potential contractor has through their website or by contacting them directly. When you contact them directly, you should ask a few questions about their experience such as their years of experience, full-time or part-time contractor, special expertise, training, or certification.

  • Call References: Hiring companies usually have references; you could call a few of their references to ask about your contractor repair services.

  • Special Offers: Repairing your air conditioning is going to be costly so you should look for ways to cut the cost by looking for special offers and available rebates.

  • Estimates: get written estimates, this would help you compare cost, warranties, and energy efficiency from numerous bidders so you could choose the best.

  • Going Legal: Always ensure you sign a written proposal with your air conditioning contractor, it contains warranty information, most, model numbers, and job schedule.

When hiring experts for your next air conditioning in Calabasas and surrounding areas make sure to have a checklist for these tips to be at ease during the repair.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to air conditioning products and services. If you need professional and dependable air conditioning installations, repairs, and maintenance services or you require high-quality air conditioning units for your home and business in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2023-10-13
Things Which Can Necessitate Air Conditioning Repair and How to Address Them

There are several parts present in an air conditioner, and this is why most people hire a professional when it comes to air conditioning repair in Porter Ranch, air conditioning repair in Reseda, San Fernando, Winnetka, and surrounding areas. However, there are some other issues that you can also check in your air conditioning unit to save yourself some money. The first issue is when the unit is not blowing properly or not blowing any cold air. Here are some things which you can look at.

When considering an air conditioning repair in Calabasas, air conditioning repair in Canoga Park, air conditioning repair in Chatsworth, air conditioning repair in Burbank or anywhere in California, several tips can help you in hiring the best to avoid any risk or having to invest in your HVAC all over again. The following tips will help you:

  1. If you observe that your filter is clogged, it implies that your condenser fins may be clogged as well and this will prevent the AC unit from working properly. You can then use a brush to clean the fins off and this can be done to the AC unit to restore the unit to a good working condition.

  2. The third issue which can necessitate low Freon pressure in your unit. With time, leaks can develop which will allow the Freon in your unit to lead. You can buy a gauge to determine this problem, but you might not be able to replace it personally. You will require an EPA license so that you will be able to work with the Freon. This is why it is crucial for you to always check the pressure of the Freon.

  3. If you turn the thermostat down and the condenser fan stops working, this could be a result of a burnt or shorted wire. In some cases, the wire could be shaken so that it would start working and this can be fixed easily.

  4. Finally, if the unit is not working, ensure you check all the fuses or circuit breakers to make sure that it is getting power.

If you need high-quality results and want to make sure the services are great and hassle-free, then you should consider hiring a professional HVAC service company to handle your air conditioning repair in San Fernando, air conditioning repair in Winnetka and air conditioning in Reseda.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning services or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2023-10-31
How to Choose Your Heating and Cooling Contractor

0 ne of the essential things to remember when shopping for a new comfort system for your indoor is to choose the appropriate heating and air conditioning in North Hollywood and other areas. This is crucial because if you end up choosing the wrong company, you will end up having the wrong system which will make you feel uncomfortable and also waste your money. Besides, there is a high tendency that the system will fail after a short period.

So, for you to get the comfort as well as efficiency that you deserve, you need to find a contractor who will:

  • Choose the appropriate kind of equipment for your home

  • Install the devices perfectly

  • Uncover and solve all the pre-existing issues with the duct system and house installation

Now it is crucial to have the information on how to identify a contractor, who will be able to provide the best heating and air conditioning repair in Panorama City which will satisfy you and would be easier to work with. In addition, in this article, you will be provided with information that will help you avoid choosing the wrong contractors who take shortcuts on your expenses thereby making you spend more money on your heating and cooling systems in Toronto.

  • Do not have the impression that all air conditioning repair contractors are the same because they are not. Only a few providers of heating and air conditioning repair in Simi Valley have experienced a great variety in ethics and competence. At the same time, some contractors are very honest, work hard, and also have their business systems in place to serve clients properly.

  • Don’t just select any HVAC service provider; this is because the residential heating and cooling system services are considered to be the most complex service. This is the main reason why you cannot allow an individual who does not have a reputation or is not experienced to install or repair the equipment. Rather select a company that has experience in providing heating and air conditioning repair in North Hollywood. Before you sign the agreement with the contractor, ensure you ask the person about the license as well as certification and check the copies.

  • Do not choose an HVAC repair provider that gives the cost without testing, any contractor that quotes a charge for installing and replacing equipment without any diagnostic check should be rejected. This is because such an act implies that the contractor is either not trained about the issues that are coming across and the requirement or his major objective is to get your money and not to deliver results by solving the necessary problems.

  • Do not ask the contractor, whether he performs the diagnostic or not, while you are discussing the project with the contractor, try and wait maybe he would mention it or not. This is because a good contractor would mention it while the bad ones would not and with this, you would be able to determine the one to choose.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning repair in Simi Valley, North Hollywood, and Panorama City or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2023-11-15
HVAC Service Makes California Livable

There аrе imроrtаnt thingѕ уоu ѕhоuld likеlу consider when it comes tо HVAC аnd air conditioning repair in Northridge bеfоrе it саn bе inspected оn diffеrеnt оссаѕiоnѕ. Maybe аt timеѕ you аrе fасеd with itѕ maintenance iѕѕuеѕ оr уоu want to buу a brаnd nеw hоuѕе, ѕо it iѕ a must to understand it mоrе. Thе HVAC аnd air соnditiоning саn аlѕо bе mаintаinеd аnd inspected rеgulаrlу. Althоugh a ѕуѕtеm is соnѕidеrеd аt itѕ bеѕt соnditiоn because they are working perfectly, however, there аrе iѕѕuеѕ to bе аddrеѕѕеd.

All HVAC ѕуѕtеmѕ are great dеѕignеd tо bе of service fоr fiftееn уеаrѕ оr mоrе frоm nоw. But if уоu рurсhаѕе a nеw hоmе оr уоur system iѕ trоubling уоu, an inѕресtiоn is such a gооd idеа. If you tаkе a lооk at a tеn-уеаr оld hоmе, thеn consider buying a brand HVAC ѕуѕtеm whеn it comes оn making a gооd offer tо уоur new hоmе.

Exреriеnсеd HVAC contractors offer соmрrеhеnѕivе HVAC services in California for:

  • Furnace service
  • Heating and cooling service
  • Air conditioning repair

An important ѕеrviсе these experts offer iѕ thе уеаrlу mаintеnаnсе оf thе heating and air conditioning in Encino and surrounding areas in California. This generally invоlvеѕ thе checking of the vаriоuѕ соmроnеntѕ оf the ѕуѕtеm. Thе technician may сhесk thе vоltаgе of thе unit's electrical components аnd tightеn соnnесtiоnѕ. Thеу mау also put the еԛuiрmеnt through a wоrking cycle tо mаkе sure аll thе соmроnеntѕ аrе ореrаting safely аnd properly.

Air conditioning ѕеrviсеs are ѕоmеthing thаt everyone will nееd many timеѕ in their livеѕ tо еnѕurе that thеir colling units are wоrking рrореrlу. There are mаnу rеаѕоnѕ why it iѕ smart to hirе рrоfеѕѕiоnаl air conditioning repair in Glendale, air conditioning repair in Granada Hills and air conditioning repair in Northridge, instead of trуing to do it yourself. There is nо better timе thаn thе bеginning оf fаll tо hаvе уоur furnасе serviced. Most соmраniеѕ who provide HVAC services find thаt thе average сuѕtоmеr waits until thе firѕt few соld days tо hаvе this done. Thаt mау bе a mistake!

Whеn offering a hеаt аnd аir conditioning ѕеrviсе juѕt оn thе heating ѕуѕtеm, thеrе iѕ ѕресifiс mаintеnаnсе thаt is dоnе. Thiѕ саn involve checking thе оil оr gаѕ соnnесtiоnѕ for health or firе hаzаrdѕ. Thе tесhniсiаn will uѕе ѕресiаl instruments to сhесk whether thе gas enters the furnасе at thе correct рrеѕѕurе lеvеl. Thеу will аlѕо visually аѕѕеѕѕ thе hеаt еxсhаngеr аnd burner соmbuѕtiоn fоr any ѕignѕ оf dаmаgе and dirt. If ѕо, thеу can dеtеr thе ѕуѕtеm from ореrаting safely and efficiently.

HVAC repair is not аn еаѕу job. When lооking fоr a reputable HVAC rераir соmраnу in the city, find оut how long thаt раrtiсulаr ѕеrviсе hаѕ bееn in buѕinеѕѕ. HVAC repair ѕеrviсеѕ tеnd tо build a ѕtrоng rерutаtiоn thе lоngеr thеу hаvе been in buѕinеѕѕ, еѕресiаllу if thеу саn quiсklу diаgnоѕе thе рrоblеm. Additiоnаllу, do nоt wаit until the hеаtеr breaks dоwn to dесidе tо find a hеаting repair ѕеrviсе. Many times whеn thiѕ hарреnѕ, the homeowner panics аnd calls thе first rераir ѕеrviсе they саn find, whiсh might nоt always be thе best service.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to heating and cooling products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning services in Encino, Glendale, Granada Hills, and Northridge or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2023-12-15
Essential HVAC Services Offered by an HVAC Company

Choosing a reliable HVAC service provider is a must because the life of your air conditioning system depends on them, especially on the hottest days of the year. You have to be sure that your HVAC service company will be able to provide you with the services you need to keep your air conditioning unit running smoothly for a long time. Having a professional air conditioning repair service provider will give you a scheduled repair and maintenance checkup. However, aside from these services dependable air conditioning repair in Agoura and air conditioning repair in Beverly Hills will have more services offered that will enhance the function of your unit.

One of the essential services offered by a reliable HVAC service company is the cleaning and servicing of a furnace. Having your furnace properly cleaned and maintained regularly will prevent possible problems, particularly during the cold season. Dirt and dust that got stuck in the filters must be cleaned to prevent them from blocking the airflow. The furnace is forced to work harder if the airflow is obstructed, which will eventually result in an inefficient working state and higher electricity bills. A professional HVAC service provider will be able to give you tips on how to handle your heating system and how to save on your heating bills.

Another important service that you can get from professional air conditioning in Agoura and surrounding areas is air conditioning cleaning and maintenance. A professional air conditioning technician can easily detect coil leak problems that may cause your air conditioning unit to malfunction. It is important to replace a cooling system that is not functioning well; the professional air conditioning technician will help you install a new cooling system with a high seasonal energy efficiency ratio that will keep your place cool and comfortable.

Experts in air conditioning repair in Bel Air and air conditioning repair in Bell Canyon can also help you install a programmable thermostat. A programmable thermostat will automatically turn the cooling or heating down when you leave the house or office. A professional air conditioning technician will install the programmable thermostat and help you set the program for your residential or commercial property. In addition to that, having a programmable thermostat will be able to save you a lot of money on your electricity bills.

Another necessary service that you can get from hiring a professional HVAC repair is energy audits. Energy audits are necessary for determining if your air conditioning unit is working efficiently and cost-effectively. Determining factors such as heat gain, heat loss, proper ventilation, and energy efficiency can be evaluated by a professional HVAC technician to help you determine if your air conditioning unit is effective in cooling your home or building.

These are just some of the essential services that you can get when you hire the services of a professional HVAC company. They are professionally trained, licensed, and equipped to assess the right equipment for your residential or commercial property. They will be able to help you in keeping your heating, ventilation, and air condition system running smoothly and efficiently for a long time.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to heating and cooling products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning services in Agoura, Bel Air, Bell Canyon, and Beverly Hills, or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2023-11-28
Home Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors: Providing Fast and Dependable Repairs

Hеаting and air conditioning are necessities fоr a hоmе or any property to bе соmfоrtаblе. Hоmе HVAC contractors give homeowners the peace thеу nееd tо еnѕurе this соmfоrt. Not knowing if уоur ѕуѕtеm is going tо run еасh summer or wintеr season can be a pretty bad fееling. Hiring professional HVAC contractors iѕ a gооd wау tо аvоid this drеаdful ѕеnѕаtiоn. Evеn with ѕеrviсing, a heating or cooling unit саn еxреriеnсе problems. Rеliаblе repair providers can mаkе these rераirѕ quiсklу and reduce the аmоunt оf discomfort thаt comes along with hеаting iѕѕuеѕ. Sеrviсing includes both small and large rераirѕ. Sinсе соntrасtоr deal with duсtwоrk and furnace iѕѕuеѕ rеgulаrlу, they are the best people tо саll when thеrе iѕ a рrоblеm. With оnе easy phone саll, a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl contractor for heating and air conditioning repair in Sylmar саn bе ѕеnt оvеr tо еvаluаtе the рrоblеm, gо оvеr еxресtаtiоnѕ, аnd bеgin mаking the necessary rераirѕ and services.

Hеаting and Air Cоnditiоning Cоntrасtоrѕ - Getting thе Prоblеm Rеѕоlvеd Quickly

Nоt everyone has thе skilled abilities оf hеаting аnd air соnditiоning соntrасtоrѕ. Unlеѕѕ уоu work оn thеѕе large hоmе itеmѕ regularly, it will be fаirlу hаrd tо dеtесt аnd repair рrоblеmѕ. Mоѕt hоmеоwnеrѕ have nо idеа what hаѕ gоnе wrоng. Thеу оnlу know thаt it is соld оr hоt аnd the ѕуѕtеm iѕ nоt wоrking. Onе оf thеѕе ѕkillеd professionals can evaluate thе рrоblеm quickly. Their experience with various units makes it easy fоr thеm tо determine whаt iѕ broken аnd recommend the mоѕt reasonable ѕоlutiоnѕ. A reliable соntrасtоr will оffеr thе affordable proposals thаt саn gеt everyone in thе hоmе соmfоrtаblе in a timely mаnnеr. It is imроrtаnt to find someone truѕtwоrthу bеfоrе problems occur ѕо уоu hаvе ѕоmеоnе dереndаblе to саll. This can bе dоnе very еаѕilу bу rеѕеаrсhing and using highlу recommended contractors fоr bаѕiс ѕеrviсе calls and оthеr ѕеrviсеѕ. Trуing to find and fix the рrоblеm уоurѕеlf саn еnd uр bеing more соѕtlу. It can inсrеаѕе the time уоur home iѕ withоut hеаt аnd make thе entire situation hаrdеr. Whеn a problem arises, аlwауѕ call a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl for fаѕt and dереndаblе heating and air conditioning repair in Sherman Oaks, air conditioning repair in Sun Valley and air conditioning repair in Studio City.

Cеntrаl Hеаting - Knоwlеdgе iѕ the Key

Being able tо ассurаtеlу dеѕсribе thе еvеntѕ thаt lеаd to thе рrоblеm can bе very hеlрful tо a соntrасtоr. Unеvеn hеаt diѕtributiоn, knocking, nо hеаt, partial hеаt, аnd thermostat issues аrе thе most соmmоn heating unit рrоblеmѕ. Identifying thе main iѕѕuе will givе the соntrасtоr a better idеа of where tо ѕtаrt thеir ѕеаrсh. Knocking may

be due to a specific сеntrаl hеаting соmроnеnt. Thеrmоѕtаt issues dо not nоrmаllу invоlvе the mаin heating unit. Partial оr uneven hеаt may invоlvе the air ducts, rеgiѕtеrѕ, оr the hеаting unit. The lеѕѕ dеtаilеd information you provide, thе longer it will take thе соntrасtоr tо find thе рrоblеm. Of соurѕе thе рrоblеm may nоt bе just in thаt аrеа. It соuld bе a combination оf many things. Hоwеvеr, thiѕ information can hеlр thеm find thе ѕоurсе fаѕtеr. Bу рrоviding dеtаilѕ, you саn rеduсе the time it takes tо rераir thе problem аnd уоur tоtаl соѕt.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning services in Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Sun Valley, and Sylmar or you require high- quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2023-12-28
Selecting the Right Installation and Repair Company for Your HVAC Systems

A properly installed and repaired air conditioning and heating system whether for your residential or commercial property will give you the guaranteed comfort for your entire family or your employees at work. That is why it is always important to hire the right installation company to do the installation of your unit. It might be worth you some money but it will be worthwhile. To be able to find the right installation and repair company for your air conditioning in Mission Hills and surrounding areas, there are some things that you must check.

First, you have to check if the installation company that you will be choosing is licensed and insured. You must check these things in writing. This is necessary to be sure that your chosen installation company has the required permits and certification to perform heating and air conditioning repair in Mission Hills or air conditioning repair in Tarzana. Heating and air conditioning must also be done by a company that is insured to be sure that they carry a liability policy. This will be able to provide protection not only to your home or property but also to their employees.

Next, you must also ask them some questions, especially about how they hire their employees. This is important because you have to be sure that their employees have been thoroughly checked and screened. It will be nice to know that your heating installation or air conditioning repair in Topanga or other areas will be done by trustworthy people. Keep in mind that when you hire their services, you will be allowing their employees to come into your house. It will also help if you ask for referrals of customers they had in the past. Get their contact numbers and be sure to call them. Ask for their comments and reviews to have an idea of how this certain contractor works.

Then, it will also be advisable to visit your local business bureau. This will help you to easily check on any contractor that you have in mind. If they are registered, you will be able to check the company’s history, background, and even complaints. You will be able to check how long they have been in the business. You will be able to check if they are a reputable company as well. Heating and cooling service providers usually have websites for their customers. You can visit their websites for more information about them.

Lastly, it is very important to check the quality of their services. Do they have experienced and qualified air conditioning technicians to do the heating installations or air conditioning repair in North Hills? One good sign of good installation service is backing from major branded air conditioning suppliers. Do they have professional air conditioning technicians to install the system with appropriate skill and expertise? The right installation company will be accredited by many reputable and reliable system suppliers and manufacturers. This will mean that they have a good understanding of how such brands can reap benefits for your business. The right air conditioning installation company is aware that the success of their business will depend on the quality of service they provide for their clients.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to heating and cooling products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning services in Mission Hills, North Hills, Tarzana, Topanga, or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-01-15
Air Conditioning Repair Services in Los Angeles, Van Nuys and Neighborhoods

Everyone wants comfort in their home. HVAC systems are meant to help mitigate the effect of weather extremities so we can always feel comfortable in our homes. What then happens when this system breaks down? Discomfort sets in and the once comfortable home will become suddenly uncomfortable. You don’t have to be held hostage by a faulty air conditioning system. You can always get AC repair services in Los Angeles, Van Nuys, or any of the surrounding California areas.

Air Conditioning Repair in LA

You can always get competent AC repair experts to work on your air conditioning in LA. A sudden breakdown of your air conditioning system can make life almost unbearable in some cases. What you should however know is that help is only a minute’s call away in most cases. You can easily get some of the best experienced HVAC experts to get your unit functioning properly once again.

Air Conditioning Repair in Van Nuys

Should you need AC repair service in Van Nuys, this shouldn’t be much of a problem. Most times, your AC can break down due to problems with the filter, the thermostat, or the refrigerant. Other times it could be caused by some other times. AC repair experts in Van Nuys will help you identify the cause of the problem and help you repair the system so you enjoy the comfort that seems to have eluded you all of a sudden.

Air Conditioning Repair in Toluca Lake

Need air conditioning repair services in Toluca Lake? There are a handful of expert HVAC technicians who are skilled and experienced at handling AC repairs. You don’t want to allow this to continue making life difficult for you. You can easily contact an AC repair expert and schedule an appointment to help you get over the problem. Most times this does not cost much and you can get real value for your money. Expert technicians can also offer you advice on better ways to maintain your system, especially if the problem had been caused by negligence or irregular maintenance.

Air Conditioning Repair in West Hills

Are you starting to hear strange voices coming from your air conditioning system? Most times, this may be a warning sign to imminent breakdowns. Seeking the attention of an AC repair expert at this point can save you unnecessary stress. You don’t want to be kept uncomfortable due to an emergency breakdown of your AC system late at night. You can easily schedule an appointment with an expert HVAC technician in West hills and areas to repair your unit and make things comfortable once again.

Heating Repair in LA

There are expert technicians in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas who are always ready to help with your HVAC system repairs. Whether this has to do with your air conditioning system or furnace repair, these experts will always help get your HVAC system functioning properly again. If your heater keeps going off or you’re having any issue with your furnace or air conditioning system, these expert technicians in LA will see to it that your system functions properly so your comfort does not get jeopardized.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to heating and cooling products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning services in Los Angeles, West Hills, Van Nuys, Toluca Lake, or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-01-31
Improving Efficiency and Reducing Cost with Air Conditioning Repair Services

If you are seeking air conditioning repair service in California, there is a huge number of HVAC repairs in Chatsworth, Northridge, Los Angeles, and Van Nuys. These service providers would provide high quality as well as oriented air conditioning services for your maximum satisfaction. Their strength is to provide heating, ventilation, and refrigeration as well as HVAC services to the customer, and also ensure a guaranteed and hassle-free service. The broad spectrum of AC repair in Van Nuys mainly involves replacement and installation, comprehensive AC maintenance, installation of ductwork, capacitor checking, cleaning of the condenser as well as the lubrication of parts.

Renowned providers of air conditioning repair in Northridge and air conditioning repair in Los Angeles are experts in providing complete unit repairs as well as maintenance services. They would diagnose your system for any probable faults and then make valuable repair recommendations as well as energy efficiency. They understand the significance of time and money and therefore deliver their collective services instantly and in a hassle-free manner. They likewise guarantee that your unit works efficiently while saving you money and energy at the same time. They likewise provide affordable services that will suit your budget.

Skilled HVAC providers can also focus on serious electrical or mechanical faults and ensure they are repaired before the systems get exhausted completely. They will also ensure that you do not have any dangerous or life-threatening faults over the life of your air conditioner and heating system. They would also prefer to complete their installation and repair tasks within a minimal duration to cause little change to your normal daily routine. They likewise help you make better use of air conditioning systems to save energy and keep the environment as green and carbon-free as possible. An AC unit that is running in perfect condition will consume minimal energy and also last longer.

These professionals make use of standardized equipment and apparatus to fix the system effectively. They take good care of the condenser, ductwork, heat pumps, filters, air handlers, fan, evaporator coils, etc. The whole unit as well as other essential parts will be tested for cleaning and replacement. They provide smart work to maintain indoor air quality for safe and healthy living. This will help to eliminate the challenges of airborne illness among the members of the family.

A professional AC repair in Los Angeles not only provides repair services but also offers services that focus on preventive maintenance plans for the residents so that they can avail the opportunity and also improve the quality of their indoor air. They can also schedule regular maintenance as well as its maintenance immediately. The companies also offer regular maintenance of energy-rated systems for their maximum utilization of resources with a minimal rate of disruption. The technician with their wealth of knowledge can also troubleshoot your recent or older HVAC system to help you remain comfortable throughout the summer period.

If you have a high energy bill, then you can consult HVAC professionals so that they can explain how the maintenance of your unit will improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon footprints, and also enjoy a comfortable living even when the temperature is high.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to heating and cooling products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning services in Los Angeles, Northridge, Chatsworth, and Van Nuys, or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-02-15
Why Your Air Conditioner is Freezing Up: Is It Good or Bad?

Our air conditioning unit may freeze up due to some reasons we’ll discuss shortly. But before we get into this? Should air conditioners get frozen? Is it ok or is it a sign of underlying problems or irregularities? The simple answer is that a frozen air conditioner is a sign that your unit needs urgent professional attention.

Many people often seem unbothered to discover the coils in the air conditioner’s indoor units to be frozen. Some feel like this is ok since air conditioners generally cool down air but it is not ok. Before we go fully into the details, let’s briefly discuss the reasons why your air conditioner may become frozen.

Why Do Air Conditioners Freeze?

A frozen air conditioning unit’s coil is a signal and indicator that there is an apparent imbalance of temperature within the refrigerant flowing through the indoor evaporator coil. The major function of this coil is to absorb heat from the air moving into your home to transfer that heat outdoors.

So, when the indoor coil gets frozen, it is either there is a shortage of heat or warm air moving over the indoor coil, or the refrigerant is not sufficiently absorbing heat.

How Does Ice Affect Cooling?

The presence of ice as a result of your indoor coil getting frozen would affect the performance of your air conditioner. You may feel like this will automatically mean the transfer of cooler air into your home but it isn’t true. When your indoor coil gets frozen, it loses its ability to properly transfer heat, a process needed to cool your home efficiently.

Before cooling, heat must first be removed. A frozen coil affects the refrigerant and prevents it from moving through the coil for the heat transfer process which is significantly important to refrigeration. If you are observant, you’ll notice some issues. Your air conditioner may now be taking longer times than it used to, to properly cool your home. It may even fail to reach thermostat temperatures. This will affect your bills and the ice may even leak into your home after thawing.

Common Causes of a Frozen AC Coil

Some of the common causes of frozen coils include dirty air filters which may block airflow. It could also be the result of a fan motor that is broken and not moving enough air over the coil. This may also be the result of short cycling in oversized air conditioner systems. Low refrigerant levels may also cause the unit to stop absorbing and releasing heat, thereby resulting in freezing.

Does a Frozen AC Need Professional Attention?

Sure you could change or filter or do some little tweaks that can fix the problem, but it is more advisable to contact a professional air conditioning repair in Moorpark, air conditioning repair in Hidden Hills, air conditioning repair Newhall and air conditioning Hidden Hills or anywhere you are. Professional HVAC service companies like Bernardino's Air Conditioning and Heating Service have all it takes to ensure your systems are properly serviced and running optimally. If it happens to be a refrigerant issue, only a professional can handle it.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to heating and cooling products and services. We have a team of technicians with great expertise and experience, licensed to charge and handle refrigerant, and are able to seal the refrigerant line if the need arises. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning services in Moorpark, Hidden Hills, Newhall, and Hidden Hills, or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-02-28
A Great Way to Look for Reliable Air Conditioning Repair Contractors

Whenever you are looking for a reliable air conditioning repair in West Hollywood or an air conditioning repair in Woodland Hills, it is essential to do your homework before you hire. When you get a reputable HVAC service company, you will be able to save hundreds of dollars in the long run. Rather than opening a phone book and hiring the first company that you come across, make sure you find out whether they can do the job perfectly. The company profile, reviews as well as ratings are available online and this will show the kind of service which you would expect from the company chosen. If you have no friends or relatives who can recommend a specific air conditioning company, ask the employees of the company some questions about their general business practices. Based on the answers provided by the employees of the HVAC repair company, you will be able to decide whether you should hire them for the service or not.

The first question which you have to ask is about the certification, qualification as well as insurance of the air conditioning repairer. There are three major things that you need to have in mind to ensure you hire a legitimate company that has the right employees to give you the best. You can likewise ask about the product guarantees, service guarantees as well as maintenance costs. One of the essential factors to consider when hiring a certain service provider for your heating and air conditioning in West Hollywood is to find out whether their contractor gets paid commission on the products they sell or not. If the contractors are paid on commission, they would be willing to sell you a new air conditioning unit rather than fixing a small problem that is affecting your current air conditioner.

The same thing is also applicable to the size of the air conditioning unit that they will want to sell to you. Businesses as well as homes need much power which is measured in BTUs from their air conditioners. If the system is larger than the requirement of your home or business, the system will be inefficient and will not serve the indoors appropriately. Also, the unit will not be able to remove humidity properly from the air.

Some amount of indoor heat can be attributed to humidity; this is why it is essential to remove indoor humidity to ensure the environment is cool. A good air conditioning in Woodland Hills will be willing to give you a good calculation which relies on the indoor temperature, outdoor temperature as well as the size of the building which you want to cool. The estimate of the BTU capacity is needed so that you will be able to save a huge amount of money in wasted energy over the lifetime of your air conditioner. This is why it is essential to find an air conditioning repair company that is reputable and ready to do business with you.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to heating and cooling products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning services in West Hollywood, and Woodland Hills or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-03-15
The Benefits of Maintaining and Repairing Your Air Conditioner

The maintenance as well as repair of air conditioning is under the guidance of a body called (Air Conditioning Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). This body provides some crucial information on the right process to establish and also maintain healthy environments. Most of the companies that carry out air conditioning repair follow these steps so that they can reduce the electric bill and also ensure safe, smooth operation of the air conditioner system. Below is some important information to address to have sound air conditioning in Calabasas, Canoga Park, Chatsworth, Burbank, and surrounding areas.

There are lots of people who are unaware that the air conditioning system drains about 40% of their electric bill and this is why they are responsible for the high electric bills. Some of the tips below will aid in reducing the quantity of power needed for the air conditioning and the measure starts with a simple requirement.

The air conditioning includes changing the filter frequently. It is very easy to forget this and might result in dirt and dust in the filter which will stress the entire system thereby draining a lot of power. Whenever the filter is clean, the electricity bill would be reduced by up to 15%.

Before removing the filter, ensure you switch the system off because this will help to prevent the dust, which is already in the filter from blowing through the vents and getting on other household utensils. Also, ensure that the filter is replaced as recommended by the manufacturer. Some filters are designed to allow the free flow of air from all directions. The outdoor unit should also be free from clutter and debris which can block the incoming clean air. Also, make sure you keep all growing grass, leaves, grass cuttings, and weeds away from the condensing unit. The hanging limbs of shrubs and trees can interfere with the flow of air and can cause the system to burn.

The efficiency of the air conditioning unit will also be reduced whenever something interferes with the fins of the condensing unit. To remove grass cuttings, turn the system off and force a fine bead of water into the recesses with the aid of a garden hose. This will assist in removing various particles of small debris that are inside the condenser.

Make sure that all furniture and other items are not placed on any of the air vents in the building. You can also close those rooms that you are not using but ensure you install a zone control that will automatically set the temperature in an unused room so that you can save about 20% of the electricity bill. The fan speed can likewise make a huge difference and this is why you must reduce the speed of the fan during humid conditions, although the speed might not be too much, the cooling effect would be perfect.

It is likewise crucial for homeowners to hire professionals for their air conditioning repair as well as maintenance to maintain their conditioning unit, maintain the level of coolant, inspect the electrical connections, and search for leaks, belts, and oil motors for wear and loose fittings.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to heating and cooling products and services. If you need professional and dependable heating and air conditioning repair in Calabasas, air conditioning repair in Canoga Park, air conditioning repair in Chatsworth, air conditioning repair in Burbank or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-04-15
Make the Most of Your HVAC Repairs in San Fernando, Porter Ranch, Reseda, and Winnetka

Nothing in your home affects your comfort more than your heating and air conditioning systems. Yet unless your expensive air-conditioner goes on the fritz in the middle of a heat wave or your long-lasting heater conks out during a blizzard. Most property owners in San Fernando, Porter Ranch, Reseda, Winnetka, and other areas in California pretty much ignore their HVAC units until they just stop working and they feel uncomfortable.

Getting heating and air conditioning repair in Porter Ranch and other areas addressed is something that you should deal with as soon as the need arises. Some of the maintenance tasks are simple and can be done by you, but a lot of other complicated tasks require professional help. Here are some reasons why contact a professional company to service your HVAC equipment.

Saving the Life of Your Unit Before It Is Too Late Always remember that minor repair needs can quickly develop into major repair needs, if not dealt with immediately when the need arises. The longer that you delay getting your professional air conditioning repair in San Fernando or air conditioning repair in Winnetka or your local area, the more likely the problem will get worse and become even more costly to deal with.

Avoiding the Need for Early Replacement Appliances like air conditioning, furnaces, and heating units are expensive so they are just expected to last long. However, as time goes by these appliances develop minor repair needs, and if not dealt with quickly the minor repair needs develop into a worse scenario when you may need to replace your expensive system. To avoid spending more dollars to purchase a new unit, make sure to contact a professional when you need heating and air conditioning in Reseda or anywhere you live in California.

Saving More Money Though hiring a professional for your heating and air conditioning repair in Reseda requires fees, you can still find the service to be a more affordable and cost-effective option as compared to replacing the appliances. Just imagine the strain and stress that goes into trying to get your heating or cooling system to run even though it needs repairs can end up costing you a great deal more when it comes to your monthly bills. Contacting a professional HVAC repair company in your local will help in the functioning of your unit as effectively as it did before.

Many HVAC repair service providers claim to provide the best quality repairs to your heating and cooling systems. Make sure to look for a company that is reputed to provide the best quality repairs for your appliances. You should look for a company that offers skilled staff and technicians who are capable of providing high-quality repair services at affordable prices.

Indeed, the best way to avoid even needing minor repairs is to work with a professional company or service provider in your area. So making the smart choice about who your heating repair service provider should be can make all the difference.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to heating and cooling products and services. If you need professional and dependable HVAC services in San Fernando, Porter Ranch, Reseda, and Winnetka or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-04-30
HVAC Repair: The Importance of Professional Assessment

Air conditioning units are complex systems that can encounter a variety of issues, impacting comfort and efficiency. Common AC problems range from units not turning on to emitting strange noises, indicating potential underlying issues. For instance, short-cycling units often point to debris or a clog within the system, which requires prompt attention.

Diagnostic precision is crucial in AC troubleshooting. Cutting-edge diagnostic tools are employed by skilled technicians to pinpoint the exact cause of an AC problem, ensuring that the repair addresses the root of the issue rather than just the symptoms.

When faced with AC malfunctions, it's essential to understand whether a repair or replacement is the most cost-effective solution. Experienced technicians can provide a comprehensive estimate and guide you through the decision-making process, balancing your needs and budget.

• Signs of AC issues include warm air from vents, unusual noises, water pooling around the unit, and increased energy bills.
• Temporary solutions may be applied to maintain comfort while awaiting permanent repairs.
• Transparent communication with service providers ensures customers are informed and involved throughout the repair process.

The Importance of Professional Assessment

When it comes to air conditioning repair in North Hollywood, air conditioning repair in Panorama City, air conditioning repair in Simi Valley and air conditioning in North Hollywood, a professional assessment is not just beneficial; it's crucial for the longevity and efficiency of your system. Expert technicians bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, ensuring that the right problems are identified and addressed. This expertise is vital in preventing future issues and ensuring your AC operates at peak performance.

A professional assessment goes beyond a simple diagnosis. It encompasses a thorough evaluation of your AC system, considering factors like size, model, and your property's unique requirements. Here are some reasons why professional assessments are indispensable:

Expertise and Experience: Trained professionals have the skills to pinpoint and solve complex AC issues.
Accurate Diagnostics: A precise diagnosis can prevent unnecessary repairs and expenses.
Tailored Recommendations: Professionals can recommend the most efficient system for your needs, leading to long-term savings.
Quality Assurance: With a professional service, you can be assured of a job well done, with no surprises at the end.

Repair vs. Replacement: Making the Right Choice

Deciding between repairing or replacing your air conditioning unit can be a daunting task. When considering this decision, it's crucial to evaluate the age of the unit, its current performance, and overall efficiency. The cost of repairs also plays a significant role in determining the most economical and practical solution. Factors such as the unit's lifespan, frequency of breakdowns, and advancements in technology should be considered. Here's a quick list to guide you through the decision-making process:

• Age of the AC unit
• Performance and efficiency levels
• Cost of repairs vs. new unit
• Frequency of past repairs
• Energy efficiency ratings
• Potential savings from a new unit

Making the right choice involves a careful assessment of these factors to ensure that you're not only saving money in the short term but also investing in the long-term reliability and efficiency of your home's cooling system.

Comprehensive Central Air Solutions

Installation and Setup of Central Air Systems

The installation and setup of a central air system are critical to ensuring optimal functionality and comfort in your home. Proper planning and professional execution are essential for a seamless integration into your living space. An integrated approach includes assessing your home's structure to optimize airflow and safety during installation.

A new system installation is more than fitting an appliance; it's about enhancing your home's comfort and energy efficiency.

Here are the key steps involved in the installation process:

• Selecting the right equipment size to meet household needs
• Considering energy efficiency ratings for cost-effective operation
• Ensuring compatibility with existing ductwork or planning for new duct installation

Cost is a common concern for homeowners, and while prices vary, it's important to invest in a quality service to avoid future issues. Experienced HVAC contractors can provide a detailed breakdown of expenses and guide you through the selection process to meet both your comfort and budgetary requirements.

Routine Maintenance and Tune-Ups

Regular maintenance is not just a recommendation; it's a cornerstone of keeping your air conditioning system efficient and reliable. Annual preventative maintenance can significantly extend the life of your AC unit and help avoid unexpected breakdowns. A typical maintenance visit may include the following tasks:

• Inspecting and cleaning air filters, evaporator coils, and condenser coils to ensure optimal airflow
• Checking refrigerant levels and system pressures to maintain peak performance
• Examining system components for wear and tear to preemptively address potential issues

Proactive maintenance is the best way to ensure that your air conditioning system remains in excellent condition, providing comfort and efficiency throughout the seasons. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize the value of comprehensive remedies or preventive maintenance after addressing immediate emergencies. This approach not only resolves temporary fixes but also implements long-term solutions to prevent future breakdowns. Remember, a well-maintained AC system is less likely to fail when you need it most, especially during the extreme temperatures of summer and winter.

Complex Central Air Repairs

When central air systems exhibit persistent issues or breakdowns, it's crucial to engage with professionals who specialize in complex repairs. Skilled technicians are essential for diagnosing and resolving intricate problems, ensuring your system operates at peak efficiency. Complex repairs may involve advanced diagnostics, replacement of significant components, or comprehensive system overhauls.

• Advanced Diagnostics
• Component Replacement
• System Overhauls

Complex central air repairs require a thorough understanding of the system's intricacies and the ability to perform precise interventions. A professional service ensures that your AC's performance is not only restored but optimized for long-term reliability.

Choosing the right repair service is vital for maintaining the longevity and efficiency of your central air system. A professional team will provide a detailed assessment, clear communication about the required repairs, and a transparent breakdown of costs. This approach guarantees that you are well-informed and can make the best decision for your home's cooling needs.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to heating and cooling products and services. If you need professional and dependable HVAC services in North Hollywood, Panorama City, Simi Valley, and North Hollywood or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-05-15
Understanding Indoor vs Outdoor Air Pollution and How HVAC Maintenance Can Help

Air quality, both indoors and outdoors, significantly affects our health and well-being. Understanding the differences between indoor and outdoor air pollution is crucial for implementing effective strategies to improve air quality. This blog delves into these differences, explores the sources of pollutants, and discusses how maintaining HVAC systems can enhance air quality.

Defining Indoor Air Pollution

Indoor air pollution refers to the presence of harmful substances within enclosed spaces. These pollutants can originate from various sources such as cooking, cleaning products, and building materials. Indoor air can be just as polluted, if not more so, than outdoor air, due to the lack of ventilation and the concentration of pollutants in a confined space.

Defining Outdoor Air Pollution

Outdoor air pollution is characterized by the presence of harmful substances in the air outside of buildings. This type of pollution typically comes from vehicle exhaust, industrial emissions, and natural sources like wildfires and pollen. It is often thought that outdoor air is more polluted; however, this is not always the case.

Key Differences and Similarities

Both indoor and outdoor air pollution can have detrimental effects on health, but the sources and management of these pollutants differ significantly. Indoor air quality is influenced by activities within the home and the effectiveness of ventilation systems. Outdoor air quality, on the other hand, is affected by broader environmental and regulatory factors. A key similarity is that both require proactive measures to manage and improve air quality, emphasizing the importance of understanding and addressing air pollution in both environments.

Health Impacts of Air Pollution

Short-term Effects on Health

Tiny particles in the pollution are small enough to be inhaled deep into the lungs, causing immediate respiratory problems and exacerbating conditions like asthma and bronchitis.

Long-term Effects on Health

Exposure to air pollutants over long periods can significantly harm cardiovascular and respiratory health. It is linked to chronic conditions such as lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The World Health Organization estimates that outdoor air pollution causes around 4.2 million premature deaths each year.

Vulnerable Populations and Risks

Certain groups are more susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollution. These include:

• Children and the elderly
• Individuals with pre-existing health conditions
• People living in densely populated or industrial areas

Role of HVAC Systems in Air Quality Control

How HVAC Systems Filter Air

The components of our HVAC units are responsible for ensuring clean air within our surroundings including the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and filters. These systems work continuously to prevent harmful particles from circulating within indoor environments.

Importance of Regular HVAC Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your heating and air conditioning in Sherman Oaks is essential for their efficiency and longevity. A well-maintained HVAC system not only performs better but also maintains air quality at optimal levels. Maintenance tasks include cleaning or replacing air filters, inspecting ductwork for leaks, and ensuring that all mechanical parts are functioning correctly.

Advanced HVAC Technologies for Improved Air Quality

Innovative HVAC technologies have been developed to enhance air quality further. These include HEPA filters, UV lights, and advanced air purification systems. Such technologies are designed to tackle a broader range of pollutants and provide a healthier indoor atmosphere.


Understanding the differences between indoor and outdoor air pollution is crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. While outdoor pollution is often influenced by industrial activities and traffic, indoor pollution can stem from everyday activities and poor ventilation. Regular HVAC maintenance, air conditioning repair in Sylmar, air conditioning repair in Sherman Oaks, air conditioning repair in Sun Valley, and air conditioning repair in Studio City play a pivotal role in mitigating indoor air pollution by ensuring efficient filtration and ventilation systems are in place. By prioritizing HVAC upkeep, individuals can significantly enhance the quality of air within their homes, safeguarding their health and well-being against the adverse effects of air pollutants.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC maintenance, repairs, and other services. If you need professional and dependable HVAC services in Sylmar, Sherman Oaks, Sun Valley, and Studio City or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-05-22
Is Your Air Conditioning Unit Ready for the Summer?

As summer approaches, ensuring your air conditioning unit is ready to handle the heat becomes crucial. Proper preparation not only enhances comfort but also prevents costly repairs and inefficiencies. This blog outlines essential steps to prepare your AC for the upcoming hot months.

Understanding Your AC Unit's Needs

Remove Protective Covers

Before you start using your AC unit this summer, make sure to remove any protective covers from the condenser and coils. These covers are essential during the off-season to protect your unit from debris and harsh weather conditions, but leaving them on while the unit operates can obstruct airflow and cause damage.

Inspect Electrical Panels

It's crucial to inspect the electrical panels and connections for any signs of wear or damage. Ensure that all connections are secure and the panel is intact to prevent any electrical hazards or malfunctions during operation. If you notice any issues, it's advisable to contact a professional technician to handle the air conditioning repair in Mission Hills, and air conditioning repair in North Hills.

Schedule Annual Maintenance

To ensure your AC unit operates efficiently throughout the summer, scheduling annual maintenance with a qualified HVAC technician is vital. They will perform a comprehensive inspection and address any issues, such as dirty filters or low refrigerant levels, which can significantly impact the unit's performance and energy consumption.

Preventive Measures for Optimal Performance

Check and Replace Filters

Regularly checking and replacing your air filters is crucial for maintaining air quality and efficiency. Dirty filters restrict airflow and reduce system efficiency, leading to increased energy costs and potential system failures. Depending on your AC’s usage and environmental factors make sure you replace your unit’s filters every one to three months.

Clean Coils and Fans

Accumulated dirt and debris on the coils and fans can significantly impair your AC unit's performance. Cleaning these components ensures that your system operates efficiently, preventing overheating and reducing the likelihood of breakdowns. It's advisable to clean these parts at the onset of the cooling season.

Ensure Proper Refrigerant Levels

Proper refrigerant levels are essential for effective cooling. Inadequate levels can lead to decreased performance and increased energy consumption. Regular checks are necessary to identify any potential leaks and to maintain optimal cooling efficiency. If discrepancies are found, it's crucial to contact a professional to handle refrigerant issues safely.

Professional Maintenance and Inspections

The Importance of Expert Check-ups

Routine maintenance by a certified HVAC technician not only ensures optimal performance but also prevents potential costly breakdowns. Regular expert check-ups can identify and address issues that might not be apparent to the untrained eye, such as minor HVAC problems that could lead to major malfunctions.

When to Call a Professional

It's advisable to schedule professional maintenance before the onset of intense summer heat. An experienced technician will perform a comprehensive inspection and necessary air conditioning repair in Tarzana and air conditioning repair in Topanga to ensure your system is ready. This is crucial to avoid unexpected failures and to extend the lifespan of your unit.

What to Expect During a Service Visit

During a professional service visit, expect your technician to conduct a thorough inspection of your entire system. This includes cleaning hard-to-reach components, lubricating moving parts, and running safety checks. The goal is to ensure that all components are in optimal condition and to identify any potential problem areas.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Identifying Common AC Problems

AC units can experience several issues, from not turning on to making strange noises. This is a common problem that can often be resolved with simple cleaning or maintenance.

DIY Fixes vs. Professional Help

While some AC problems can be fixed by homeowners, such as replacing filters or cleaning coils, more complex issues require professional expertise. It's important to know when to call a technician to avoid causing further damage to the unit.

If your AC unit is over 10 years old or requires frequent repairs, it might be time to consider a replacement. Upgrading to a newer model can be more energy-efficient and cost-effective in the long run.

Preparing for the Heat: Tips and Tricks

As summer approaches, ensuring your air conditioning system is ready to handle the heat is crucial. Here are some effective strategies to prepare your AC for the upcoming warm months.

Optimizing Your Home for Summer

To reduce the workload on your AC, start by optimizing your home's insulation and sealing any air leaks. Use thermal curtains and shades to block out heat during peak hours. Positioning fans strategically can help circulate air efficiently, creating a cooler environment without overworking your AC.

Energy-saving Practices

Implementing energy-saving practices is essential for efficient AC operation. Regularly cleaning or replacing your AC filters can lead to significant energy savings. Additionally, setting your thermostat to a higher temperature when you're not home can reduce energy consumption. Consider using a programmable thermostat to make these adjustments automatically.

Using Smart Thermostats Effectively

Smart thermostats offer a convenient way to manage your AC usage and maintain comfort while minimizing energy costs. They learn your schedule and temperature preferences, adjusting your AC operation accordingly. For optimal results, ensure your smart thermostat is installed away from direct sunlight and drafty areas.

The Cost of Neglect: What You Might Face

Potential Repair Costs

Ignoring regular maintenance can lead to significant repair costs. For instance, replacing a broken compressor or fixing refrigerant leaks can be expensive. Annual checkups usually cost between $70 and $250, but neglecting these can lead to repairs that easily exceed $1000.

The Impact on Energy Bills

Neglecting your AC unit can result in higher energy bills. A poorly maintained system has to work harder, which consumes more energy. This inefficiency can increase your monthly bills by a substantial margin.

Long-term Consequences of Poor Maintenance

Failing to maintain your AC unit can have dire long-term consequences. Over time, minor issues can evolve into major problems, potentially leading to a complete system failure. With regular maintenance, you can extend your unit’s lifespan and make sure it runs smoothly.

Is It Time for a New AC?

Evaluating Your Current System

When considering a new AC installation, the first step is to evaluate your current system's performance and efficiency. Age is a crucial factor; if your AC is over 10 years old, it might be time to consider a replacement. Check for frequent breakdowns, inadequate cooling, or high energy bills as indicators that your system might be on its last leg.

Deciding Between Repair and Replacement

Deciding whether to repair or replace your AC unit can be challenging. Consider the cost of upcoming repairs and compare it to the price of a new system. If repairs are frequent and costly, it might be more economical in the long run to invest in a new unit. Remember, a new AC can offer improved efficiency and lower energy costs.

How Long Does AC Installation Take?

Typically, the installation of a new AC system can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the complexity of the job and the type of system being installed. Planning and scheduling with a reputable installer can ensure that the process is smooth and that your home is ready for the summer heat.

Ensuring Your Comfort All Summer Long

Daily Maintenance Tips

To ensure your air conditioning in Mission Hills runs smoothly throughout the summer, daily maintenance is crucial. This includes checking and cleaning air filters, inspecting vents for blockages, and ensuring the thermostat is functioning correctly. Regular attention can prevent major issues and maintain optimal performance.

Setting Up for Continuous Operation

For continuous operation, it's essential to prepare your AC system before the heat intensifies. This preparation involves cleaning the external components, checking coolant levels, and testing the system's responsiveness. A well-prepared AC unit can handle the summer demands without frequent breakdowns.

Emergency Preparedness for AC Failures

Despite the best preparations, AC failures can occur. It's vital to have a plan in place for such emergencies. Keep contact information for reliable repair services handy and know the basic troubleshooting steps to manage minor issues. Having a backup cooling solution, like portable fans or window units, can also provide relief while waiting for repairs.


As summer approaches, ensuring your AC unit is in top shape is crucial for a comfortable season. From removing covers to scheduling professional maintenance, the steps outlined in this article are designed to help you avoid the discomfort and high costs associated with a malfunctioning AC unit during the heat. Remember, proactive care is key to ensuring your system is efficient and reliable. Don't wait until the heat overwhelms you—take action now to enjoy a cool and stress-free summer.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC maintenance, repairs, and other services. If you need professional and dependable HVAC services in Mission Hills, North Hills, Tarzana, and Topanga or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-06-14
Understanding BTUs: What They Are and Why They Matter for Your Home and Business

Have you ever come across the term BTU and wondered what it meant? BTU stands for British Thermal Unit, a measurement of energy commonly used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, as well as various home appliances. Understanding BTUs can help you make more informed decisions when selecting appliances for your home or business, ensuring you choose the right products to meet your needs efficiently

What is a BTU?

Definition and Origin

A British Thermal Unit, or BTU, measures how much energy is needed to heat up one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. Think of it like calories for your appliances. Just as calories measure the energy your body needs to function, BTUs measure the energy appliances need to operate efficiently.

Common Uses in Appliances

BTUs are commonly used to rate the energy output of heating and cooling systems, such as air conditioners, heaters, and even kitchen appliances like stoves. For instance, gas burners on ranges are often labeled with a BTU value, indicating how much heat they can produce.

How BTUs are Measured

BTUs are measured based on the energy required to raise the temperature of water. Specifically, one BTU is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. This measurement helps in comparing the energy efficiency and power of different appliances. Understanding BTUs is crucial for selecting the right appliances for your home or business, ensuring both efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

The Importance of BTUs in HVAC Systems

BTUs (British Thermal Units) play a crucial role in understanding and assessing the performance of HVAC systems, particularly in terms of heating and cooling efficiency.

Heating and Cooling Efficiency

BTUs measure the amount of heat energy an HVAC system can produce or remove within a certain period, usually per hour. In heating, the more BTUs a system can generate, the more heat it can provide to warm up a space efficiently. Similarly, when it comes to cooling, BTUs indicate the amount of heat an air conditioning system can remove from a room within an hour. A higher BTU rating in an AC unit means it can cool the space faster and more effectively.

Energy Consumption and Costs

When it comes to air conditioning, BTUs are used to measure the cooling capacity of a unit. But why does this matter?

⦁ Matching Capacity to Space: The BTU rating helps you choose an air conditioner that's appropriately sized for the space you need to cool. If you have a larger room or area, you'll need an AC unit with a higher BTU rating to effectively cool it.

⦁ Efficiency and Energy Consumption: Using an air conditioner with an appropriate BTU rating for the space ensures optimal efficiency. If you use a unit with insufficient BTUs for a large area, it will have to work harder and run longer to reach the desired temperature, leading to higher energy consumption and utility costs.

⦁ Comfort and Performance: A properly sized air conditioner with the right BTU rating will not only cool the space effectively but also maintain consistent comfort levels by adequately removing humidity.

Choosing the Right BTU Rating

You’ll want to look at the BTU number because that determines how much power the unit has. Different BTU levels are suitable for different-sized spaces and climates. For example:

⦁ Low BTU systems (e.g., 6,000-9,000 BTUs) are suitable for smaller rooms or spaces, such as bedrooms or offices.

⦁ Medium BTU systems (e.g., 10,000-14,000 BTUs) are ideal for medium-sized rooms or areas, such as living rooms or larger bedrooms.

⦁ High BTU systems (e.g., 18,000+ BTUs) are designed for larger spaces, such as open-plan living areas, commercial spaces, or areas with high ceilings. Understanding the importance of choosing the right BTU rating for your HVAC system ensures optimal performance, energy efficiency, and comfort levels in the spaces you need to heat or cool.

BTUs in Home Appliances

Air Conditioners

Air conditioners use BTUs to measure their cooling capacity. This is crucial for ensuring that your air conditioner is effective for the space it is intended to cool. For example, a small room may only need a unit with 5,000 BTUs, while a larger living area might require a unit with 12,000 BTUs or more.


Similar to air conditioners, heaters also use BTUs to measure their heating capacity. This is important for maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home or office during colder months. For instance, a heater with a higher BTU rating can warm up a larger space more quickly and efficiently. Kitchen Appliances

When you know the BTU of an appliance, you can understand how powerful it is. Knowing the BTU can help you understand how hot and fast a grill or stove can cook. For example, most gas ovens deliver around 16,000 total BTUs, which is a good way to quantify cooking power. This is why paying attention to BTUs is important when you are trying to find the right product for your needs.

How to Calculate BTU Requirements

Factors Affecting BTU Needs

When calculating the BTU requirements for a space, several factors must be taken into account:

Size of the space: This will determine the total heat load that needs to be met.

Climate: Hotter climates will require more BTUs to maintain a comfortable temperature, while cooler climates will require less.

Number of occupants: The number of people occupying the space can affect the BTU requirements, as bodies generate heat that needs to be accounted for.

By taking all of these factors into account, it is possible to accurately calculate the BTU requirements for any space.

BTU Calculation Methods

There are various methods to calculate BTU requirements, but one of the most common is using a BTU calculator. This tool helps you determine the appropriate size for a heating or cooling system in your space. Another method involves manual calculations based on room size, climate, and other factors.

Tools and Resources for BTU Calculation

To assist in calculating BTU requirements, several tools and resources are available:

BTU calculators: These online tools simplify the process by allowing you to input specific details about your space.

BTU charts: These provide general recommendations based on room size. For example:

Room Size (sq. ft.) BTUs Needed
150 5,000
250 6,000
300 7,000
400 9,000
700 14,000
1,000 18,000
1,200 21,000
1,400 23,000
1,600 25,000
1,900 28,000
2,700 36,000

Using these tools and resources can help ensure you select the right BTU rating for your needs.

Common Misconceptions About BTUs

BTUs and Energy Efficiency

One common misconception is that a higher BTU rating always means better energy efficiency. This is not necessarily true. The efficiency of an appliance depends on how well it converts energy into heating or cooling, not just its BTU rating. For example, an HVAC system with an efficiency rating of 10 BTUs per watt will be more efficient than one with 5 BTUs per watt.

BTUs and Appliance Size

Another myth is that larger appliances always have higher BTU ratings. While it's true that larger units often require more BTUs, the relationship is not always direct. The design and technology of the appliance also play significant roles in determining its BTU rating.

BTUs and Cost Savings

Many people believe that appliances with higher BTU ratings will automatically save money on energy bills. However, this is an incomplete understanding. The actual savings depend on the efficiency of the appliance and how it is used. For instance, a highly efficient heat pump can offer significant cost savings even if its BTU rating is not the highest available. It's crucial to understand that BTUs measure energy, not efficiency or cost-effectiveness. Misunderstanding this can lead to poor choices in appliance selection.

Tips for Selecting the Right BTU Rating

Selecting the right BTU rating for your air conditioner is indeed crucial for optimizing energy efficiency, durability, and comfort. Here are some tips to help you select the appropriate BTU rating for your property:

⦁ Calculate Square Footage: Measure the square footage of the area you need to cool. This will serve as a baseline for determining the BTU rating needed. Keep in mind factors like ceiling height, insulation quality, and sun exposure, as they can impact cooling requirements.

⦁ Match BTU Rating to Square Footage: Use a general guideline to match the BTU rating to the square footage of your space. For example:
100 to 150 square feet: 5,000 to 6,000 BTUs
150 to 250 square feet: 6,000 to 8,000 BTUs
250 to 350 square feet: 8,000 to 10,000 BTUs
Adjust these numbers based on specific factors like ceiling height, insulation, and climate.

⦁ Avoid Undersizing or Oversizing: An air conditioner that's too small will struggle to cool the space efficiently, leading to increased energy consumption and potential strain on the unit.

⦁ Consider Efficiency Ratings: Look for air conditioners with high Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) ratings. These indicate how efficiently the unit converts electricity into cooling power, helping you save on energy costs over time.

⦁ Consult HVAC Professionals: If you're unsure about the appropriate BTU rating for your space, consult with HVAC professionals. They can perform calculations based on factors like insulation, climate, and specific cooling needs to recommend the most suitable unit.

⦁ Read Manufacturer Guidelines: Manufacturers often provide guidelines or calculators to help you determine the right BTU rating for your space. Take advantage of these resources to make an informed decision.


Understanding BTUs is crucial for making informed decisions about heating and cooling systems in both residential and commercial settings. BTUs, or British Thermal Units, measure the energy required to heat or cool a space, and knowing the right BTU rating for your needs can significantly impact the efficiency and performance of your HVAC systems. Whether you're looking to buy a new air conditioner, heater, or even a stove, paying attention to BTU ratings will help you choose the right appliance for your specific requirements. By grasping the importance of BTUs, you can ensure that your home or business remains comfortable and energy-efficient year-round.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to air conditioning repair in LA, air conditioning repair in Toluca Lake, air conditioning repair in Van Nuys, air conditioning repair in West Hills, air conditioning in LA, HVAC maintenance, and other services. If you need professional and dependable HVAC services in Sylmar, Sherman Oaks, Sun Valley, North Hills, Tarzana, and Topanga or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-06-26
Top 5 Common Problems with Residential HVAC Systems and How to Fix Them

Ensuring your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is running efficiently is crucial for maintaining a comfortable living environment and keeping energy costs down. In this blog post, we will identify five (5) frequent HVAC issues and offer detailed, step-by-step guidance on how to resolve them. Keeping your HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently is essential for maintaining comfort in your home and minimizing energy costs.

1. Dirty Filters

One of the most prevalent problems affecting household HVAC systems is a clogged air filter. When the filter is dirty, it limits airflow, causing the system to operate less efficiently and forcing it to work harder. This strain can lead to overheating, premature wear and tear, and issues with airflow in your HVAC system.

To prevent these issues, follow these steps:

⦁ Check your filters monthly.
⦁ Replace as needed, typically every 90 Days
⦁ Consider more frequent changes if you have pets or live in an area with poor air quality.

Regular maintenance of your air filter is crucial to ensure your HVAC system runs efficiently and to avoid costly repairs.

2. Faulty Thermostat

A faulty thermostat can lead to significant discomfort and increased energy bills. Incorrect thermostat settings or malfunctions can cause your HVAC system to work improperly, resulting in temperature inconsistencies and inefficiencies.

Common Symptoms of a Faulty Thermostat

⦁ The thermostat does not react when you adjust the temperature settings.
⦁ The temperature readings on the thermostat are either inaccurate or vary inconsistently
⦁ The thermostat is not turning on or off when it’s supposed to.
⦁ The thermostat shows error messages or lights flashing.

Solutions for Thermostat Issues

⦁ Verify that your thermostat is configured to the appropriate mode and desired temperature.
⦁ Replace the batteries if your thermostat is not functioning correctly.
⦁ If issues persist, consider replacing your thermostat with a programmable or smart model for better control and efficiency.
⦁ Consult the owner’s manual for troubleshooting tips.
⦁ Reach out to a technician if the issue persists.

If your thermostat isn't achieving the set temperature, the issue might lie with the thermostat itself or the HVAC unit. Learn how to troubleshoot and address these issues to maintain a comfortable home environment or contact a reputable and trusted company that specializes in HVAC repairs in Chatsworth and areas.

3. Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant leaks are a common issue in residential HVAC systems and can significantly impact the system's efficiency. Corrosion in the system's coils, loose fittings, and holes in refrigerant pipes are typical culprits. The single best way to prevent leaks is to have regular checks performed on your HVAC units by a trained service technician specializes in AC repair in Van Nuys or AC repair in Los Angeles.

Signs of a Refrigerant Leak

Increased energy consumption: When refrigerant levels are low, the system has to work harder to maintain the desired temperature, leading to higher energy bills. Poor cooling performance: If there’s a refrigerant leak, you may notice that your system isn’t cooling as it should.

How to Fix a Refrigerant Leak

Detect the leak: Perform a visual inspection to check for oil or residue leaks around fittings, connections, and valves. You can also use soapy water on the lines to see if it bubbles, indicating a leak.

Repair the leak: A trained HVAC professional can inspect your system to locate the leak and repair it with a patch, coil replacement, or more extensive repair.

Evacuate the system: Once the leak is repaired, you need to evacuate the system to eliminate any remaining refrigerant and moisture. This process involves using a vacuum pump and a set of gauges.

Recharge the system: Once it has been evacuated, recharge it with the correct amount of refrigerant, following the manufacturer’s specifications. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are crucial to ensure your HVAC system operates efficiently and effectively.

4. Malfunctioning Blower Motor

A malfunctioning blower motor can significantly impact the efficiency of your HVAC system. The blower motor is responsible for transferring air inside your home and through the duct network. If there's no airflow from the vents when it should be running, there might be an issue with either the blower or the blower motor.

5. Deferred Maintenance

Deferred maintenance refers to the practice of delaying essential repairs, upkeep, and maintenance tasks on buildings, infrastructure, or assets. This can lead to more serious problems down the line, especially with HVAC systems.

Minimal homeowner maintenance includes:

⦁ Replacing air filters every 3 to 90 days
⦁ Cleaning the evaporator coils annually
⦁ Clearing vegetation from the outdoor condensing unit
⦁ Cleaning the condensing unit of dirt and debris

Proper and regular maintenance extends the life of your HVAC system. Regular maintenance checks prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems.


Maintaining a well-functioning HVAC system is essential for ensuring a comfortable and energy-efficient home. By understanding and addressing common issues such as dirty filters, faulty thermostats, refrigerant leaks, and electrical problems, homeowners can prevent costly repairs and extend the lifespan of their HVAC systems. Regular maintenance and timely interventions are key to keeping your HVAC system running smoothly. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and practical solutions to tackle the most common HVAC problems. Stay proactive and keep your home comfortable year-round.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to air conditioning repair in Northridge, air conditioning repair in Los Angeles, HVAC maintenance, and other services. If you need professional and dependable HVAC services in Northridge, Los Angeles, Chatsworth, and Van Nuys or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-07-15
Top Questions to Ask Your HVAC Tech Before Any Service

When it's time for HVAC maintenance or HVAC repairs in Chatsworth, Los Angeles, Northridge, and Van Nuys it's important to ask the right questions. Knowing what to ask can help you understand your system better and ensure you're getting the best service possible. Here are the top questions to ask your HVAC technician before any service.

1. What Size Unit Do I Need?

Selecting the appropriate size HVAC unit for your home is essential. An undersized unit will operate continuously, causing it to wear out more quickly. Conversely, an oversized unit won't run long enough to effectively circulate air, resulting in uneven temperatures throughout your home.

To figure out the correct size, you need to calculate the square footage of your home. Multiply this number by 20 to get the BTUs needed. For example, a 1,000 square foot home would need a unit with 20,000 BTUs.

It's also important to have your contractor inspect your duct system. This ensures that your new equipment doesn't have to work harder than necessary. The size of HVAC systems is usually measured in tons, which refers to how many tons of ice it can melt in 24 hours. Generally, you need about 1 ton per 500 square feet of floor area. Always keep the size of your space in mind when choosing a new system. This can help you avoid major construction to fit the new unit.

2. What Is the Ideal Temperature to Set on My Thermostat in Winter and Summer?

Setting the right temperature on your thermostat can help you save energy and cut your energy bills in half. In the winter, aim for 68 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature keeps your home warm enough without using too much energy.

During the summer, set your thermostat to around 78 degrees Fahrenheit. This setting helps keep your home cool while conserving energy.

If these temperatures don't feel comfortable, you can adjust them slightly. Try changing the temperature by one degree at a time until you find a setting that works for everyone in your home.

By reducing your home's temperature to 68 degrees Fahrenheit and under during winter and about 78 degrees Fahrenheit during summer, you can conserve energy and save money.

3. How Frequently Should I Replace My Air Filters?

Regularly replacing your air filters is essential for keeping your HVAC system running efficiently. Typically, air filters should be changed at least every 90 days. However, specific factors might require more frequent replacements.

⦁ Pets: If you have multiple pets, you may need to replace your filters every 30 days to keep your HVAC running smoothly.
⦁ Allergies: Households with allergy sufferers might also benefit from more frequent filter changes.

Furthermore, the size of your air filter is decided during the HVAC installation according to your specific layout. When discussing your HVAC system, make sure to inquire about the size of the air filter and record it for future reference. Routinely changing your air filter can greatly enhance indoor air quality and prolong the lifespan of your HVAC system.

4. What Maintenance Tasks Can I Do Myself?

Taking care of your HVAC system is vital for its durability and performance. Here are some tasks you can manage yourself to ensure your system operates efficiently:

⦁ Regularly replace the air filters, ideally every 1-3 months. This helps enhance airflow and indoor air quality. ⦁ Apply lubrication to moving parts to minimize friction and wear.
⦁ Check and tighten electrical connections to ensure safety and efficiency.
⦁ Inspect the chimney vent to make sure it's clear of obstructions.

Routine maintenance can help avoid expensive repairs and prolong the lifespan of your HVAC system. Always consult your unit's manual for detailed instructions and safety guidelines.

5. How Can I Improve My System's Energy Efficiency?

Enhancing your HVAC system's energy efficiency can result in substantial savings on utility bills and a more comfortable living environment.

Upgrade to a High-Efficiency Unit: If your system is more than 8-10 years old, think about replacing it with a newer, more efficient model. Modern HVAC systems are significantly more energy-efficient than older ones.

⦁ Install a Programmable Thermostat: This allows you to set the temperature to adjust automatically when you're not home, saving energy without sacrificing comfort.
⦁ Regular Maintenance: Keep your system running efficiently by scheduling regular check-ups and changing air filters as recommended.
⦁ Use Natural Sunlight: Open curtains during the day to let in natural heat during winter and close them in summer to keep your home cool.
⦁ Seal Leaks: Ensure that your home is well-insulated and that there are no leaks in your ductwork.

Small changes can make a big difference in your energy use and comfort. By following these steps, you can make your home more eco-friendly and save money on your utility bills.

6. What Are the Signs That My HVAC System Needs Repair?

It's essential to recognize when your HVAC system needs attention. Identifying the warning signs early can prevent expensive repairs or replacements in the future. Here are some typical signs to watch for:

⦁ Lack of cool or warm air when the system is running.
⦁ Excessive dust around your home.
⦁ Frequent cycling on and off.
⦁ Unusual noises like banging or screeching.
⦁ Water leaks around the unit.
⦁ Higher than normal energy bills.

If you notice any of these issues, it's a good idea to call a professional air conditioning repair in Northridge, air conditioning repair in Los Angeles, and AC repair in Van Nuys to check your system. Ignoring these signs can lead to more serious problems and even system failure.

7. How Long Should My HVAC System Last?

The lifespan of an HVAC system can vary based on several factors, including the type of system, how well it is maintained, and the environment in which it operates. A standard central air conditioning system linked to an air handler and using ductwork can last up to 30 years with proper care and maintenance. However, most systems typically last between 15 to 20 years.

Factors Affecting Lifespan

Maintenance: Regular upkeep, such as changing air filters and scheduling bi-annual inspections, can extend the life of your system.

⦁ Usage: Systems that are used more frequently may wear out faster.
⦁ Quality of Installation: Proper installation can prevent many issues that might shorten the system's life.
⦁ Environmental Conditions: Systems in harsh climates may have shorter lifespans.

Signs Your System May Need Replacement

⦁ Frequent breakdowns
⦁ Rising energy bills
⦁ Inconsistent temperatures
⦁ Unusual noises or smells

8. What Are My Options for Financing or Payment Plans?

When considering a new HVAC system, it's important to understand your financing and payment options. Many HVAC companies offer various plans to help manage the cost. Here are some common options you might encounter:

⦁ Personal Loans: HVAC loans are personal loans specifically designed to finance the purchase of new heating and air conditioning systems. Compare lenders offering HVAC loans with other financing options for HVAC systems.
⦁ Credit Cards: Some companies allow you to pay using credit cards, which can be convenient but may come with higher interest rates.
⦁ In-House Financing: Many HVAC companies offer their own financing plans, which can include low or no interest rates for a set period.
⦁ Payment Plans: These plans let you pay for the system over time, making it easier to manage large expenses.

Always ask your HVAC tech about the terms and conditions of any financing or payment plan. This will help you avoid surprises and choose the best option for your budget.

9. Are There Any Rebates or Incentives Available for New Systems?

When upgrading your HVAC system, it's important to ask about government rebates for air conditioning and heating. With energy efficiency gaining national importance, various government programs provide rebates and incentives for homeowners who upgrade their HVAC systems.

⦁ Manufacturer Rebates: Certain manufacturers offer rebates for purchasing their products, which can considerably lower the total cost.
⦁ Tax Credits: The government may offer tax credits for making your home more energy-efficient. This can be a substantial saving.
⦁ Utility Rebates: Local utility companies often have rebate programs for energy- efficient HVAC systems.

Always ask your HVAC contractor if they handle the paperwork for these rebates. This can save you time and ensure you get all the benefits you're eligible for. By understanding and utilizing these rebates and incentives, you can make your HVAC upgrade more affordable and energy-efficient.

10. What Warranties or Guarantees Do You Offer?

When getting HVAC service, it's crucial to ask about the warranties and guarantees provided. Knowing what is covered can save you a lot of trouble later.

Manufacturer Warranties: These usually cover parts of the system for a specific period, often ranging from 5 to 10 years. Make sure to ask what parts are included.

Labor Guarantees: Some companies offer guarantees on the labor involved in the installation. This can range from 1 to 5 years.

Extended Warranties: You might have the option to purchase extended warranties for additional coverage.

Always check if the warranty needs to be registered and if it is transferable if you sell your house. This can be a sign of a reputable and honest company.


Asking the right questions before any heating or AC repair in Los Angeles, Chatsworth, Northridge, and Van Nuys can make a big difference. It helps you understand your system better and ensures you get the best service possible. Don't be shy—your HVAC technician is there to help. By preparing a list of questions, you can make sure your heating and cooling systems run smoothly and efficiently. Remember, a little knowledge goes a long way in keeping your home comfortable all year round.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC services and products. If you need professional and dependable HVAC repairs and maintenance in Los Angeles, Chatsworth, Northridge, and Van Nuys or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-07-29
Is Annual HVAC Maintenance Really Necessary? Debunking Myths and Facts

Is it really necessary to service your HVAC system every year? HVAC systems are an important part of our homes, but there are many myths about their maintenance. This article will debunk some of these myths and offer the facts you need to know. Let's dive into the details.

Common Misconceptions about HVAC Maintenance

HVAC systems, an essential part of our homes, often become the subject of numerous misconceptions. This section aims to debunk some of the most common myths and provide accurate information to homeowners. So, let’s dive straight into the cold facts.

Myth: You Only Need to Replace Filters Once a Year

Many people mistakenly believe that filters don’t require regular upkeep. In reality, they should be dusted monthly and replaced every three months. Consistent maintenance helps avoid small issues from escalating into costly problems.

Myth: Bigger HVAC Systems Are Better

Many people believe that a bigger HVAC system will provide better heating and cooling. However, an oversized system can lead to inefficiency and higher energy bills. It's crucial to choose the right size for your home to ensure optimal performance.

Myth: Covering the Outdoor Unit during Winter Is Necessary

Some homeowners think that covering the outdoor unit during winter will protect it. In reality, modern HVAC units are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions. Covering the unit can trap moisture and cause rust, leading to damage.

The Importance of Regular HVAC Maintenance

Regular HVAC maintenance is crucial for keeping your system running efficiently and dependably. By committing to regular maintenance, you’re effectively buying a form of insurance. Should any problems occur, they are usually covered by your maintenance plan, shielding you from unexpected costs.

Preventing Breakdowns

Routine maintenance helps prevent unexpected breakdowns. By cleaning coils, lubricating moving parts, and checking refrigerant levels, you can avoid many common issues that lead to system failures.

Ensuring Optimal Performance

Regular check-ups ensure your HVAC system performs at its best. This means it will heat and cool your home more effectively, keeping you comfortable year-round.

Extending System Lifespan

Performing maintenance tasks such as changing filters and checking components can prolong the life of your HVAC system, reducing the need for frequent replacements and saving you money over time. On the other hand, neglecting maintenance can lead to decreased efficiency, higher energy usage, and a shorter system lifespan.

Why Annual HVAC Check-Ups Are Essential

Identifying Minor Issues Early

Scheduling an annual tune-up is highly beneficial for reducing your energy bills. A properly maintained HVAC system operates more efficiently, consuming less energy and lowering your overall costs. Regular inspections allow for early detection and resolution of minor issues before they escalate into major problems that could compromise the entire system’s functionality.

Maintaining Peak Efficiency

Regular HVAC maintenance should encompass an annual check-up by a professional technician. This inspection should include a comprehensive cleaning of the system and a detailed assessment of all components, such as the air filter, blower motor, belts, moving parts, and electrical elements. By maintaining a clean and well-tuned system, you ensure it functions at optimal efficiency, delivering consistent comfort throughout your home.

Avoiding Costly Repairs

Additionally, arranging annual inspections with HVAC experts enables the early identification and resolution of minor issues before they develop into significant problems that could jeopardize the system's overall performance. By promptly addressing these issues through regular maintenance, homeowners can prevent expensive repairs or the premature replacement of their furnaces. Routine HVAC maintenance prevents breakdowns, ensures peak performance, and prolongs the lifespan of your system. Even if your system appears to be functioning well, it’s important to schedule annual maintenance with a qualified technician. Regular check-ups can detect and resolve potential issues before they turn into significant problems.

The Role of Professional HVAC Technicians

Expertise and Experience

Professional HVAC technicians offer unparalleled expertise. They receive comprehensive training and possess the skills needed to conduct detailed inspections, maintenance and air conditioning repair Moorpark, Hidden Hills, Newhall and Hidden Hills. Their advanced knowledge enables them to uncover underlying issues that might not be visible to someone without specialized training.

Comprehensive Inspections

Expert maintenance is essential for detecting underlying issues before they develop into significant problems. During routine maintenance visits, HVAC technicians examine components like the air filter, thermostat, and ductwork to confirm proper operation. They also clean or replace the air filter as necessary to prevent dust and debris from blocking airflow in the system.

Tailored Maintenance Plans

Although homeowners can manage simple HVAC tasks like replacing filters, more complex issues—such as troubleshooting electrical components or addressing gas-related problems—necessitate professional expertise. Relying on qualified technicians for your air conditioning in Hidden Hills guarantees a safe and effective resolution to these intricate HVAC concerns.

Energy Efficiency and HVAC Systems

Myth: Energy-Efficient Units Automatically Lower Bills

Many people believe that simply installing an energy-efficient HVAC system will automatically result in lower energy bills. However, this is not always the case. Other factors like insulation, installation quality, and ductwork efficiency can impact your energy consumption. While an efficient HVAC system increases the chance of lower bills, it must be paired with good maintenance practices to be truly effective.

Fact: Proper Maintenance Enhances Efficiency

Routine maintenance is essential for maintaining the efficiency of your HVAC system. This involves tasks such as cleaning or replacing filters, checking for leaks, and verifying that all components are functioning properly. Staying on top of these tasks ensures your system runs at its best, which can lead to reduced energy costs over time.

Choosing efficient HVAC equipment will enhance both comfort and indoor air quality in your home.

Tips for Maximizing Energy Savings

To get the most out of your energy-efficient HVAC system, consider the following tips:

Regularly replace or clean filters to ensure proper airflow.
Fix any leaks in your ductwork to avoid losing energy.
Use a programmable thermostat to optimize heating and cooling schedules.
Ensure your home is well-insulated to reduce the workload on your HVAC system.

Schedule annual check-ups with a professional technician to catch any minor issues before they become major problems. By following these tips, you can maximize the energy savings from your HVAC system and enjoy a more comfortable home environment.

The Financial Benefits of Regular HVAC Maintenance

Consistent HVAC maintenance can lead to significant savings over time. Keeping your system in good shape, you can avoid expensive repairs and replacements. Routine maintenance helps catch small problems before they become big issues. This means fewer breakdowns and less money spent on fixing things.

Reducing Long-Term Costs

One of the biggest financial benefits of regular HVAC maintenance is reducing long-term costs. When your system is well-maintained, it runs more efficiently, which means lower energy bills. A properly maintained HVAC system operates more efficiently, requiring less energy to maintain home comfort. This can result in substantial savings over time.

Increasing System Longevity

Another financial benefit of regular HVAC maintenance is that it can extend the life of your system. When your HVAC system is regularly checked and cleaned, it doesn't have to work as hard to do its job. This means that the parts don't wear out as quickly, and the system lasts longer. This can save you a lot of money because you won't have to replace your system as often.

Enhancing Home Value

Regular HVAC maintenance can also enhance the value of your home. When potential buyers see that your HVAC system is well-maintained, they are more likely to see your home as a good investment. A well-maintained HVAC system can be a selling point that sets your home apart from others on the market.


In summary, annual HVAC maintenance is essential for maintaining the longevity and efficiency of your system. Regular inspections help prevent small issues from escalating into major, expensive repairs. By debunking common myths, we hope to have provided you with a clearer understanding of why maintaining your HVAC system is crucial. Remember, a well-maintained HVAC system not only keeps your home comfortable but also saves you money in the long run. So, don't wait for a breakdown to realize the importance of regular maintenance—schedule your annual HVAC check-up today!

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to heating and air conditioning repair in Hidden Hills, air conditioning repair in Newhall, maintenance and products. If you need professional and dependable HVAC services in Moorpark, Hidden Hills, and Newhall or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-08-15
How Weather Changes Affect Your HVAC System and When to Seek Professional Help

Weather changes can have a big impact on your HVAC system. From hot summers to cold winters, your heating and cooling system faces many challenges. Knowing how different weather conditions affect your HVAC system can help you take better care of it and know when to call a professional for help.

The Impact of Seasonal Changes on HVAC Systems

Temperature Fluctuations and System Efficiency

As seasons change, your HVAC system's demands change dramatically. During summer, the system works hard to cool your home, which can lead to reduced efficiency if not properly maintained. In winter, the system must provide enough heat to keep your home comfortable. Proper insulation and sealing air leaks are crucial to prevent heat loss and maintain efficiency.

Humidity Levels and Indoor Comfort

Humidity levels also affect your HVAC system. High humidity in summer can make cooling less effective, while low humidity in winter can cause dryness and discomfort. Using dehumidifiers in summer and humidifiers in winter can help maintain indoor comfort.

Common Seasonal Challenges

HVAC systems face various challenges throughout the year. In summer, increased demand for cooling can strain the system, leading to potential breakdowns. In winter, issues like frozen pipes and reduced heat output can arise. Regular maintenance and inspections are essential to identify and address these issues promptly.

Regular Maintenance for Optimal HVAC Performance

Importance of Preventive Maintenance

Routine maintenance is essential for ensuring your HVAC system operates efficiently and lasts longer. Proper HVAC maintenance includes checking and cleaning essential components such as filters, coils, and ducts. This not only improves system performance but also helps maintain indoor air quality by reducing the risk of mold and bacteria.

Key Maintenance Tasks for Homeowners

Homeowners can perform several simple tasks to keep their HVAC systems in good shape:

⦁ Change air filters every 1-3 months to maintain proper airflow and indoor air quality.
⦁ Clean around the outdoor unit to prevent debris from blocking airflow.
⦁ Check the thermostat settings to make sure the system is running efficiently.

Benefits of Professional Maintenance Services

While homeowners can handle basic tasks, scheduling professional maintenance annually is highly recommended. Certified technicians can conduct thorough inspections, identify potential issues early, and ensure that your system operates safely and efficiently. This proactive approach helps prevent costly repairs and extends the life of your HVAC system.

Scheduling regular maintenance and tune-ups allows you to stay ahead of any potential issues that may arise during seasonal transitions. By tackling these issues early, you can keep your HVAC system running smoothly all year, ensuring maximum comfort and energy efficiency.

Common HVAC Repairs and When to Call a Professional

Signs Your HVAC System Needs Repair

Your HVAC system often gives you clues when something is wrong. Unusual noises, strange odors, or a sudden increase in energy bills are clear indicators. If your system is losing cooling efficiency, it's time to act. Don't delay repairs if you notice these signs.

Common Issues and Their Causes

Several common issues can affect your HVAC system:

⦁ Mechanical wear: Over time, parts can wear out and need replacement.
⦁ Electrical problems: Faulty wiring or blown fuses can disrupt your system.
⦁ Weather damage: Extreme weather can cause significant harm.
⦁ Pests: Small animals can chew through wires or build nests in your unit.

Why Professional Repairs Are Essential

While it might be tempting to fix these issues yourself, professional help is usually the best option. Experts in air conditioning repair in West Hollywood and air conditioning repair in Woodland Hills have the tools and knowledge to diagnose and repair problems safely and effectively. Attempting DIY repairs can lead to more damage and even void your warranty.

For your safety and peace of mind, always consider professional help for complex HVAC issues. This ensures your system runs efficiently and lasts longer.

DIY HVAC Maintenance vs. Professional Services

Tasks Homeowners Can Safely Perform

Homeowners can handle several simple HVAC maintenance tasks. These include replacing air filters, cleaning vents, and checking for visible issues. Regularly changing air filters can improve system efficiency and indoor air quality. Cleaning vents helps prevent dust buildup, which can obstruct airflow and reduce system performance.

Risks of DIY HVAC Repairs

While DIY maintenance can save money, it comes with risks. Incorrect handling of HVAC components can lead to system damage or even safety hazards like electrical fires. Additionally, DIY efforts might void your system’s warranty. It's crucial to know your limits and understand when to call a professional.

Advantages of Hiring Professional Technicians

Professional technicians for heaitng and air conditioning in West Hollywood and air conditioning in Woodland Hills have the tools, training, and experience to perform maintenance safely and effectively. They can identify and fix underlying issues that homeowners might miss. Professional maintenance services often include warranties or guarantees, providing peace of mind. Moreover, professionals can offer advice on optimizing system performance and energy efficiency.

For the best results, balance DIY efforts with professional services to ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly year-round.

Protecting Your HVAC System During Severe Weather

Preparing for Winter Snowstorms

Winter snowstorms can be harsh on your HVAC system. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure your system is ready for the cold. Schedule a comprehensive inspection by a professional technician before the winter season. They can spot and resolve potential problems, strengthening your system in preparation for upcoming weather changes. Keep the area around your HVAC unit clear of debris, leaves, and snow to prevent airflow blockages. Trim tree branches and bushes to avoid them from damaging the condenser during windy conditions.

Safeguarding Against Hurricanes

Hurricanes bring strong winds and heavy rains that can damage your HVAC system. Consider installing a surge protector to shield your system from electrical damage during storms or voltage fluctuations. Seek guidance from an electrician to choose the right surge protectors for your needs. Additionally, weatherproof covers designed for HVAC systems can protect against harsh elements like rain, hail, or snow. Always consult a certified HVAC technician before installing any covers to ensure proper application.

Importance of Insulation and Weatherproofing

Insulation and weatherproofing are essential for protecting your HVAC system during severe weather. Insulate exposed pipes to prevent freezing and potential burst pipes during extreme cold snaps. Inspect and replace weather stripping around doors and windows to block drafts and keep your home warm and comfortable. Investing in a generator can ensure continued HVAC functionality during power outages caused by storms. By taking these precautionary steps, you can be prepared for whatever the season has in store and enjoy a comfortable home environment.

Enhancing Indoor Air Quality with HVAC Accessories

Your HVAC system is a great tool for maintaining healthy indoor air quality in your home, but you can give it a helping hand by pairing it with an array of accessories. These accessories not only improve air quality but also enhance overall comfort.

Types of HVAC Accessories

There are several accessories you can add to your HVAC system to boost indoor air quality:

Air Purifiers: These devices remove dust, pollen, dander, mold, smoke, and other airborne contaminants. They come in various types, including media, electronic, and hybrid filters.

Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers: These help maintain the ideal humidity level in your home, preventing issues like dry skin, irritated respiratory passages, mold growth, and dust mites.

Smart HVAC Systems: These advanced systems offer remote control, learn from your habits for optimal efficiency, and integrate with other smart home devices.

Benefits of Improved Air Quality

Improving indoor air quality has several benefits:

Healthier Environment: Reduces allergens and pollutants, making it easier to breathe, especially for those with allergies or asthma.
Enhanced Comfort: Proper humidity levels and clean air contribute to a more comfortable living space.
Energy Efficiency: Some accessories, like smart thermostats, can help your HVAC system run more efficiently, saving energy and reducing costs.

Professional Installation and Maintenance

While some accessories can be installed by homeowners, professional installation ensures everything is set up correctly and safely. Regular maintenance by professionals also keeps your system running smoothly and efficiently.

Investing in HVAC accessories is a smart way to enhance your home's air quality and comfort. Whether it's an air purifier, a humidifier, or a smart system, these additions can make a significant difference.

Emergency HVAC Services and What to Expect

When to Seek Emergency Repairs

Knowing when to call for emergency HVAC repairs is crucial. If your system breaks down during extreme weather, like a winter snowstorm or a summer heatwave, it's time to seek professional help. Other signs include unusual noises, strange smells, or if your system stops working altogether.

What Emergency Services Include

Emergency HVAC services typically cover a range of urgent repairs:

⦁ System diagnostics to identify the problem quickly.
⦁ Immediate repairs to restore functionality.
⦁ Temporary solutions if a full repair can't be completed right away.
⦁ Safety checks to ensure there are no hazards like gas leaks or electrical issues.

Choosing a Reliable HVAC Service Provider

Selecting a trustworthy HVAC service provider is essential. Look for companies with 24/7 availability, positive customer reviews, and certified technicians. After an HVAC emergency, consulting with a seasoned professional can help you decide whether to repair or replace your system.

In an emergency, quick and reliable service can make all the difference in maintaining your home's comfort and safety.


Weather changes can have a big impact on your HVAC system, making it work harder and sometimes causing problems. Regular maintenance, like cleaning air filters and checking for leaks, can help keep your system running smoothly. It's also important to know when to call in a professional for repairs or inspections. Experts have the tools and knowledge to fix issues safely and effectively, which can save you money and keep your home comfortable. By taking care of your HVAC system and getting help when needed, you can ensure it works well no matter the weather.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC services and products. If you need professional and dependable HVAC repairs and maintenance in West Hollywood and Woodland Hills or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-08-30
Top Tips for Finding the Best HVAC Repair Experts in California

Finding the right HVAC repair expert in California can be a challenge, but it's essential for keeping your home comfortable year-round. Whether it's a scorching summer day or a chilly winter night, you need a reliable HVAC system. This guide will help you choose the best HVAC repair experts by focusing on key factors such as credentials, experience, and customer service.

1. Credentials and Certifications

When searching for the best air conditioning repair in Calabasas, air conditioning repair in Canoga Park, air conditioning repair in Chatsworth and air conditioning repair in Burbank, it's crucial to consider their credentials and certifications. These qualifications ensure that the technicians are knowledgeable and adhere to industry standards.

Ensuring your HVAC technician has the right certifications can give you peace of mind and confidence in their ability to perform the job safely and effectively.

2. Experience and Reputation

When looking for the best HVAC repair experts in California, experience and reputation are key factors to consider. A company that has been in the business for many years is likely to have a proven track record of quality service. This longevity often means they have dealt with a wide range of HVAC issues and have the expertise to handle any problem that comes their way.

A good reputation is built over time and is a strong indicator of reliable service. Look for companies that have positive reviews and high ratings. Online platforms like Google and social media can provide valuable insights into a company's reputation. However, be cautious of fake reviews and always use common sense when evaluating feedback.

• Company Longevity: Companies with an established track record tend to be more dependable.
• Customer Reviews: Check multiple sources to get a well-rounded view.
• Awards and Certifications: Recognitions or having an A+ BBB rating can be good indicators of quality.

A company with a solid reputation and extensive experience is more likely to provide high-quality service and customer satisfaction.

3. Range of Services

When looking for the best HVAC repair experts for your heating and air conditioning in Calabasas and other areas in California, it's important to consider the range of services they offer. A company that provides a wide variety of services can be a one-stop solution for all your HVAC needs.

Common HVAC Services

• Air Conditioning Installation & Replacement: Ensure your home stays cool during the hot months with professional AC installation and replacement services. • AC Repair & Emergency Repair: Quick and reliable repair services to fix your AC issues and restore comfort to your home. • AC Maintenance & Tune-Ups: Regular maintenance helps keep your AC running efficiently and extends its lifespan. • Duct & Vent Cleaning and Repair: Improve indoor air quality and airflow efficiency with thorough duct and vent cleaning and repair. • Furnace Installation & Replacement: Stay warm during the colder months with expert furnace installation and replacement services.

Additional Services

Some HVAC companies also offer additional services that can be very beneficial:

• Free Estimates: Many companies provide free estimates to help you understand the costs involved before committing to any service.
• Energy Efficiency Audits: These audits can help you identify ways to make your home more energy-efficient, saving you money in the long run.
• Indoor Air Quality Solutions: Services like air purifiers and humidifiers can improve the overall air quality in your home.

Choosing a company that offers a comprehensive range of services ensures that all your HVAC needs are met efficiently and effectively.

By selecting a company that provides a wide array of services, you can be confident that they have the expertise to handle any HVAC issue that may arise. This makes them a reliable choice for maintaining your home's comfort year-round.

4. Emergency Services and Response Time

When your HVAC system breaks down unexpectedly, you need a repair service that can respond quickly. Emergency HVAC services are crucial, especially during extreme weather conditions. Look for companies that offer 24/7 availability to ensure you won't be left in the cold or heat for long.

Why Quick Response Matters

A fast response can prevent further damage to your HVAC system. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that a small issue could turn into a major problem. Companies with a team of skilled and experienced technicians on call 24/7 can handle any emergency, whether it's a malfunctioning air conditioner or a broken furnace.

What to Look For

24/7 Availability: Ensure the company offers round-the-clock service.

• Estimated Response Time: Check if they provide an estimated response time. A good benchmark is within 1.5 hours.
• Customer Reviews: Read reviews to see if they meet their promised response times.

Transparent Pricing and Estimates

When looking for HVAC repair experts, transparent pricing and estimates are crucial. Knowing the costs upfront helps you budget and avoid unexpected expenses.

• No Hidden Fees: Ensure the company provides clear quotes without hidden charges.
• Detailed Estimates: A good HVAC contractor will give you a detailed estimate, breaking down the costs for labor, parts, and any additional fees.
• Competitive Pricing: Look for companies that offer competitive pricing options. This doesn't mean the cheapest, but fair prices for quality service.

7. Warranty and Service Guarantees

When choosing an HVAC repair expert, it's crucial to understand the warranty and service guarantees they offer. These guarantees can save you from unexpected costs and ensure that the job is done right.

• Inquire about warranties on installations and repairs. A good company will stand by their work and offer warranties that cover both parts and labor.
• Understand the service guarantees provided. Some companies promise to fix any issues that arise after the initial repair at no extra cost. For example, some companies might say, "We'll fix it right the first time...or it's free!"
• Check if the company has high ratings with the Better Business Bureau. These certifications often indicate a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

A solid warranty and service guarantee can give you peace of mind, knowing that the company is confident in their work and will support you if something goes wrong.

8. Energy Efficiency Focus

HVAC technician inspecting outdoor AC unit

When looking for HVAC repair experts in California, it's crucial to consider their focus on energy efficiency.

• Energy-efficient systems: Ensure the company offers systems that use less energy while providing the same level of comfort.
• Regular maintenance: Regular check-ups can keep your system running smoothly and efficiently, reducing energy costs.
• Advanced technology: Look for companies that use the latest technology to enhance energy efficiency.
• Expert advice: A good HVAC company will provide tips on how to maintain an energy-efficient home.

Choosing a company that prioritizes energy efficiency can lead to long-term savings and a more comfortable home environment.

9. Customer Service and Communication

When choosing an HVAC repair expert, customer service and communication are crucial factors to consider. A company that values its customers will be responsive and attentive to your needs.

Assess the company’s approach to communication and how it manages customer inquiries. A truly responsive, customer-centric business will address your concerns swiftly while providing clear, empathetic, and tailored solutions at every interaction, ensuring a positive overall experience. Check if they offer multiple ways to get in touch, such as phone, email, or online chat.

10. References and Recommendations

When searching for the best HVAC repair experts, getting references and recommendations is crucial.

• Ask Friends and Family: Start by asking friends, family, or neighbors if they have any recommendations. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights.
• Check Online Reviews: Use social media, Google, or other review sites to read feedback about different companies.
• Request References from the Company: Ask the HVAC company for references you can contact.
• Look for Top-Rated Companies: Consider companies that are highly rated in your area.


Finding the best HVAC repair experts in California doesn't have to be a daunting task. By focusing on key factors like credentials, experience, range of services, and customer reviews, you can make an informed decision. Remember to ask about technician training, emergency services, and warranties to ensure you get the best service possible. With the right research and careful consideration, you'll find a reliable HVAC expert who can keep your home comfortable all year round.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC services and products. If you need professional and dependable HVAC repairs and maintenance in Calabasas, Canoga Park, Chatsworth and Burbank or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-09-13
The Role of Expert Technicians in Extending HVAC Lifespan

Your HVAC system works hard to keep your home comfortable all year round. But did you know that regular maintenance by expert technicians can extend its lifespan? This blog explores how professional care can help your HVAC system run efficiently for years to come.

Importance of Regular HVAC Maintenance

Preventing Costly Repairs

Regular HVAC maintenance is essential to extend the life of your HVAC system. When you practice proper HVAC maintenance, you'll save yourself from having to pay for costly repairs. By scheduling annual maintenance with a professional HVAC service company, you can prevent minor issues from turning into major problems.

Enhancing System Efficiency

A key part of HVAC maintenance is regularly cleaning and replacing your air filters. Clogged filters can obstruct airflow, forcing your system to work harder and decreasing its efficiency. This extra strain can lead to more wear and tear, potentially shortening the life of your HVAC system. It's recommended to check your filters every month and replace them if they’re dirty or blocked. A clean filter boosts efficiency and improves the quality of indoor air.

Ensuring Safety and Comfort

Since your outdoor HVAC unit is exposed to the elements all year, it's prone to accumulating dirt, leaves, and other debris. This buildup can obstruct airflow, lowering the system’s efficiency and forcing it to work harder than necessary. To avoid this, regularly clean the area around your outdoor unit. Keeping it clear helps prevent your HVAC system from overworking, which ultimately helps prolong its lifespan.

Expert Technicians: The Key to Longevity

Identifying Potential Issues Early

Expert technicians play a crucial role in extending the lifespan of HVAC systems by identifying potential issues early. Routine inspections and upkeep can detect minor problems early, preventing them from becoming major issues and increasing the longevity of your heating and air conditioning in Reseda and areas. This preventative approach ensures the system remains efficient and dependable.

Providing Specialized Services

Technicians with specialized training can offer services that go beyond basic maintenance. They can perform detailed diagnostics, recommend upgrades, and provide heating and air conditioning repair in Porter Ranch, and air conditioning repair in San Fernando. This level of expertise ensures that your system operates at its best, reducing the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns. Extending System Lifespan

By addressing issues promptly and providing specialized care, expert technicians significantly extend the lifespan of HVAC systems. Regular professional maintenance, including cleaning, tuning, and part replacements, keeps the system running smoothly. This not only enhances performance but also leads to long-term cost savings by avoiding major repairs.

Advanced Diagnostic Tools and Techniques

Precision in Problem Detection

Expert technicians use advanced tools to detect problems with precision. These tools help in identifying issues that might not be visible to the naked eye. This ensures that even the smallest problems are caught early, preventing bigger issues down the line.

Use of Modern Technology

From unraveling the enigmatic puzzles of AC fault detection to harnessing the latest in smart technology for predictive maintenance, modern technology plays a crucial role. Technicians use devices like thermal imaging cameras and digital multimeters to get accurate readings and insights.

Benefits of Accurate Diagnostics

Accurate diagnostics lead to better repair outcomes. When technicians know exactly what the problem is, they can fix it more efficiently. Additionally, precise diagnostics can extend the lifespan of HVAC systems by ensuring that all issues are addressed promptly.

Customized Maintenance Plans

Tailored Services for Different Systems

Every HVAC system is unique, and so are its maintenance needs. Expert technicians can create customized plans that address the specific requirements of your system, ensuring it runs smoothly all year long.

Frequency of Maintenance Visits

The frequency of maintenance visits can vary depending on the type and age of your HVAC system. Regular check-ups, whether quarterly or bi-annually, help in keeping the system in top condition.

Long-term Benefits of Custom Plans

Investing in a customized maintenance plan offers numerous long-term benefits. These plans not only extend the lifespan of your HVAC system but also enhance its efficiency, leading to lower energy bills. Additionally, they ensure better indoor air quality, promoting a healthier living environment.

• Tailored services for different systems
• Regular maintenance visits
• Lasting advantages such as a longer lifespan and enhanced efficiency

Impact of Timely Repairs on HVAC Lifespan

Avoiding Major Breakdowns

Addressing HVAC issues promptly can prevent major breakdowns. Ignoring minor problems can lead to significant issues, potentially shortening the lifespan of your system. Regular maintenance and timely repair ensure that your HVAC system runs smoothly and efficiently.

Reducing Wear and Tear

Timely heating and air conditioning repair in Reseda and air conditioning repair in Winnetka help in reducing wear and tear on your HVAC system. When components are fixed or replaced as soon as they show signs of trouble, the overall strain on the system is minimized. This proactive approach can significantly extend the lifespan of your HVAC unit.

Improving System Reliability

Regular and timely repairs improve the reliability of your HVAC system. A well-maintained system is less likely to fail when you need it the most. This not only ensures comfort but also enhances the longevity of the system.

Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Optimizing System Performance

A well-maintained HVAC system can drastically reduce your home's energy consumption, ultimately saving you money on your utility bills. Regular maintenance ensures that your system runs smoothly and efficiently, preventing it from overworking and using more energy than necessary.

Lowering Energy Bills

By keeping your air filters clean and replacing them regularly, you can improve your HVAC system's efficiency. Additionally, ensuring proper airflow by keeping vents clear and unblocked helps reduce energy usage.

Environmental Benefits

An energy-efficient HVAC system not only saves you money but also benefits the environment. Simple steps like insulating your home and using a programmable thermostat can make a significant difference in your system's efficiency and environmental impact.

Choosing the Right HVAC Repair Service in Porter Ranch, Reseda, San Fernando and Winnetka

Evaluating Service Providers

When selecting an HVAC repair service, it's crucial to evaluate different providers. Check if they offer a wide range of services, from regular maintenance to emergency repairs.

Importance of Local Expertise

Choosing a local service provider can be beneficial. Local companies are familiar with the specific needs and climate of your area. For instance, BERNARDINO'S specializes in heating and air conditioning for Porter Ranch, Reseda, San Fernando and Winnetka area. Choosing a local service provider can be beneficial. Local companies are familiar with the specific needs and climate of your area. For instance, BERNARDINO'S specializes in heating and air conditioning for Porter Ranch, Reseda, San Fernando and Winnetka area.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Look for feedback on the company's reliability, professionalism, and customer service. Positive reviews can be a good indicator of a trustworthy service provider.


In conclusion, expert technicians play a vital role in extending the lifespan of your HVAC system. Their knowledge and skills ensure that your system runs efficiently and lasts longer. Regular maintenance by professionals can prevent small issues from becoming big problems, saving you money in the long run. By investing in expert care, you not only keep your home comfortable but also protect your HVAC investment for years to come. So, don't wait for a breakdown—schedule regular check-ups and enjoy peace of mind knowing your HVAC system is in good hands.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC services and products. If you need professional and dependable HVAC repairs and maintenance in Porter Ranch, Reseda, San Fernando and Winnetka or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-09-30
Avoiding Common Mistakes: Why Only Experts Should Handle AC Repairs

Air conditioning systems are essential for keeping our homes comfortable, especially during the hot summer months. However, many homeowners make common mistakes that can lead to costly repairs and decreased efficiency. This blog discusses the importance of professional air conditioning repair in North Hollywood, Panorama City, Hollywood and Simi Valley and highlights key points to consider for maintaining your system effectively.

The Dangers of Ignoring Strange Sounds and Smells

Ignoring strange sounds and smells from your air conditioning system can lead to serious problems.

Unusual Noises and Their Implications

• Loose parts that need tightening.
• Worn-out motor bearings that require replacement.
• Issues with the belt that could lead to further damage.

Ignoring these noises can result in costly repairs down the line.

Health Risks of Strange Smells

Strange smells can be more than just unpleasant; they can also pose health risks. For example:

• Musty odors may indicate mold growth, which can trigger allergies and respiratory problems.
• Burning smells could signal electrical issues or an overheating motor.

If you notice any unusual smells, it’s crucial to turn off the system and seek professional air conditioning repair in Panorama City immediately.

Importance of Prompt Action

Taking prompt action can prevent further damage and ensure your AC runs efficiently.

1. Prevent higher repair costs by addressing issues early.
2. Increase the longevity of your AC system.
3. Maintain good air quality in your home.

Why DIY Repairs Can Do More Harm than Good

When it comes to fixing your air conditioning (AC) system, many homeowners think they can save money by doing it themselves. Attempting DIY repairs can frequently result in more significant issues. Here’s why you should think twice before attempting to fix your AC on your own.

Lack of Expertise and Its Consequences

• HVAC systems are complicated. Without the right training, you might not understand the problem correctly.
• Misdiagnosing the issue can lead to more damage, resulting in higher repair costs later.
• Professionals have the knowledge to identify and fix problems accurately.

Safety Concerns with DIY Repairs

• Working on AC systems involves handling electrical parts and refrigerants. This can be dangerous without proper training.
• Handling refrigerants without proper training can lead to inhalation hazards and other serious risks.
• Professionals know how to manage these dangers safely, reducing the risk of injury.

Warranty Issues from Unauthorized Repairs

• Many AC systems come with warranties that require professional service to stay valid.
• If you try to fix it yourself, you might void the warranty, leaving you responsible for future repair costs.
• Always check your warranty terms before attempting any repairs yourself

In summary, while DIY repairs might seem like a good idea, they can lead to serious issues. It’s best to leave your air conditioning repair in Simi Valley and air conditioning in North Hollywood to the experts who have the right tools and knowledge to do the job right.

The Importance of Using Correct Replacement Parts

Using the right replacement parts is essential for keeping your air conditioning system running smoothly. Using incorrect parts can lead to serious problems that affect performance and efficiency.

Risks of Incorrect Parts

Decreased Efficiency: Wrong parts can make your AC work harder, leading to higher energy bills.
System Failures: Incompatible parts can cause breakdowns, resulting in costly repairs.
Voided Warranties: Using non-approved parts may void your warranty, leaving you unprotected.

Benefits of Manufacturer-Recommended Parts

Guaranteed Compatibility: These parts are designed specifically for your AC model.
2. Improved Performance: They help maintain optimal cooling and efficiency.
3. Longer Lifespan: Using the right parts can extend the life of your system.

How Professionals Ensure Compatibility

Expert Knowledge: Professionals know which parts are best for your AC.
Access to Quality Parts: They can source genuine parts that meet manufacturer standards.
Installation Expertise: Proper installation ensures that parts fit and function correctly.

Addressing Electrical Issues in AC Systems

Common Electrical Problems

Electrical issues in your air conditioning system can be serious. Some common problems include:

Faulty wiring: This can lead to short circuits.
Blown fuses: Often a sign of overload.
Tripped circuit breakers: Indicates a problem that needs attention.

Dangers of Overlooking Electrical Issues

Ignoring these issues can lead to:

1. Short circuits that may damage your AC.
2. Electrical fires that pose a safety risk.
3. Complete system failures that require costly repairs.

Addressing electrical problems quickly is crucial to keep your home safe and your AC running well.

Why Professional Handling Is Crucial

When you notice signs like flickering lights or unusual noises, it’s important to act fast.

• They have the expertise to diagnose issues correctly.
• They use specialized tools to fix problems safely.
• They can prevent long-term damage to your system.

Maintaining Proper Airflow for Optimal Performance

Impact of Blocked Vents

Blocked vents can significantly reduce the efficiency of your AC system. Here are some common causes of blocked airflow:

Furniture placement: Ensure that furniture is not obstructing vents.
Drapes and curtains: Keep them clear of air vents to allow proper airflow.
Debris accumulation: Regularly check for dust and debris around vents.

Importance of Clean Air Filters

Regularly changing your air filters is crucial for maintaining good airflow. Here’s why:

1. Prevents strain: Dirty filters can make your AC work harder, leading to breakdowns.
2. Improves air quality: Clean filters help remove harmful particles from the air.
3. Enhances efficiency: A clean filter allows for better airflow, improving system performance.

Ensuring Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is key to an efficient AC system. Here are some tips:

Regular inspections: Check your system for any signs of airflow issues.
Professional maintenance: Schedule regular check-ups with an HVAC expert.
Monitor airflow: Use tools to measure airflow and identify any problems.

The Role of Regular Maintenance in AC Efficiency

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your air conditioning system running well. When your AC is well-maintained, it works more efficiently, which can save you money on your energy bills.

Benefits of Routine Maintenance

Avoids Major Failures: Routine inspections can identify minor issues before they escalate into significant problems.
Increases Efficiency: Technicians clean and check all parts to ensure everything is working properly.
Extends System Lifespan: Taking care of your AC helps it last longer, saving you money in the long run.

Tasks Involved in Professional Tune-Ups

1. Changing Air Filters: Dirty filters can block airflow, making your AC work harder.
2. Cleaning Coils: Both evaporator and condenser coils need to be clean for the AC to work efficiently.
3. Checking Refrigerant Levels: Ensuring the right amount of refrigerant helps the system cool effectively.

Consequences of Skipping Maintenance

• Higher energy bills due to inefficient operation.
• Increased risk of unexpected breakdowns.
• Shorter lifespan of the AC unit, leading to costly replacements.

By scheduling regular maintenance, you can enjoy a comfortable home while avoiding costly repairs and ensuring your AC system operates at its best.

When it comes to air conditioning repairs, experts are crucial for ensuring safety and efficiency.

Why Professional Assistance Is Essential for AC Repairs

Expertise in Diagnosing Issues

• Professionals have the training to accurately identify problems in your AC system.
• They can detect problems that might go unnoticed by an untrained eye.
• Their experience helps in preventing future complications.

Access to Specialized Tools and Parts

• Technicians use specific tools designed for AC repairs, ensuring the job is done right.
• They have access to manufacturer-recommended parts, which are essential for optimal performance.
• Using the right tools and parts reduces the risk of further damage to your system

Preventing Long-Term Damage

• Ignoring problems can lead to bigger issues down the line, costing you more money.
• Professionals can address electrical issues that might cause safety hazards, such as short circuits or fires.
• Regular maintenance by experts helps keep your system running smoothly and efficiently.


In conclusion, it's essential to avoid common mistakes when it comes to AC repairs to keep your air conditioning system running well and lasting longer. Regular check-ups, using the right parts, fixing electrical problems, and not trying to fix things yourself without the right knowledge are all important steps. These actions help prevent sudden breakdowns and expensive repairs, ensuring your home stays comfortable all year round. Taking care of your AC system is a smart move. If you're ever unsure about how to maintain or repair your AC, it's always a good idea to ask professionals for help. Our team at Bernardino’s is ready to offer expert advice and dependable service to keep your air conditioning unit in great shape.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC services and products. If you need professional and dependable HVAC repairs and maintenance in North Hollywood, Panorama City, Hollywood and Simi Valley or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-10-15
Expert Tips for Preventing Common HVAC Issues

Keeping your HVAC system in top shape is crucial for comfort and efficiency. Regular maintenance and understanding common issues can save you money and prevent major repairs. Here are some expert tips to help you avoid common HVAC problems and ensure your system runs smoothly.

Regular HVAC Maintenance

Importance of Scheduled Inspections

Regular inspections are crucial for keeping your HVAC system in good shape. Scheduled checks can catch small issues before they become big problems. This proactive approach helps ensure your system runs efficiently and lasts longer.

Benefits of Professional Maintenance

Hiring a professional for maintenance has many advantages:

Expertise: Professionals know what to look for and can identify potential issues.
Thorough Cleaning: They can clean parts of the system that are hard to reach.
Time-Saving: You save time and effort by letting experts handle it.

DIY Maintenance Tips

You can also do some maintenance yourself. Here are some simple tips:

1. Change or clean your air filters regularly to ensure good airflow.
2. Keep your vents and registers clean to avoid blockages.
3. Clean debris and dust from your outdoor units to prevent overheating.

By taking these steps, you can help avoid costly repairs and keep your home comfortable year-round.

Common HVAC Problems and Solutions

Dirty or Clogged Air Filters

When filters get clogged with dust and dirt, they restrict airflow. This makes your system work harder, leading to higher energy bills and potential breakdowns. Here’s a quick guide:

Filter Type Change Interval
1-inch thick Every 1-3 months
4-inch thick Every 3-6 months
Advanced air cleaners Every 12 months

Thermostat Malfunctions

Thermostat issues can cause your HVAC system to run inefficiently. If your thermostat is not working right, it can lead to uneven temperatures in your home. Here are some tips to troubleshoot:

• Ensure the thermostat is clean and level.
• Check for direct sunlight exposure.
• Think about upgrading to a programmable thermostat for improved control.

Refrigerant Leaks

If you notice inadequate cooling or ice buildup on the evaporator coil, you might have a leak. Addressing refrigerant leaks quickly is crucial to prevent further damage.

By understanding these common HVAC problems and their solutions, you can keep your system running smoothly and efficiently.

Improving HVAC Efficiency

Upgrading to Programmable Thermostats

Upgrading to a programmable thermostat can help you save energy and money. These devices allow you to set different temperatures for different times of the day, ensuring your HVAC system runs only when needed.

Ensuring Proper Insulation

Good insulation is key to maintaining your home's temperature.

• Check for gaps around windows and doors.
• Use weather stripping to seal leaks.
• Insulate your attic and walls to keep the heat in during winter and out during summer.

Optimizing Airflow

To optimize airflow:

1. Regularly change air filters to prevent clogs.
2. Keep vents and registers clear of furniture and debris.
3. Schedule professional inspections to identify any airflow issues.

By following these tips, you can enhance your HVAC system's efficiency and enjoy a more comfortable home.

Seasonal HVAC Tips

Preparing Your HVAC for Summer

To ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly during the hot months, follow these steps:

• Change air filters every 90 days to maintain airflow.
• Clean the outdoor unit by removing debris and dirt.
• Schedule a professional inspection to check for any issues.

Winterizing Your HVAC System

As winter approaches, take these precautions:

1. Seal any leaks in windows and doors to keep warm air inside.
2. Set your thermostat to a lower temperature when away.
3. Have your heating system inspected to ensure it’s ready for cold weather.

Spring and Fall Maintenance Tips

During these transitional seasons, consider the following:

• Check and replace air filters to keep the system efficient.
• Clean the ducts to remove dust and allergens.
• Schedule a seasonal tune-up with a professional to catch any potential problems early.

Indoor Air Quality and HVAC Systems

Using Air Purifiers and Scrubbers

To enhance the air quality in your home, consider using air purifiers and scrubbers. These devices can help remove dust, allergens, and other harmful particles from the air. Here are some benefits:

Reduces allergens: Helps in minimizing pollen and pet dander.
Eliminates odors: Removes unpleasant smells from cooking or pets.
Improves health: Cleaner air can lead to fewer respiratory issues.

Maintaining Humidity Levels

Keeping the right humidity levels is crucial for comfort and health. Too much moisture can lead to mold, while too little can cause dry skin and respiratory problems. Here are some tips:

1. Use a dehumidifier in damp areas like basements.
2. Install humidistats to monitor humidity levels.
3. Ventilate areas prone to moisture, like bathrooms and kitchens.

Ductwork Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular cleaning of your ductwork is essential for maintaining good air quality. Dust and debris can accumulate, affecting airflow and air quality. Consider these steps:

• Schedule professional cleanings every few years.
• Inspect ducts for leaks or damage.
• Seal any gaps to prevent dust from entering the system.

By following these tips, you can significantly improve your indoor air quality and ensure your HVAC system operates efficiently.

Signs Your HVAC System Needs Repairn

Unusual Noises and Smells

If your heating or air conditioning in Sherman Oaks starts making strange sounds like banging or hissing, it could be a sign of trouble. Pay attention to these noises, as they might indicate loose parts or other issues that need fixing. Additionally, if you smell something unusual, it’s best to check it out right away.

Inconsistent Temperatures

Inconsistent temperatures can mean your HVAC system isn’t working properly. It might be due to blocked vents, dirty filters, or even a malfunctioning thermostat. Make sure to check these areas to ensure even heating or cooling throughout your home.

Increased Energy Bills

If you notice a sudden spike in your energy bills, it could be a sign that your HVAC system is working harder than it should. This can happen due to various reasons, such as dirty filters or a refrigerant leak. Keeping an eye on your bills can help you catch problems early.

Signs of HVAC Issues Possible Causes
Action Needed
Unusual noises Loose parts, wear Call a technician
Inconsistent temperatures Blocked vents, dirty filters Check and clean
Increased energy bills Dirty filters, leaks Inspect system

By being aware of these signs, you can ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly and efficiently, keeping your home comfortable all year round.

Choosing the Right HVAC System

When it comes to selecting an HVAC system, there are several key factors to consider.

Evaluating Your Home's Needs

Size of your home: Measure the square footage to determine the capacity needed.
Climate: Consider the weather in your area; some systems work better in certain climates.
Existing ductwork: Check if your home has ductwork that can be used or if you need a ductless system.

Comparing Different HVAC Systems

System Type Pros
Central Air Efficient for large homes Higher installation cost
Ductless Mini-Split Flexible installation May require multiple units
Heat Pump Dual function (heating/cooling) Less effective in extreme cold

Considering Energy Efficiency Ratings

• Look for SEER ratings (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) for cooling systems.
• Higher ratings lead to greater efficiency and reduced energy costs.
• Check for Energy Star certification to ensure you’re choosing an efficient model.

By following these guidelines, you can make an informed decision that suits your home and budget. Remember, the right system can lead to better comfort and lower energy costs!

Emergency HVAC Repairs

Identifying Urgent HVAC Issues

When your HVAC system fails, it can be stressful. Recognizing urgent issues quickly can save you time and money. Here are some common signs:

• Unusual noises or smells
• Inconsistent temperatures
• Sudden spikes in energy bills

Temporary Fixes Before Professional Help

If you encounter a problem, there are a few temporary solutions you can try:

1. Check the thermostat settings.
2. Change the air filter if it’s dirty.
3. Ensure vents are not blocked.

Preventing Future Emergencies

To avoid future HVAC breakdowns, consider these tips:

• Schedule regular maintenance checks.
• Maintain the outdoor unit by keeping it clean and clear of any debris.
• Replace air filters every 1-3 months.

Final Thoughts on HVAC Care

To sum it up, taking care of your HVAC system is really important for keeping it running well and avoiding problems. By being proactive and getting regular help from a trusted air conditioning repair in Sylmar, air conditioning repair in Sherman Oaks, air conditioning repair in Sun Valley, and air conditioning repair in Studio City, you can make your system last longer and save money over time. Whether you own a home, run a business, or manage a property, using the tips in this article will help keep your HVAC system in great shape.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC services and products. If you need professional and dependable HVAC repairs and maintenance in Sylmar, Sherman Oaks, Sun Valley, and Studio City or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-10-30
Signs Your HVAC System Needs Immediate Repair Services

If your HVAC system is acting up, it’s essential to recognize the signs that indicate it may need urgent professional air conditioning repair in Encino and air conditioning repair in Glendale. Addressing these issues quickly can save you from more extensive damage and higher costs down the line. Here are some key signs that your HVAC system requires immediate attention.

Strange Noises Coming From the HVAC System

If you hear unusual sounds from your HVAC system, it’s a sign that something might be wrong.

Identifying Common HVAC Noises

Banging: This noises may suggest that there are loose or damaged components.
Squealing: Often a sign that a belt is slipping or needs replacement.
Grinding: This may suggest worn bearings or a malfunctioning motor.

When to Call a Professional for Noises

Addressing strange noises early can prevent costly repairs later. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Here’s when to call a professional:

1. If the noise persists after a short time.
2. If the sounds are loud or disruptive.
3. If you notice a drop in performance or efficiency.

Uneven Heating or Cooling Throughout the Home

If you notice that some rooms in your home are too hot while others are too cold, it’s a clear sign that your HVAC system needs help. This uneven temperature can be caused by several issues. Here are some common reasons:

Common Causes of Temperature Imbalances

Blocked air vents: Sometimes furniture or other items can block vents, preventing air from flowing properly.
Leaky ductwork: If there are holes or cracks in your ducts, the air can escape before it reaches your rooms.
Improperly sized HVAC system: If your system is too big or too small for your home, it can struggle to maintain even temperatures.

How to Diagnose Uneven Heating or Cooling

1. Check the vents: Make sure all vents are open and not blocked.
2. Inspect the ducts: Look for any visible leaks or damage in your ductwork.
3. Test the thermostat: Ensure your thermostat is working correctly and is set to the right temperature.

Solutions for Restoring Even Temperature Distribution

Seal duct leaks: Use duct tape or hire a professional to fix any leaks.
Adjust airflow: Consider using dampers to control airflow to different areas of your home.
Upgrade your system: If your HVAC system is old or not functioning well, it might be time for a replacement.

Addressing these issues quickly can help restore comfort in your home and improve your HVAC system's efficiency.

By keeping an eye on these signs, you can ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly and keeps your home comfortable year-round.

Increased Energy Bills Without Changes in Usage

How HVAC Issues Affect Energy Bills

If you notice a sudden rise in your energy bills without changing how much you use your HVAC system, it could mean something is wrong. Here are some common reasons:

• Dirty air filters can restrict airflow, causing your system to operate less efficiently.
• Refrigerant leaks can diminish your system's efficiency.
• Malfunctioning components may force your HVAC to run longer than needed.

Identifying the Culprit Behind High Energy Bills

To find out why your bills are high, consider these steps:

1. Inspect your air filter and replace it if it's dirty.
2. Inspect for leaks in your ductwork.
3. Schedule a professional inspection to check for any faulty parts.

Steps to Reduce Energy Consumption

• Routine maintenance can ensure your system operates efficiently.
• Upgrade to energy-efficient models if your system is old.
• Use programmable thermostats to better control your heating and cooling.

Common Causes of Frequent Cycling

1. Malfunctioning Thermostat: If your thermostat is not reading temperatures correctly, it can cause the system to turn on and off too often.
2. Improperly Sized Unit: An HVAC unit that is too large for your home can cool or heat too quickly, leading to short-cycling.
3. Dirty Air Filters: Clogged filters can restrict airflow, causing the system to work harder and cycle more frequently.

Preventing and Fixing Short-Cycling IssuesCheck Your Thermostat: Ensure it is functioning properly and is accurately calibrated.
Assess Unit Size: Make sure your HVAC system is the right size for your home. An expert in heating and air conditioning can help with this.
Regular Maintenance: Schedule routine maintenance to clean filters and check for any issues that could lead to short-cycling.

Noticeable Leaks or Moisture Around the Unit

Finding leaks or moisture around your HVAC unit is a sign that something is wrong. This can be caused by several issues, such as a refrigerant leak, a clogged condensate line, or a broken part. If you ignore these signs, you might face water damage, mold growth, and poor air quality in your home.

Common Sources of HVAC Leaks

Clogged condensate drain: This can cause water to back up and leak.
Refrigerant leaks: These can affect how well your system cools.
Damaged components: Parts that are broken can lead to moisture issues.

Dangers of Ignoring Moisture Issues

1. Water damage: Leaks can ruin your floors and walls.
2. Mold growth: Moisture can lead to mold, which is harmful to health.
3. Poor air quality: Mold and moisture can make the air in your home unhealthy.

How to Address and Prevent Leaks

Inspect the condensate drain: Check for blockages or damage. • Look for refrigerant leaks: If you see any signs, call a professional. • Schedule regular maintenance: This helps catch problems early and keeps your system running well.

Taking care of leaks and moisture problems quickly can save you from bigger issues later on. Keep your HVAC system in good shape by being proactive!

Reduced Airflow From Vents

Signs of Reduced Airflow

If you notice that the air coming from your vents feels weak, it could be a sign of trouble. Weak airflow can indicate serious HVAC issues that need attention.

Potential Causes of Airflow Issues

Several factors can lead to reduced airflow in your HVAC system:

1. Clogged air filters: Dirty filters block air, making it hard for your system to push air through.
2. Leaky ducts: Holes or cracks in ductwork can let air escape before it reaches your rooms.
3. Blower motor problems: If the blower motor isn’t working well, it can’t push air effectively.

Restoring Proper Airflow in Your HVAC System

To fix weak air coming from vents, consider these steps:

• Check and replace air filters regularly to keep airflow strong.
• Check the ductwork for any leaks and seal any openings.
• Check that the blower motor is functioning properly.

Addressing airflow issues early can save you money and keep your home comfortable.

Strange Odors Coming From the HVAC System

Types of Odors and Their Meanings

Strange smells from your HVAC system can indicate serious issues.

Musty Smell: Often a sign of mold or mildew, usually caused by excess moisture.
Burning Smell: This could suggest overheated components or electrical problems, which can be dangerous.
Rotten Egg Smell: A strong indicator of a gas leak, especially in systems using natural gas.

Common Causes of HVAC Odors

Several factors can lead to unpleasant smells:

1. Mold Growth: Often found in ductwork or on evaporator coils due to poor ventilation.
2. Electrical Issues: Wires or components overheating can create a burning smell.
3. Gas Leaks: A serious issue that requires immediate attention.

Steps to Eliminate Unpleasant HVAC Smells

• Schedule regular HVAC inspections to catch issues early.
• Regularly clean or replace air filters to enhance air quality.
• If you detect a burning smell, turn off your system and call a professional immediately.

Ignoring strange odors can lead to health risks and system inefficiency. Addressing these issues promptly is crucial for your safety and comfort.

Remember: If you notice a musty smell, it could mean mold is growing in your system, which can affect your health. Don't hesitate to call a professional air conditioning repair in Granada Hills and air conditioning repair in Northridge for help.

Final Thoughts on HVAC Repairs

In conclusion, keeping an eye on your heating and air conditioning in Encino, Northridge, Granada Hills and Glendale is really important. If you notice any strange sounds, uneven temperatures, or rising energy bills, it’s time to act. Don’t wait until things get worse. Calling a professional can help fix these issues before they turn into bigger problems. Regular check-ups and quick repairs can keep your home comfortable and your system running well. Remember, taking care of your HVAC system now can save you money and stress later.

BERNARDINO'S is a reputable and trusted company when it comes to HVAC services and products. If you need professional and dependable HVAC repairs in Encino, Northridge, Granada Hills, and Glendale or you require high-quality HVAC units for your homes and businesses anywhere in California, BERNARDINO’S is the company to call. Contact us today.

Date Posted: 2024-11-14
Reasons to Trust a Professional for Accurate Air Conditioning Diagnostics

When it comes to air conditioning repair in Agoura, Bel Air, Bell Canyon and Beverly Hills, trusting a professional is key to ensuring your system runs smoothly and efficiently. Professionals bring expertise, advanced tools, and a wealth of experience to the table, making them the best choice for diagnosing and fixing HVAC issues. Below, we explore several reasons why hiring a professional is essential for accurate air conditioning diagnostics.

Expertise in Air Conditioning Repair in California

Understanding Complex HVAC Systems

Air conditioning systems can be complicated. Professionals have the knowledge to understand how different parts work together. They can quickly spot problems that a regular person might miss.

Years of Hands-On Experience

Technicians with years of hands-on work know what to look for and how to fix it. They have dealt with many types of systems and issues, making them well-prepared for any situation.

Continuous Training and Certification

The HVAC field is always changing. Professionals keep up with new technologies and methods through ongoing training. They often hold certifications that show they are qualified to work on your system. This commitment to learning ensures that they can provide the best service possible.

Hiring a professional for air conditioning repair Bel Air and air conditioning repair Bell Canyon not only ensures quality work but also saves you time and money in the long run.

In summary, trusting a professional for air conditioning repair in Beverly Hills and areas means you benefit from their expertise, experience, and training. This leads to better service and a more comfortable home.

Accurate Diagnostics for Efficient Solutions

Identifying the Root Cause of Issues

When your air conditioning system isn’t working right, it can be tough to figure out what’s wrong. A professional can quickly find the real problem instead of you guessing and trying different fixes. They have the skills to look deeper into the system and spot issues that might not be obvious.

Avoiding Unnecessary Repairs

By getting an accurate diagnosis, you can save money by not paying for repairs that aren’t needed. Here are some benefits of accurate diagnostics:

• Saves money on unnecessary parts and labor.
• Reduces the time spent on repairs.
• Ensures that the right issues are fixed the first time.

Utilizing Advanced Diagnostic Tools

Professionals use special tools to check your AC system. These tools help them measure things like temperature and pressure, which are important for understanding how well your system is working. For example, the super easy way to test your AC's efficiency is by taking the difference between the supply temperature and the return temperature.

Accurate diagnostics not only fix current problems but also help prevent future issues, ensuring your system runs smoothly for years to come.

Ensuring Safety and Compliance

Handling Hazardous Materials Safely

Professionals are trained to manage hazardous materials like refrigerants. They follow strict guidelines to ensure safe handling, which helps prevent accidents and environmental harm.

Adhering to Local Regulations

Every state has specific laws regarding HVAC systems. Professionals are familiar with these regulations and ensure that all work complies with them. This not only protects you legally but also guarantees that your system operates efficiently.

Preventing Electrical Hazards

Trusting a professional for air conditioning diagnostics ensures that electrical issues and hazardous materials are handled safely, local regulations are followed, and electrical hazards are prevented.

Cost-Effective and Time-Saving Repairs

Minimizing Future Repair Costs

Keeping your air conditioning system in good shape can save you a lot of money in the long run. Regular maintenance helps catch small issues before they turn into big, expensive repairs. Here are some ways to minimize future costs:

• Schedule regular check-ups with a professional.
• Keep a record of all maintenance and repairs.
• Address minor issues quickly to prevent them from worsening.

Efficient Use of Time and Resources

Hiring a professional for your air conditioning in Agoura means you can focus on other important tasks. They can help you save and ensure your home stays comfortable. Here’s how:

1. Professionals have the right tools and experience.
2. They can quickly identify the problem.
3. You won’t waste time trying to fix it yourself.

Access to Quality Replacement Parts

Hiring a professional ensures that your repairs last longer and work better. You can expect:

• Better performance of your AC unit.
• Longer lifespan of the equipment.
• Fewer breakdowns in the future.

By trusting a professional for your air conditioning needs, you ensure that your system runs efficiently and effectively, ultimately saving you time and money.

In conclusion, investing in professional air conditioning services not only provides immediate benefits but also protects your investment in the long term. This is especially true for those seeking a trusted HVAC service company where experienced teams can handle all your cooling needs efficiently.

Protecting Your Warranty and Investment

Understanding Warranty Requirements

When you invest in an air conditioning system, it often comes with a warranty. This warranty is crucial because it protects your HVAC system from unexpected repair costs. To keep this warranty valid, you must follow certain guidelines:

Regular Maintenance: Schedule routine check-ups with a licensed technician.
Documentation: Keep records of all services performed on your unit.
Professional Repairs: Only allow certified professionals to work on your system.

Ensuring Proper Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation is key to maintaining your warranty. If your unit is not installed correctly, it can lead to issues that may void your warranty. Remember to:

1. Hire a Licensed Technician: Always choose a qualified professional for installation.
2. Follow Manufacturer Guidelines: Ensure that the installation meets all specifications.
3. Check for Compliance: Make sure the installation adheres to local codes and regulations.

Avoiding Costly Mistakes

Mistakes during installation or maintenance can be expensive. Here’s how to avoid them:

Do Not DIY: Avoid trying to fix or install the unit yourself.
Stay Informed: Understand what your warranty covers and what it doesn’t.
Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask your technician about any concerns you have.

Keeping your air conditioning system in good shape not only protects your investment but also ensures you get the most out of your warranty.

Enhancing System Longevity and Performance

Optimizing Energy Efficiency

To keep your air conditioning system running well, it’s important to focus on maximizing efficiency. Here are some tips:

• Schedule regular maintenance checks.
• Clean or replace filters every month.
• Ensure vents are not blocked by furniture or debris.

Regular Maintenance and Tune-Ups

Consider these actions:

1. Inspect the system at least twice a year.
2. Lubricate moving parts to reduce wear.
3. Check refrigerant levels and recharge if necessary

Extending Equipment Lifespan

Here’s how:
• Keep a record of all maintenance and repairs.
• Address small issues before they become big problems.
• Use a programmable thermostat to avoid overworking the system.

Keeping your AC unit in good shape not only saves you money but also ensures your home stays comfortable during hot weather. Regular maintenance is essential for a long-lasting system!

Providing Peace of Mind and Reliability

Here are some key reasons why trusting a certified technician is essential:

Trustworthy Service and Support

• Certified Technicians: Professionals have the training and experience to handle complex HVAC systems.
• Transparent Communication: A reliable technician will answer your questions and keep you informed about the process.
• Customer Reviews: Look for companies with positive feedback from previous clients to ensure quality service.

Comprehensive Service Guarantees

Satisfaction Guarantees: Many professionals offer guarantees on their work, ensuring you get the service you pay for.

Follow-Up Services: A good technician will check in after repairs to ensure everything is functioning properly.
Emergency Support: Trustworthy companies often provide 24/7 support for urgent issues.

Building Long-Term Customer Relationships

Loyalty Programs: Some companies offer discounts for repeat customers, making future services more affordable.
Regular Maintenance Plans: Professionals can help you set up a maintenance schedule to keep your system running efficiently.
Personalized Service: A reliable technician will understand your specific needs and tailor their services accordingly.

Hiring a professional not only ensures your air conditioning system is well taken care of but also allows you to focus on other important aspects of your life, knowing that your comfort is in good hands.

Final Thoughts on Trusting Professionals for AC Diagnostics

Professionals have the right training and experience to find problems quickly and accurately. Plus, they can help you understand your unit better and answer any questions you might have. Overall, getting help from a professional means your air conditioning will work better and last longer.

Date Posted: 2024-11-28
Understanding Your HVAC System:
Repair vs. Replace

Understanding your HVAC system is essential for homeowners, especially when it comes to deciding between repairing or replacing it. This blog will guide you through the basics of HVAC systems, signs that indicate a need for professional heating and air conditioning repair in Mission Hills, air conditioning repair North Hills, air conditioning repair Tarzana and air conditioning repair in Topanga, and factors to consider for a replacement. We will also discuss the importance of timely air conditioning repair in California, how to choose the right HVAC professional, the costs involved, and tips for maintaining your system to ensure it lasts longer.

The Basics of HVAC Systems

Components of an HVAC System

Heating unit: This can be a furnace or heat pump that warms the air.
Cooling unit: Usually an air conditioner that cools the air during hot months.
Ventilation system: Ducts and fans that help circulate air throughout your home.
Thermostat: The control panel that lets you set your desired temperature.

How HVAC Systems Work

HVAC systems operate by moving air through your home. Here’s how these systems work:

1. The thermostat detects the temperature in your home.
2. If the temperature is too high or too low, the thermostat signals the heating or cooling unit to turn on.
3. The unit then heats or cools the air and sends it through the ventilation system.
4. The air is spread evenly throughout your whole home.

Common Types of HVAC Systems

Split systems: Feature distinct units for heating and cooling.
Packaged systems: Contain all components within one unit, usually mounted on the roof.
Ductless systems: These use small units in each room, eliminating the need for ducts.

This quick guide will help you become more familiar with certain aspects of your heating and air conditioning in Mission Hills and areas so that you can better identify problems and get repairs done effectively.

Signs Your HVAC System Needs Repair

Unusual Noises or Smells

If your HVAC system is making strange sounds or emitting odd smells, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Pay attention to these signs:

• Banging or clanking noises
• Hissing or whistling sounds
• Musty or burning odors

These issues can indicate loose parts, leaks, or even electrical problems that need immediate attention.

Inconsistent Temperatures

When your HVAC system is not keeping your home at a comfortable temperature, it may need repair. Here are some signs:

• Rooms that are too hot or too cold
• Temperature fluctuations throughout the day
• Difficulty maintaining the set temperature

If you notice these issues, it might be time to call a professional.

Increased Energy Bills

If you see a sudden spike in your energy bills, it could mean your HVAC system is working harder than it should. This can happen due to:

• Dirty filters
• Leaky ducts
• Inefficient components

Keep an eye on your bills, and if they keep rising, consider having your system checked. Regular checks can help catch problems early, saving you money and keeping your home comfortable.

When to Consider Replacing Your HVAC System

Age of the System

If your HVAC system is over 10 years old, it might be time to think about a replacement. Older systems often use more energy and may not cool or heat your home as well as newer models.

Frequent Breakdowns

Here are some signs to watch for:

• Frequent repairs
• Parts needing replacement
• System not working as it should

Benefits of Timely Air Conditioning Repair in California

Improved Energy Efficiency

Keeping your air conditioning system in good shape can lower your utility bills. When your AC is well-maintained, it runs more efficiently, which means it uses less energy.

Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

A well-functioning AC system filters out dust, allergens, and other pollutants, making the air in your home cleaner and healthier to breathe.

Extended Lifespan of the System

Just like a car, if you take care of your AC, it will serve you well for many years with fewer breakdowns, better performance and cost savings.

Taking care of your air conditioning system is not just about comfort; it’s also about saving money and ensuring a healthy living environment.

Choosing the Right HVAC Professional

When it comes to HVAC issues, selecting the right company is crucial.

Checking Credentials and Experience

• Look for licensed and insured contractors.
• Check how long they have been in business.
• Verify their experience with your specific HVAC system type.

Reading Reviews and Testimonials

• Search for customer reviews online.
• Ask friends or family for recommendations.
• Look for testimonials on the contractor's website.

Comparing Quotes and Services

1. Get at least three quotes from different contractors.
2. Compare what services are included in each quote.
3. Check for any hidden fees or extra costs.

Understanding the Costs Involved

When it comes to HVAC systems, understanding the costs involved is crucial for homeowners. Knowing the expenses can help you make better decisions about whether to repair or replace your system. Here are some key factors to consider:

Factors Affecting Repair Costs

Type of Repair: Different repairs can cost more or less depending on the part that needs fixing.
System Age: Older systems often come with higher repair costs.
Labor Charges: Technician fees can differ depending on their experience and location.

Financing Options for HVAC Systems

If you need to replace your HVAC system, there are several financing options available:

Personal Loans: These can help cover the upfront costs.
Credit Cards: Some homeowners use credit cards for immediate expenses.
HVAC Financing Plans: Many companies offer special financing plans to help spread out the cost.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can make informed choices about your HVAC system and ensure it runs efficiently for years to come.

Maintaining Your HVAC System for Longevity

To keep your HVAC system running well for a long time, regular maintenance is key. Here are some important tips to follow:

Regular Maintenance Tips

• Schedule professional HVAC maintenance: Twice a year to keep the system running smoothly.
• Replace the air filter: Every few months to maintain clean air and ensure system efficiency.
• Clear away any debris outside your unit to prevent blockages.

DIY vs. Professional Maintenance

• Basic tasks like filter replacement can be managed by homeowners.
• For complicated problems, it's advisable to contact a professional.
• Routine professional inspections can help you save money over time.

In summary, knowing whether to fix or replace your HVAC system is important for keeping your home comfortable. If your system is old and often breaks down, it might be better to get a new one. On the other hand, if it’s still in good shape and just needs a little help, a repair could save you money. Always think about how much you use your system and how much it costs to run. By understanding your options, you can make a smart choice that fits your needs and budget.

Date Posted: 2024-12-13
How DIY HVAC Repairs Can End Up Being More Expensive

Many homeowners think they can save money by tackling air conditioning repairs on their own. However, this approach can lead to bigger problems and higher costs down the line. In this article, we will explore why DIY HVAC repairs can actually end up costing you more in the long run, especially when it comes to air conditioning repair in LA, air conditioning repair in Van Nuys and other areas in California.

The Hidden Costs of DIY HVAC Repairs

The Risk of Costly Mistakes and Oversights

DIY repairs can often lead to mistakes that are not only frustrating but also expensive. Common errors include:

1. Incorrectly sizing equipment.
2. Failing to seal ductwork properly.
3. Overlooking necessary permits or inspections.

These mistakes can result in higher repair costs and even damage to your HVAC system.

How DIY Can Lead to Higher Utility Bills

When HVAC systems are not installed or repaired correctly, they can become less efficient. For example, a poorly installed air conditioner may use up to 30% more energy than a properly installed one.

It's important to remember that what seems like a small DIY project can turn into a big expense if not done right.

In summary, while DIY HVAC repairs may seem like a good idea at first, they can lead to hidden costs that outweigh any initial savings. Always consider the long-term implications before deciding to tackle HVAC repairs on your own.

Safety Risks Associated with DIY HVAC Repairs

Potential Fire Hazards from Faulty Installations

If installations are done incorrectly, it can lead to faulty wiring or improper connections, which may ignite fires. Homeowners should be aware that even small mistakes can have serious consequences.

The Dangers of Handling Electrical Components

When dealing with HVAC systems, you often have to work with electrical components. Mishandling these can lead to electrical shocks or even worse accidents. It's crucial to understand that without proper training, the risk of injury increases significantly.

Why Professionals Are Trained for Safety Protocols

Professionals know how to manage potential hazards and follow safety protocols that protect both themselves and homeowners.

DIY HVAC repairs can seem like a good idea, but the safety risks involved often outweigh the potential savings.

Summary of Safety Risks

Fire Hazards: Defective installations can result in electrical fires.
Electrical Risks: Handling electrical components without proper training poses a risk of electrical shocks.
Professional Training: Experts are trained to follow safety protocols and manage risks effectively.

It's always best to consult with professionals for heating and air conditioning repair in Toluca Lake, air conditioning repair in West Hills and other areas to ensure safety and efficiency.

Impact on Warranties and Insurance

How DIY Repairs Can Void Manufacturer Warranties

To maintain the warranty, most manufacturers stipulate that repairs must be carried out by a certified technician. If you make a mistake, you could end up without coverage for future issues, leaving you vulnerable to high repair costs.

Insurance Claim Denials Due to DIY Errors

If something goes wrong during your DIY project, your insurance might deny your claim. It's important to remember that professional HVAC contractors have insurance that covers any mishaps during their work, giving you peace of mind.

The Financial Risks of Losing Warranty Protection

Losing warranty protection can lead to significant expenses including:

Repair Costs: If your system breaks down, you’ll have to pay for repairs without warranty coverage
. • Replacement Costs: In some cases, you might need to replace the entire system, which can be very expensive.
Increased Utility Bills: A poorly functioning system can lead to higher energy costs.

DIY repairs may seem like a good idea at first, but the potential risks to your warranty and insurance coverage can lead to much higher costs in the long run.

The Expertise of Professional HVAC Technicians

The Importance of Proper Diagnosis and Solutions

Professional HVAC technicians have the skills to identify the root causes of problems, which helps in providing effective solutions.

Compliance with Building Codes and Safety Regulations

Hiring a professional means that your HVAC installation will comply with local building codes and safety regulations. This is crucial because improper installations can lead to fines or safety hazards. Professionals are knowledgeable about these regulations and ensure that all work meets the required standards.

Long-Term Savings Through Professional Expertise

While DIY repairs may seem cheaper at first, they can lead to higher costs in the long run. Professionals not only provide quality work but also help maintain your system's warranty. This means you can avoid expensive repairs later on and expect:

• Expert diagnosis of HVAC issues
• Compliance with safety regulations
• Long-term savings on repairs and energy bills

Professional’s expertise can save you time, money, and stress in the future.

When to Consider Professional HVAC Services

Recognizing Signs That Require Expert Attention

When your heating or air conditioning in LA shows signs of trouble, it’s important to know when to call in the experts. Here are some key indicators:

• Strange noises like banging or whistling.
• Inconsistent temperatures throughout your home.
• A sudden increase in energy bills.

Evaluating Repair Costs vs. Professional Fees

Before deciding on DIY repairs, consider the costs involved:

Aspect DIY Costs Professional Costs
Parts $50-$200 $100-$300
Tools $100 Included
Time 5-10 hours 2-4 hours
Warranty on Work None Yes

The Benefits of Hiring Licensed Technicians

• They ensure proper installation and repairs.
• They help maintain your warranty.
• They follow safety protocols to protect your home.

In many cases, the expertise of a professional can prevent costly mistakes that DIY repairs might cause.

Balancing DIY Enthusiasm with Practicality

When it comes to home repairs, many people feel excited about taking on projects themselves. However, it’s important to find a balance between DIY enthusiasm and practicality. Here are some key points to consider:

Understanding Your Limitations and When to Call Experts

Know your skills: Assess what you can realistically handle.
Recognize complex tasks: Some HVAC issues require professional expertise.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help: It’s okay to seek assistance when needed.

The Convenience of Professional Installations

Professionals save time: They can complete tasks faster than most DIYers.
Less hassle: You won’t have to deal with unexpected problems.
Peace of mind: Having the assurance that the job is done correctly can bring peace of mind and lessen stress.

How DIY Projects Can Lead to Delays and Inconvenience

Mistakes can happen: Errors in DIY projects can extend timelines.
Equipment issues: You may not have the right tools or parts.
Unexpected costs: Fixing DIY mistakes can be more expensive than hiring a pro.

In the end, while DIY projects can be rewarding, it’s crucial to recognize when to step back and let professionals handle the job. This approach not only ensures safety but also saves time and money in the long run.

By understanding your limitations and the potential risks involved, you can make better decisions about when to tackle a project yourself and when to call in the experts. Remember, solving uneven heating in your home might require more than just a quick fix; it often needs a professional touch to ensure efficiency and safety.

Final Thoughts on DIY HVAC Repairs

In conclusion, while DIY HVAC repairs might seem like a good way to save money, they can lead to bigger problems and costs later on. Mistakes made during repairs can cause your system to work less efficiently, leading to higher energy bills and the need for expensive fixes. Additionally, trying to do it yourself can void your warranty and put your safety at risk. So, think carefully before deciding to tackle HVAC repairs on your own.

Date Posted: 2024-12-31
How Expert Technicians Can Identify Hidden Issues in Your AC System

Ever wonder why your AC doesn't seem to be cooling like it used to? Maybe it's making a weird noise, or the air feels a bit too humid. Whatever the case, getting to the root of these issues is crucial, especially if you're dealing with air conditioning repair in Northridge, air conditioning repair in Los Angeles or anywhere in California. The weather's no joke, and having a reliable system is key. This article dives into how expert technicians can spot hidden problems in your AC system before they turn into costly repairs.

Short Cycling and Its Implications

Short cycling happens when your AC turns on and off quickly without completing a full cooling cycle. It's super annoying and can really mess with your comfort. Common causes include a dirty air filter, incorrect thermostat settings, or low refrigerant levels. If your AC is short cycling, it’s not just a small hiccup; it could lead to bigger problems like increased wear and tear or even a complete system breakdown.

Warm Air from Vents

Nobody wants to feel warm air blowing out of their AC vents, especially on a hot day. This could mean your system is low on refrigerant or the compressor is failing. Either way, it’s a sign you need to address the issue promptly.

High Indoor Humidity

Your AC should help keep humidity levels in check. If you notice your home feels like a sauna, it might be due to a malfunctioning evaporator coil or leaky ducts. High humidity isn’t just uncomfortable; it can also lead to mold growth and other indoor air quality issues.

Unusual Noises and Odors

Weird noises like clanging, hissing, or rattling coming from your AC can indicate anything from a loose part to a more serious mechanical issue. And if there’s a funky smell, it might be due to mold or mildew in the system or ductwork. It could also be something more serious like burnt wiring. Either way, it’s best to get it checked out before it turns into a bigger problem.

Pay attention to these signs. They might seem minor, but they can help you catch a problem before it gets worse.

The Importance of Professional Diagnosis

Why DIY Repairs Can Be Risky

Trying to fix your AC on your own might seem like a good idea at first—until it isn’t. One wrong move and you could end up making things worse. Dealing with electrical components by yourself can be downright dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s not just about getting your hands dirty; it’s about knowing what to do when things don’t go as planned.

Tools and Techniques Used by Experts

Professional technicians for HVAC repairs in Chatsworth come equipped with specialized tools and knowledge that make diagnosing AC issues a breeze. They use advanced diagnostic equipment to pinpoint problems quickly and accurately.

Digital Multimeters: For checking electrical connections and components.
Refrigerant Gauges: To measure and adjust refrigerant levels accurately.
Thermal Imaging Cameras: These help spot temperature variations and potential issues within the system.

Understanding the Root Cause of Issues

Experts don’t just fix the symptoms; they dig deeper to find out what’s really causing the problem. This approach ensures that the issue is resolved completely, preventing future breakdowns. They look at the entire system, considering factors like airflow, refrigerant levels, and electrical connections, to understand why your AC isn’t performing as it should.

By hiring a professional for your AC repair in Van Nuys, AC repair in Los Angeles or anywhere near, you ensure that your AC system is diagnosed accurately and repaired efficiently, saving you time, money, and a lot of headaches.

In the end, trusting a professional means peace of mind. You can rest easy knowing your AC is in good hands and will keep your home comfortable for years to come.

Common Hidden Issues in AC Systems

Refrigerant Leaks and Their Impact

Refrigerant leaks are sneaky problems that can severely affect your AC system's performance. You might notice your home isn't as cool as it should be, or your energy bills are climbing. These leaks can also cause environmental harm if not addressed promptly. Regular inspections by a professional can help catch these leaks early, keeping your system running smoothly and your home comfortable.

Electrical Failures and Safety Concerns

Electrical issues in your AC system can lead to more than just inconvenience—they can be dangerous. Loose connections or worn-out components can cause your AC to fail or even pose fire risks. Regular checks of electrical components like capacitors and wiring are crucial. An HVAC technician can ensure everything is secure and functioning correctly, preventing unexpected failures and keeping your home safe.

Ductwork Problems Affecting Efficiency

Ductwork issues often hide in plain sight, leading to inefficiencies that can cost you money. Leaks or blockages in the ducts can restrict airflow, making your AC work harder than it needs to. Ensuring ducts are clear and well-sealed is key to maintaining efficiency and comfort in your home.

Steps in a Comprehensive AC Inspection

Initial Assessment and Problem Identification

Starting off, technicians dive into the basics. They check if your AC unit is getting power and ensure the thermostat is set correctly. Sometimes, the simplest things like a tripped breaker or a clogged filter are the culprits. Once these are ruled out, the technician digs deeper to figure out the root cause of the issue.

Testing Components and Systems

After identifying potential problem areas, technicians perform a series of tests. They meticulously examine every part of your AC system. This includes looking at the compressor, condenser coils, and refrigerant levels. Tools like multimeters and pressure gauges help spot any discrepancies or malfunctions.

Final Checks and Maintenance Recommendations

Once repairs and tests are done, the technician does a final round of checks. This ensures everything is running smoothly. They might suggest some maintenance tips to keep your AC running efficiently. Simple things like cleaning coils or replacing filters can make a big difference.

Regular AC inspections can help identify issues early and improve the efficiency of your system, saving you money in the long run.

Benefits of Timely Air Conditioning Repair

Extending the Lifespan of Your AC Unit

Regular maintenance and repair of your air conditioning system can significantly extend its operational life. When you address issues promptly, you prevent minor problems from escalating into major ones that could lead to system failure. This proactive approach ensures your AC unit serves you efficiently for many years. It's like giving your car regular oil changes; neglect can lead to costly breakdowns.

Improving Energy Efficiency

Timely repairs ensure that your system operates at peak efficiency, reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills. Think of it as keeping your tires properly inflated; it helps your car run more efficiently, saving fuel.

Enhancing Indoor Comfort

When your system is in top shape, it can effectively regulate indoor temperature and humidity levels, creating a pleasant and comfortable living environment.

Staying on top of repairs means avoiding those uncomfortable days when your AC struggles to keep up with the heat, ensuring your home remains a cool oasis. Addressing issues early not only extends the life of your unit but also keeps your energy bills manageable and your indoor environment comfortable.

Choosing the Right Technician for Your AC Needs

Qualities of a Reliable HVAC Technician

Finding the right HVAC technician can make a world of difference in how your AC issues are resolved. A reliable technician should be knowledgeable, punctual, and transparent. They should have a track record of satisfied customers and a knack for diagnosing problems accurately. Look for someone who communicates clearly and is willing to explain the repair process in layman's terms. A good technician will also provide a detailed estimate before starting any work.

Questions to Ask Before Hiring

Before hiring, it’s smart to ask a few key questions:

1. Experience and Training: How long have they been in the HVAC business, and what kind of training have they received?
2. References: Can they provide references from past clients?
3. Pricing and Estimates: Do they offer a written estimate, and are there any hidden fees?

Ensuring Proper Certification and Experience

Always check if the technician is certified and has the necessary licenses to operate in your area. Certification is a sign that they have met industry standards and are committed to ongoing education. Experienced technicians are more likely to diagnose and fix issues efficiently, saving you both time and money.


In the end, spotting hidden issues in your AC system isn't just about having a keen eye; it's about knowing what to look for and when to call in the pros. Expert technicians have the skills and tools to dig deep into your system, uncovering problems that might not be obvious at first glance. Whether it's a weird noise, a sudden spike in your energy bill, or just a feeling that something's off, don't hesitate to reach out for professional help. Regular check-ups and timely repairs can save you a lot of hassle and money down the road. So, keep an eye on your AC, and when in doubt, trust the experts to keep your home cool and comfortable.

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